The first universe

Alternative Realities

The first time they meet is on a subway.

Baekhyun is only 8 years old, still in elementary school.

He sits on the long row of seats, his legs dangling because he is not tall enough to reach the floor yet.

He swings his legs back and forth, staring out the window as he waits for his stop to come.

The subways stops and another boy gets on.

He is tall and slender, and seems to be in high school.

He sits down next to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun can hear the music coming from his earbuds.

He smiles at the small boy next to him, who is staring at him with shiny eyes of delight.

"My name is Chanyeol. Do you want to listen to my music?"

Baekhyun nods eagerly.

He reaches for one of the earbuds, which Chanyeol is holding out with a wide smile.

Chanyeol pulls it out of his reach with a teasing grin.

"Hold on, tell me your name first."

Baekhyun shyly says,"Baekhyun. My name is Byun Baekhyun."

Chanyeol raises an eyebrow. "Should you really be telling your name to stranger? Didn't they teach you something about this in school?"

Baekhyun turns bright red as he realizes that yes, his teacher told him about stranger danger earlier that day.

He pouts angrily. "B-But you asked!" 

Baekhyun stares ahead, looking at nothing as he sulks.

Chanyeol chuckles, a deep and vibrating laugh.

"Hey." He says, waving in front of Baekhyun to catch his attention. "I'm just kidding, but don't do it anymore, okay? It's dangerous."

Baekhyun nods eagerly as he takes the earbud that Chanyeol gives him.

Chanyeol quickly changes the song before Baekhyun's tiny little ears can be defiled, because if Chanyeol remembers correctly, he was listening to some american song that his friend Kris told him about, and it went a little like 'RACK RACK CITY, . RACK RACK RACK CITY, .'

He changes the song to a soothing ballad.

Baekhyun perks up as he recognizes it as the song that his mother likes.

Baekhyun starts to sing along quietly.

Chanyeol smiled approvingly.

"You like DBSK?"

Baekhyun shrugs. "My mommy listens to it a lot. My daddy used to play it for her."

They both stop talking and listen.

After a little while, Chanyeol starts to sing.

"Up there, high in the sky, I want to fly to tell the world I love you."

Baekhyun joins it, his high pitched voice mixing with Chanyeol's deep voice perfectly.

"Deep in the night sky, I will become a star to protect you. You're my love."

Baekhyun sees the familiar sign of his stop and jumps off the seat, handing the earbud to Chanyeol.

"Thank you very much for letting me listen, Chanyeol-sshi!"

Chanyeol laughs."You're making me feel old, Baekhyun. Just call me Chanyeol hyung."

Baekhyun smiles brightly, gives Chanyeol a ninety degree bow and runs off the train.

Chanyeol tousles his hair. "What a cute little kid."

As the song nears to an end, Chanyeol begins to sing along again, but changes the lyrics a little.

"My little prince, everyday I'm going to show you love that I've hid until now. For forever, without a changing heart, I'm going to love you more than myself. You're my love."


A/N: If you look carefully, you'll see references to other universes once I add more chapters, but I decided not to make them directly connect. I hope you like it! Oh, and the song is my little princess by DBSK

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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 5: Nicely done. Looking forward to more.
Chapter 4: Aw this one was so sad:( and I was a little confused about the universes and stuff, but then I got it. And I like them:)
shahirahsutiran #3
Chapter 1: update soon!!!! =p