I'm Sure It's Called Love.

Our Love Will Last Forever

Daehyun's pov

...Yongguk... I think I'm in love. As the kiss went on, I slowly pulled away. When I did, I saw Yongguk's eyes were closed. It made me smile that he enjoyed that kiss. His eyes were still closed after a few seconds. He bit his lower lip and smiled, opening his eyes. I wish I could freeze the time and stare at Yongguk's face forever. 


Yongguk's pov

I closed my eyes after a few seconds of the kiss. It felt amazing. I wanted the kiss to go on forever. He slowly pulled away, making me speechless. I had my eyes closed for a bit after he pulled away. I was thinking about how I fell in love with him, how his lips taste so sweet. I bit my lower lip so I can remind myself how his lips tasted, it made me smile. Oh I want to kiss him again. I opened my eyes and looked deep into his eyes. "Yongguk... uhh.. I dont... I don't know why... um I just uhh got caught up... and.." He was stumbling. His cheecks turned bright red. "It's okay." I said and nodded a few times to reassure him that I was totally fine with it. "If you don't wanna go back home, you can come over to my house. No one really cares anyway." Daehyun asked me, he wanted me to! How could I deny that. "I'd love to. But don't you have school tomorow?" "Yeah It's the first day, wait don't you go to school??" "Uh yeah I do." I told him and he nodded. "It's okay, we can still go to my house." He looked hopeful. "Yeah of course. Kaja! (Let's go)" I was excited to go to his house but kinda scared because it was already around 4. 

Daehyun's pov

I want to get to know Yongguk, better than now. I wanna be his love... This feeling I have right now... I'm pretty sure it's called love. Something that gives strength to people, MY OWN source of happiness! I won't let him live miserably because of others. Yongguk I love you. 

Those were all I was thinking about while walking home with Yongguk. It was a bit awkward at first but it got better when he broke the silnece. "I didn't get to tell you this but uh you sing pretty well!" He looked at me and looked back at the street. I blushed. "Oh haha... Thanks. I mean you too! Your voice is really good too." I scratched the back of my neck. I felt like there was no difference between my face and a tomatoe. "Yaa you don't have to blush." He winked at me. Oh , he saw it. I knew it was too obvious!! Aisshh Daehyun get a hold of yourself. "I find it cute..." I snap out of my thoughts, and look over at him. "What do you find cute?" I asked lowering my voice. "How you blush." He didn't look at me, he just smiled. I guess he knew I was gonna blush even harder.

Yongguk's pov

*At Daehyun's house* 

"So uh I made your bed, it's really late, you should get to sleep. You havem't even gone home since yesterday." Daehyin entered the guest room on the first floor where he told me to wait for him so he can make my bed. "Yaaa I'm fine. You sound like a mom Daehyunieee." I just realized how I did an aegyo for Daehyun. "aahh ahaha. Come on Yongguk. Let's go!" He smiled at how silly I looked. His room was on the second floor so we had to crawl upstairs, because we both were tired. (They weren't actually crawling, just a way to say they were too tired). Daehyun was probably falling asleep in the middle of the stair case because he tripped and almost fell but I caught him. "Yaa!! Are you ok?? Did you get hurt anywhere...??" We made eye contact as I caught him. He looked a bit shocked. His eyes... His lips... Can I kiss him again?

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Chapter 18: Ooooo can u finish the storyyyy
Chapter 5: Lovely story~