School Uniform

Eunji Daehyun Drabbles

Daehyun was sitting on a long sofa waiting for his turn to shoot for uniform CF. He was so tired because the night before he was practicing for LOE with the rest members. But the others seems fine, but Daehyun just feel more tired than the others. He looks around searching for the magnaes to bug them. Usually Zelo and Jongup can ease his tiredness by just teasing them or having a light talk with them, but it turned out that the two were having their turn to be photographed. 

"aishhh... it's so boring" 

"why daehyuna?" asked manager kang all of sudden

"nope hyung. It's just I'm bored right now" 

"just put on your ear phone and listens some music" as he forcefully put one earpiece on Daehyun's ear. Daehyun feel irritated by his manager's jokes. It's not even funny he thought. But that big Manager just run off from Daehyun headed to Yongguk. Daehyun suddenly look excited as he saw his Leader get his make up done by the make up crew. 



"B.A.P will get their first modelling for school uniform CF. Got it? Okay" 

The members of B.A.P get their mouth left hanging after hearing what their CEO announcement. Himchan think its a good opportunity to widen their area in entertainment industry by being a uniform model, since Some of rising Idol Groups always get offered to be school uniform model. But the fact that B.A.P members already on their 20's, except for Jongup and Zelo, bother the leader the most. Yongguk run after his CEO to ask about the CF contract. 

"don't you think my face will suit this kind of concept the most? kids?" 

Zelo shake his head hard heard Himchan asked that over confident question. 

"Yah, look at my face for a second Junhongah! It's the best and suitable feature for uniform CF. I think I can pull this commerciall well. ha ha ha" Himchan said with full confident as checking his face on paractice room's mirrors. 

"Himchan hyung! do you want me to tell you lie or the truth?" Zelo looked at his hyung

"what? what is it about? my appearance? is it the representative of highschooler these days? what do you think Jongupah?" 

"eh?........................................" long paused no answer from jongup. "eh.. what? I didnt get what you were talking about hyung" jongup finally answered Himchan with his face still focused on his game application on his tablet. 

"eyyyhh.. dont play dumb you moon!" 

Jongup giggled as still concentrating on his game. 


Youngjae in the other hand nudging Daehyun who was resting beside him. "Yah, what do you think Yongguk Hyung will look like in school uniform? kkkk" 

"Counceling Teacher? HAHHAAHHAHA" answered Daehyun then the two main vocals cracking on the floor imagining Yongguk in uniform. But then they both suddenly stopped when Yongguk entering back the practice room with darker face. 

"I've tried everything to cancel this Commercial kids, but we still have to do it" he sighed and then sits beside Daehyun. 

"seems like its only Yonggukkie hyung who dont wanna do this, while the other hyung is so happy about it" Youngjae said and points Himchan who is still gussing up in front of the mirror. 

"really?" asked Yongguk 

"I'm fine with it. I think its gonna be fun! I'm bored with my school uniform anyway! ha ha" said the magnae excitedly

"me too" Jongup and Youngjae said almost in same time. then bothe exchanging glances and high-5-ing over their exact same word and timing. 

"well me? i don't know if I'm okay or not before you tell me what brand we'll be modeled for?" said Daehyun

"oh .. the brand is ..skool-- something" 


"yeaa.. i think that. yes it's skoolooks. why are you suddenly shouting?" Yongguk stared at Daehyun weirdly

"I wasn't axcited before.. but now... the situation changed" Daehyun finished his line by showing his ipad to the other members showing a picture of girl group modeled for Skoolooks before. 

















"whoaaa" almost every members shouted cheerfully 

"I'm DOIING THIS!" shouted Youngjae, then he high5-ed with Daehyun for no reason. Leader's face is brighter than before after seeing what's waiting for them. 




Hai haiiii~~~!!!! I fally posted something here *~* 

sorry for taking too long to put on something. Its another short story. I write this because i cant get more excited abt ALL THESE BAPINK SHIP IS SAILING IDK WHAT I'M TALKING ABT NOWWW!!! AAAAAA!! screams with meeee! HAHAHA 

anyway! I think this story will not end here. we still dont know what will happen when the photoshoot started and the groups meet >~< huhuhu 

tell me what do you think? and which couple you want to see on the next story ((except daeji ofc)) ^~^ 
give me your words!! ^^

I will update soon after reading your couple reccomendation♡ ^^

Have a good DAY ahead! ^~^ and thanks for stop by at my story!!!

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Chapter 3: Ok, the last one is the cutest. Hhahaha
Chapter 3: /squeals/ this is soooooooo cute~
Chapter 1: So cute~~~^^
please update soon author-nim.. i have been waiting
Chapter 3: I hope you start update again ._.
Chapter 3: awww cute kkk
soowon_lover #7
Chapter 3: very cute chapter x3
soowon_lover #8
Chapter 2:
OMG you you x3
my DaeJi feels <333
btw, i have something you might like it
soowon_lover #9
Chapter 1: please, update soon
Chapter 1: This is so cute~~~~~~~~~~~><