Transfer?!?! Andwae!

It's Your Fault . . .

JaeRin POV-

It was just another normal school day for you. Going to school and coming back from school. But for your mother, it was quite the opposite. Go to school and find your way back alone.

Your alarm clock beeped for 7:32am, always a late time since you hardly needed to do anything in class but CLASS: Come Late And Start Sleeping right? You lazilly got out of bed and dragged yourself into the bathroom that was connected to your room to clean yourself and get dressed in your uniforms for school. After you finished putting on your clothings, you silently made your way to the dining room where you saw your parents already along the table eating.

"Why aren't you at school yet, JaeRin?", your father shrugged while still flipping through the news papers.

"I didn't feel like going today since class is boring in the morning." you retorted back to your father, but in a polite way. Besides, it's not like the teachers actually care if i do anything.

While you ate your breakfast quietly, your mother soon broked the silence at the table with an unexpecting message to you. . . 

"We're transferring you to Pledis Industrial High School today, JaeRin."

You slightly choked on your orange juice and shot your mother who was sitting in front of you a look. "Waeyo? My grades at school are more than excellent already, and you want to transfer me?!"

"Watch your tempo young lady." Your father scolded.

"But father--!"

"You will do as we say, or we'll cut off all your connections to your friends and lock you inside without any contacts." Your mother told you in a speedy and threatening way. She was a bossy lady who always keeps her word and does whatever she wants. Even though she had a motherly look in here, she also had a personallity that not even you or your father coul put up with.

You went silent after hearing her words, you knew she wasn't joking around. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Good. We already told and informed your school to help send your resume to your new school, so no need to even worry about your grades."

You silently ate your food before calling your older friend Sunari, to pick you up. 



JR calmly got dressed in his uniforms while listening to one of his on his ipod that was connected to his loud speakers on his desk at full blast. While fixing his hair in the mirror, JR heard a honk at the gates outside his house. He knew it was Aron outside waiting for him. Aish~ really this guy. JR then finished and grabbed his bags and turned off his ipod bfore heading down the stairs and out th door.

"Yah, why the cold look for?" Aron laughed a seeing JR's usual cold look.

"This is how i look." JR said in an annoyed way, while entering Aron's passenger seat and blasting the stereo at full blast once again.

Aron made a quick glance over at JR's face before looking back and finally hitting the road. Well someone's obviously in a bad mood this morning.


Normal POV-

When Sunari and JaeRin reached the front entrance gate to PIH, Sunari then looked over at JaeRin, "So, this is your new school huh?" Sunari questioned while JaeRin was busy getting out of the car with PIH students looking over at them and gossiping.

"It's not like everyday you see a big school, unni." JaeRin told Sunari. Sunari came from the states 2 years ago and to add something else, her real name isn't even Sunari, it was SooRi. She just finds it more amusing and dramatic when she uses her English name instead.

Before they even got to say there good byes to each othr there was a honk behind Sunari's car. JaeRin turned her head to face the car behind, while Sunari looked at her rear mirror at the side before getting out of her car.

"I'll get going now then." JaeRin quickly stated as she turned around and starting walking through the entrance, leaving Sunari to handle the crisis.

Aron and JR on the other hand, was trying to get into the school's parking lot, but was blocked by a car that for sure did not belong to one of the students at PIH. 

"What is this now?" Aron mumbled, as JR jus got out of the car and walked towards the entrance with an annoyed look to meet up with Nu'est.

Aron & Sunari POV-

Aron then also got out of his car and walkede towards Sunari, who was leaning against her car in her school uniforms. "You're not from around here, are you?" Aron asked noticing that her uniforms were a different design than PIH's. 

"Well, YOU obviously have a sharp eye at seeing. but i wonder how you didn't manage to go around my car instead of honking that horn of yours?" Sunari said back to Aron avoiding any eye contacts and lookeed around instead.

"Well, there's a rule that students AREN'T allowed to park their cars in front of the school campus. And as the son of the school director, i advise--" Aron said back Defending his gentlemen's pride, but was cut off by Sunari.

"Well that only goes for you Pledis students since I'M not a student. So, i don't have to follow the school rules around here." Sunari told back at Aron, knowing that she was winning over this situation.

Aron was about to lose his temper but hid it back inside. No Aron, she's a girl only. "You- What school are you--?"

Before Aron could even finish his sentence Sunari had already shoved a small card into Aron's jacket before entering back into her car and speeding off.

Aron took out the small card to look at, Seoul Arts High School, Co-Director : Kang Soo Ri ? Sighing Aron got back into his car and drove into the school's parking lot.

JaeRin POV-

You were walking through the hallway looking for the Office. Many students were looking at you and murmuring things you couldn't really hear well. Why's everyone looking at me? As soon as you were about to enter the office, every student began to some how scowled to the side while staring at you wierdly as you stood in the middle of the hallway.

"You're in my way. Move."

You heard a guys voice say from behind, you trned around to see 4 boys around your age and a . . . blond girl? 

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I really hope that i'll get quite some viewers, since i already got 13 viewers in just half a day that i started this story. ^^


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