Son Naeun's reminder

Only Learned the Bad Things


Minhye humming a song happily after Jinyoung called her and asked her on a date. She went to her closet and search for the right clothes on what to wear. She took out a layered sleeveless top and a white skinny jean. She changed into the clothes then she went to the mirror. Satisfied with herself she grabbed her bag and went downstairs. She wore her heels and waited outside for Jinyoung to fetch her. 


Jinyoung came with his motorcycle. He opened his helmet and smile at her. Minhye smiled back and went to his motorcycle. He gave her the helmet and Minhye hopped on the motorcycle.

“Hold on tight.” Jinyoung said. Minhye wrapped her arm on Jinyoung waist and he drove off. After 15 minutes they arrived at the mall. After parking his motorcycle, they hopped off the bike and went inside the mall. They walked side by side. “Where do you want to go first?” Jinyoung asked Minhye. Minhye tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Hmm… let’s go eat first. I’m hungry.” Minhye whined. Jinyoung chuckled and hold her hand.

“Okay… let’s go eat.” Jinyoung said and led the way. They went to a fast food place. Minhye grabbed a seat while Jinyoung went to the counter to order foods. Minhye checked her phone for any message or missed calls from her friends or her brother. She closed her phone when she heard footsteps coming to the table. She looked up and smile at Jinyoung who was bringing a tray of foods. He put it on the table.

“I bought your favourite cheese burger.” Jinyoung said. “Thanks oppa.” Minhye said. Jinyoung opened the can and poured the drink into a glass. Thinking it was for her Minhye reached for it but Jinyoung took the glass and drink it himself. Minhye shoulders deflated “Ahh… so refreshing. Aren’t you going to drink?” Jinyoung asked innocently. Minhye gave a mild smile and open the other can and poured the drink for herself.

After eating they walked around the mall. They went into a clothes shop and look through the shop. Jinyoung and Minhye looked through the girls clothes. Jinyoung held out a pink shirt to Minhye. She smiled and asked for Jinyoung opinion. Jinyoung nodded with a smile. Minhye smiled and looked at the other clothes. Jinyoung looked around waiting for his girlfriend to find another clothes.

Minhye turned around but Jinyoung was not there anymore. “Jinyoung oppa?” Minhye called but couldn’t find him in the shop. She stopped when she saw Jinyoung out from the fixing room. He was wearing new clothes. He looked himself in the mirror and fixed his hair. Minhye pouted, “He got me worried for nothing.” She thought to herself.

After buying some clothes they just walked around the mall while pointing at some interesting things. Suddenly Jinyoung got a message from one of his friends. He took out his phone and read it. His face lit up. “Minhye do you want to watch me and my friends play football?” Jinyoung asked Minhye. Minhye thought for a while and then nodded her head. They walked out from the mall and hopped onto the motorcycle. They went to the field where B1A4 were waiting for them.

They walked to the field. Jinyoung went to his friends and you smiled at them. “Hi noona.” Gongchan smiled at Minhye. “Hi Channie.” Minhye smiled back. They all talked some more and then they wanted to start playing. “Minhye go sit at the bleachers with the others.” Jinyoung said to Minhye. She nodded and went to the bleachers. But something that she saw made her felt uneasy… more like someone. Son Naeun. Minhye sat on the bleachers alone. A Pink whispered to each other. Naeun smirked and walked to Minhye and sat beside her.

“Hello Minhye.” Naeun said. Minhye looked to the side and gave her a small smile. “Hi Naeun-ssi.” Naeun turned her head back to the field and Minhye did the same. “Jinyoung oppa is hot… huh?” Naeun suddenly said. Minhye froze a little but nodded and said in a low voice, “Hmm….” She started to felt uneasy. “So hot that I want to make him mine.” Naeun said. Minhye’s eyes widened and she looked at Naeun. She just smiled while watching Jinyoung played football. “A kingka and a queenka. That would make a really cute couple.” Naeun said again.

Minhye stood up irritated and glared at Minhye. “What are you trying to say Son Naeun?” Minhye said in a low voice. Naeun stood up slowly and turned to Minhye with a smile. “Just saying. I like him A LOT. So you’re better watch out.” Naeun smirked and walked to her friends.

Minhye eyes started to well up. She looked at Jinyoung who playfully shoved Baro out of the way. “Oppa loves me… he will never leave me… right?”

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Sounds really interesting! Gained a new reader here~
Chapter 3: Ehem. 'place' and the 'thing' That's gonna hurt xD
Chapter 2: Waaaaaahhh, I'm currently reading this and aww, Naeunie :3 Her eyes twinkled :) Men. I'm Lovin' It ;)
ZeeAyZeeOh #4
what happened to zico? O_o I NEED TO KNOW YOU KNOW?
MrsKpopForLife #5
Literally, CRIED!! :'(<br />
Sequel yes :D
baekhoney #7
yay! myungsoo ;D<br />
cant wait for the sequel! ;D
I love you!!!!<br />
I love L!!!!!!<br />
I love Jinyoung!!!!!<br />
Can't wait!!!!!!
mrswoojiho #9