
Battle of The Richest

Double update!! Please go back and read chapter 3 if you haven't already!!! ^_^

(Daehyun’s POV)


His reaction was not what I had expected. How could he just be so calm about what I did to him? Why didn’t he tell the teacher I was the one who did it? Why didn’t he run out of the room crying like he should have?

“Why am I still thinking about him?” I mumbled quietly to myself.

Just then I heard the bell ring as a sign that our class was over. I barely paid any attention to it until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I glanced up to see Himchan’s cat like eyes staring at me with concern.

“Are you okay? You seemed pretty distant today. Do you want me to come to your dorm today?” He asked me in a concerned voice.

“Thanks but I’ll be fine. I just need some rest. I think I’m just too tired is all. I’ll see you tomorrow. Just text me later or something.” I mumbled as I stood up from my seat.

Himchan frowned at me but didn’t say anything else. He simply stepped off to the side so that I could walk past him.



My dorm room was empty. No sign of Youngjae was present. I sighed in relief at that and collapsed on my bed.

I heard the door open and looked over to find Youngjae walking happily through it.

“Oh good. You’re here. I think we should start thinking of ideas for our project.” He said excitedly.

I just rolled my eyes at him before I commented, “no.”

Youngjae’s face fell a little before he spoke again, “why not?”

“Because I’m going out, and nobody likes an overachiever.” I replied hastily.

He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it.

I smirked at him before I hopped off my bed.

I walked over to my closet and quickly began to take off my school uniform.

“W-what are you doing?” Youngjae stammered.

I turned around to face him and saw him blushing red.

“I’m getting dressed. What’s it look like I’m doing?” I said in a mocking tone.

“Can’t you change in the bathroom?” Youngjae asked as he covered his eyes with his hands like a child.

“No. my clothes are in here. Not in the bathroom. Besides we’re both guys so I don’t see what the big deal is.” I shrugged as I slipped a plain black sleeveless shirt over my head.

I quickly pulled my black skinny jeans and combat boots on. I threw on my black leather jacket and stared at my mirror giving myself a nod of approval.

“Are you finished yet?” Youngjae asked as he slowly pulled his hands away from his face.

I just shook my head at his innocent behavior.

“Where are you going anyway?” He asked curiously.

“Somewhere you’re not.” I commented.

“Okay. Have fun then. We can work on the project later.” He chirped.

“You’re annoying.” I stated flatly.

With that I walked out the door leaving a somewhat puzzled Youngjae behind.



Jieun opened the door to her dorm in surprise. She was dressed in a tight black mini dress and black heels. She looked like she was heading to a club.

“Daehyun, what are you doing here?” She asked in a surprised tone.

“Going somewhere?” I questioned.

“I’m going out to this new club with my friends. I think Sunhwa is taking that Youngjae guy with her so I’m going to keep an eye on them.” She replied carelessly.

“Good. I’m going too then.” I mumbled as I gently grabbed her hand.

“Fine but you’re buying our drinks tonight. Don’t even think about buying the cheap ones either.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

“Fine by me. Let’s just go now.” I said harshly.

“Okay. No need to get all feisty with me. That attitude of yours better be fixed by the time we reach the club though. I don’t want to have to tell your parents about your bad behavior.” She smirked.

I just rolled my eyes at her and mentally groaned. She slid her manicured hand into mine and pecked me on the cheek before we left her room.



The sky was pitch black and the moon shone down on the city sidewalk. The streetlights were the only lights that lit our way to the club.

As we approached the club a long line of people stood outside it. A buff man with the word “Staff” was written in big white letters on his back. I guessed he was the bouncer.

“I’m so glad we don’t have to wait in that joke of a line. None of them will ever get in. They aren’t nearly as wealthy as us.” Jieun laughed wickedly as we walked up to the bouncer.

“Don’t talk bad about them. It’s not nice.” I mumbled.

Jieun glared at me before she harshly whispered to me, “don’t tell me what to do. We will always be better than them. They are nothing but the scum of the Earth to us. You shouldn’t care about those people. All of them need to learn their place in this world. Talk back to me again and I’ll tell your parents about your horrible behavior towards me.”

Her words silenced me and I could see her smirk at her victory. I was nothing more than a pawn to her. A simple toy that she could toss away once she was finished with me. It was obvious that her family wanted to seize control of my family’s company. That’s why we were being forced to get married one day.

It’s a shame my parents can’t see how horrible they really are. If they knew the truth about them then I would be free.

“Nice to see you again, Miss Jieun. Who’s this young man that’s with you?” The bouncer asked as he nodded in my direction.

“This is Jung Daehyun. He’s my fiancé.” Jieun said sweetly as she snuggled up closer to me.

“Really now? Well you both are welcome in here anytime. Enjoy yourselves.” The bouncer said as he opened the door to let us inside.

We walked into a large darkened room where the music was booming. Strobe lights of different colors were flashing all around us and in the corner of the room was a bar.

“I think I saw my friends over by the bar. Come or don’t come. I really don’t care. Just don’t make a scene tonight.” Jieun hissed in my ear before she hastily walked off.

“You shouldn’t let her push you around like that.” I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

I turned around to find myself face to face with a worried Youngjae. I scanned him up and down. This Youngjae looked entirely different from the one I had seen just hours ago.

His hair was now a solid charcoal black color. He wore a loose white sweatshirt, black skinny jeans that had a pair of silver zippers on his upper thighs, and solid white high-tops. He wore a solid black snapback that had the word “Obey” scrawled across the front of it in white letters. He had silver studded earrings in and he slowly his naturally pouty colored lips. A thin layer of eyeliner made his doe like eyes appear much larger as he continued to stare at me.

“You don’t know me so don’t act like a hero to me.” I hissed at him.

“I’m just concerned about you. I want to help if I can.” He spoke softly.

“Don’t. Don’t get involved in things you don’t understand.” I replied as I crossed my arms.

Youngjae tried to gently grab my arm but I roughly shook him off.

“Don’t.” I said harshly as I walked away from him.


My heart was pounding wildly in my chest as I made my way over to the bar. Not even alcohol could solve my problems right now.

Jieun was sitting by the bar obviously flirting with some random guy. I just shook my head in annoyance at her as I sat down on an empty barstool.

“What’ll it be?” A guy with red hair asked.

“Jung Daehyun. Is that you?” The male asked as he looked closer at me.

I looked closely at him before a familiar name popped into my head, “Bang Yongguk right?”

Yongguk flashed me a quick gummy smile before he nodded to me.

“You work here? Why? Doesn’t your family own some publishing company in America?” I asked curiously.

“They do. I just work here to keep myself busy. I want to be able to make my own money. I don’t want to live in the shadow of my parents.” He shrugged.

“Your parents let you work here?”

“Of course. My parents are very supportive of what my brother and I want to do. Even though we don’t see them very often they still support us as much as they can.” He replied indifferently.

“So where is your brother then? Is he here?” I asked as I looked around for any signs of the giant baby faced kid.

Yongguk shook his head at me before he spoke, “nope. He’s over at the skatepark teaching that Jongup guy some new moves.”

I hummed in response as I spotted Himchan heading my way. He was dressed in tight designer clothes and he wore a playful smirk on his face.

“There’s my best friend. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Himchan said as he slung an arm over my shoulder.

“Well you found me.” I replied.

Himchan pouted a little as he looked over at Yongguk.

“So we meet again, Yongguk. How are you tonight?” Himchan asked sweetly as he leaned forward against the bar counter.

“I’m good. Work is kind of slow tonight.” Yongguk shrugged.

“Mind making us some drinks then?” Himchan cooed.

“Not at all. What would you like?” He asked.

“Surprise me.” Himchan chuckled.

Yongguk laughed at him before he started grabbing bottles and pouring them into glasses.

He slid a glass full of an orange drink to Himchan.

“It’s a Fuzzy Navel. It’s sweet tasting.” Yongguk explained.

Himchan took a careful sip of it before he slowly started to chug it.

Yongguk whipped me up a drink soon after. It was a solid blue liquid and looked tropical.

I grabbed the drink and downed it quickly. It left a sweet taste in my mouth as it slowly burned my throat.

“That was good. Whatever it was.” I said as I placed the glass back on the counter.

“That’s a Blue Hawaiian. It’s quite popular among tourists here. Careful though, too many of those and you’ll be out like a light.” Yongguk warned me.

I just shrugged off his concern and looked over at where Jieun was sitting. She had her tongue down some guys throat and his hands were trailing up and down her slim waist.

I grabbed Himchan’s drink from his hand earning a groan from him. I downed his drink and headed off to the dance floor.



My head was pounding along with the music as I made my way to the dance floor.

I spotted Youngjae and Sunhwa shamelessly dancing with each other and I rolled my eyes at them in pure disgust. They looked so happy dancing together.

Youngjae had his hands on Sunhwa’s waist and she had her arms wrapped loosely around his neck.

I strolled up to them and Youngjae looked at me worriedly.

“Sunhwa. Can you give us a minute? I think you should check on Jieun to make sure she’s okay.” Youngjae mumbled to her.

“Okay. Be safe, Youngjae.” She breathed as she walked off and left us alone.

“Are you okay?” He asked me.

“I don’t know. You say you can help me. So help me then. I just want to forget if only for a little while.” I murmured.

I watched Youngjae tense up as I inched closer to him. I gently his face as I slowly ran my thumb over his bottom lip.

“Help me forget. Even if it’s just for tonight. Please. I just want to forget.” I pleaded with him.

He closed his eyes before he slowly opened them and nodded to me.

I exhaled slowly before our lips met in the lightest of touches. Youngjae moved his lips in uncertainty and an inexperienced manner. I fisted his shirt and pulled him closer to me. Our lips soon began to move as one. I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or not but something unfamiliar stirred inside of me. An enormous amount of butterflies floated through my stomach.

I ignored the remarks people made around us and focused solely on now. Kissing Jieun didn’t give me any satisfaction. I felt nothing when I kissed her, but standing here kissing Youngjae made me feel something for the very first time, and this foreign feeling scared me.

Little did I know that this was just the start of our very dysfunctional relationship.

A/N: This is a double update!! This is just the start of the DaeJae dysfunctional relationship. Kind of like a love hate relationship in a way. Things will definitely heat up soon. Comments and subscribers are very welcome here. Thanks to those of you that have already read, commented, subscribed, and voted up this story. I appreciate all of the support. Thank you all so much!! ^_^

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Chapter 23: OKAY!! So I read this all in one day....It's was so good!!!! I really enjoyed it! ^_^ It was just as I expected from you....now I'm going to be sitting here thinking about this awesome story for the rest of the day!


(P.s. OMG! UNEXPECTED LOVE WAS ONLY MEANT TO BE A ONESHOT?!?! I'm so glad it turned out to be something bigger :3 ....much bigger XD )
Author-niiiiiim~ ^^ may i ask if this fanfic is completed yet? ^____^
Is this story finished or not? :o
I wanna read it but i have to know if its finisheeed ○(>^<)○
Chapter 23: thanks for this awesome story authorshi!!!
Chapter 23: this was AWESOME!!! =] loving it!!
Chapter 23: They belong to the b.a.p~^^
Thanks for the story~
Xcitd for last chapter...
Chapter 23: woahhh they've joined B.A.P alrd!!! yes~they belong there :D tk u~
Chapter 22: im glad their parents approve them :) *wow thats easy* how did they even know the 2 were in love anw?its kinda odd theyr all so calm when theres an attack at the wedding & everyth was ruined,but oh well...that can be explained.cheer for Daejae~
Chapter 22: I love the part 2 of the wedding~^^
They finally together~
Chapter 22: ahhhh awwwww =] maan I was all worried about the parents being against it when in tow it was Jieun's fault for causing all the doubt... yessss =]


DaeJae =]