Battle of The Richest

I sat in the auditorium along with all of the other students. Yongguk sat on my right and Sunhwa on my left.

We were packed in the room like a can of sardines as we waited for the Dean to step on the stage.

Sunhwa threaded our fingers together and I just smiled weakly at her.

My thoughts drifted off to Daehyun and what he last said to me.

He told me not to fall in love with him.

Such a simple request with an unpredictable outcome.

In truth we had a dysfunctional relationship.

Were we friends or were we more than that?

My head hurts just trying to come up with an answer for it.

“Do you think something is wrong?” Sunhwa leaned in to me and whispered.

“I don’t think so. I hope they come soon though.” I mumbled.

Sunhwa just nodded to me before she leaned back in her seat.

I watched with curious eyes as Daehyun and the Dean stepped on stage.

They seemed to be having a deep conversation before Daehyun walked off the stage and took a seat in the very front row.

My heart skipped a beat when Daehyun and I locked eyes in the crowd. He gave me a gentle smile before he turned his attention to our Dean.

“I’ve called you all here today to discuss the Class Wars for this year. I know rumors have been floating around the school as to what will be happening this year, and I would like to say that the rumors you’ve heard about are in fact true.” Kang stated into the microphone.

There were some gasps and hushed whispers floating around the room as I leaned back in my seat.

“Settle down now. The War will take place based on what grade you are in like always. The only change for this year is the Captains. The class Captains will be determined by the students with the highest grades. So for instance, if four seniors hold the highest grades then they will be the class Captains for each grade level. Class Captains will be determined by tomorrow afternoon. If you are called to the office from now until tomorrow afternoon then know that we have selected you as a class Captain. Once a Captain is chosen you will be given a list of obligations that you must fulfill in order to win this year’s prize. Instead of money as a prize this year we have decided to award the winning class with an all-expense paid trip to Udo Island for a week. All classes for that week will be cancelled for the winning team and based on how well you do you may be allowed to bring one guest with you. The winning class will be leaving for their trip the following day after the dance is over. The dance will be held in our ballroom this year as always and you are allowed to bring only one guest. Please fill out a form and hand it to me if you wish to bring someone outside of this school to our dance. If you have any questions then feel free to speak to me in my office. Thank you for your time.” Kang informed us before he quietly stepped off stage.



When I walked back into my dorm room I found Daehyun sitting at the study desk writing something down.

I made quiet movements towards him before I carefully wrapped my arms around him.

He tensed up at my touch before he quickly relaxed.

“It’s not nice to sneak up on others.” He said quietly as he continued to write.

“Sorry. What are you writing anyways?” I asked as I looked over the piece of paper.

“Lyrics. For our project in music class.” He replied.

“Can I take a look at it?” I asked.

He stopped writing and handed me the paper. I took it eagerly and paced back and forth across the room reading it carefully.

“Is this what you really feel?” I asked as I peeked up from the paper.

“Sometimes. I just don’t know what I feel anymore.” He said softly.

I sat the paper down on the study desk and walked over to Daehyun.

I cupped his face and looked him in the eyes, “lie to me. Just lie to me.”

“I don’t love you.” He said quietly.

“This reminds me of an English song I once heard.” I mumbled.

“Will you sing it to me then, please?” Daehyun asked as he looked straight into my eyes.

“Okay but it’s not a happy song.” I warned him.

“I don’t care. I just want to hear you sing it to me.” Daehyun whispered as he shook his head.

I smiled to him and nodded as I brushed his hair out of his face. I sighed and opened my mouth to sing the words that had been on my mind.

Say it, though you're looking down and to the left, now

Say it, like someone who really means it

Do it, 'cause if you grow a conscience, now

We fall down

Smiling, like there's nothing wrong

You're good at smiling, so keep it plastered on

Until the morning, 'cause if you shift to genuine

Then we'll fall out

We fall out

And we fall down

Don't say it's all for the better

Oh, I need you to lie, to lie to me

I'll stand for the greatest pretender

I know you won't die for me

But say you will

Just lie to me, to me

So kiss me and tell me I'm the one

There's no other, no other one you want

Baby, kiss me, make sure you close your eyes

Or we fall down

Yes, we fall down

Don't say it's all for the better

Oh, I need you to lie, to lie to me

I'll stand for the greatest pretender

I know you won't die for me

But say you will

Just lie to me, to me

Now I can see, you bite your lip when you look at me

One word, you say, and everything has given you away

Let's close our eyes, and say the truth for one more night

Or I fall down,

Or I fall down

Don't say it's all for the better

I need you to lie, to lie to me

I'll stand for the greatest pretender

I know you won't die for me

Don't say it's all for the better

Oh, I need you to lie, to lie to me


I'll stand for the greatest pretender

I know you won't die for me

But say you will

Just lie to me, to me


Don't say it's all for the better

Oh, I need you to lie, to lie to me

I'll stand for the greatest pretender

I know you won't die for me

Daehyun sighed and closed his eyes before he opened them again.

“Thank you.” He whispered to me.

“For what?” I asked.

“For telling me how you feel. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you.” Daehyun said as he hung his head in shame.

“Dae, you’re not the one.” I said as I gently cupped his face and made him look at me.

“Just lie to me. That’s all I ask of you.” Daehyun mumbled as his eyes were glassy.

“This is for the better.” I replied.

“Tell me another lie.” He pleaded.

“I won’t die for you.” I said in a hushed voice as I shook my head.

“Another. Tell me another.” He begged.

“I don’t love you.” I stated.

A single tear rolled down Daehyun’s cheek as he continued to look at me.

I closed my eyes as our lips met on instinct. His mouth tasted like sweet peppermint as I wrapped my arms around him.

I clung to him as if my life depended on it. Our lips moved in a hasty manner as if this was the last time we would be together like this.

Daehyun pulled away from me and looked at me before he spoke softly, “stay with me. I need you in my life. I can’t go on without you.”

“Tell me another lie.” I smiled at him.

He smiled back at me before he captured my lips once again.

Just lie to me, Daehyun.

A/N: I feel like I just wrote some drama musical. Phew! This was quite an emotional chapter. The song that Youngjae sings in here is called "Lie To Me" by The Wanted. Things will get more complicated now. Comments and subscribers are welcome here. Thanks to those of you that have already commented, subscribed, and voted up this story. I appreciate all of the love and support you all have given me. Thanks! ^_^

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Chapter 23: OKAY!! So I read this all in one day....It's was so good!!!! I really enjoyed it! ^_^ It was just as I expected from you....now I'm going to be sitting here thinking about this awesome story for the rest of the day!


(P.s. OMG! UNEXPECTED LOVE WAS ONLY MEANT TO BE A ONESHOT?!?! I'm so glad it turned out to be something bigger :3 ....much bigger XD )
Author-niiiiiim~ ^^ may i ask if this fanfic is completed yet? ^____^
Is this story finished or not? :o
I wanna read it but i have to know if its finisheeed ○(>^<)○
Chapter 23: thanks for this awesome story authorshi!!!
Chapter 23: this was AWESOME!!! =] loving it!!
Chapter 23: They belong to the b.a.p~^^
Thanks for the story~
Xcitd for last chapter...
Chapter 23: woahhh they've joined B.A.P alrd!!! yes~they belong there :D tk u~
Chapter 22: im glad their parents approve them :) *wow thats easy* how did they even know the 2 were in love anw?its kinda odd theyr all so calm when theres an attack at the wedding & everyth was ruined,but oh well...that can be explained.cheer for Daejae~
Chapter 22: I love the part 2 of the wedding~^^
They finally together~
Chapter 22: ahhhh awwwww =] maan I was all worried about the parents being against it when in tow it was Jieun's fault for causing all the doubt... yessss =]


DaeJae =]