
The Cliché Love Story


          Soojin was walking toward her club meeting when she heard music coming from the dance studio. She was about to start walking when she remembered something. Sehun! As a devoted stalker, Soojin knew all about Sehun; including his club which is the dance club.


          As she didn’t get to see him all day, she decided to take a peek; and she glad she did it. There he was- looking flawlessly handsome even though he was drenching in sweat. His moves were sharp but graceful at the same time. Her view suddenly changed from Sehun to an annoying black shirt.


          “Aish, scoot over,” she curses; still trying to get a glimpse of Sehun.




          Uh-oh. Her eyes were looking straight into the eyes of Kim Jongin or Kai, the school’s dancing machine. And based on her observation, Sehun's best friend too.


          “Hi. Goodbye,” Soojin sprinted away from the studio; knocking her own head to a wall in the process.


          ‘Ouch! ’ Soojin quickly recomposed and the go straight to the library for her club meeting. She mentally knocked her head and cursed herself for being such an idiot. She stopped in her track when a thought hit her. Why was my heart beating so fast? Aha! Must be because of Sehun! She shook her head and shooed the thought away.





          “Taerin-ah! Did you see Baekhyun today?” Taehee’s voice boomed from the other side of the house as soon as Taerin entered the house. Being the lazy she is, she didn’t even bother to attend her club meeting.


          “No. Why?” Taerin shouted back as she put her shoes in the shoe closet. She started making her way towards where he sister was- definitely the kitchen. Born as the eldest, Cha Taehee spent most of her time in the kitchen, trying new recipes. But it doesn't mean that she's a good cook though, probably just a decent one, Taerin ranked.


          “What’re you cooking?” Taerin leaned to the counter, trying to peek what’s in the pot but Taehee quickly cover it and pushed Taerin away with her bony .


          “Yah, that’s hurt, bony!” Taerin said as she massaged her hips. Taehee just stuck out her tongue at her statement. Taerin always make fun of her sister's skinny body, there was barely fat at her body.


          “I’m cooking this for Baekhyun,” Taehee said making Taerin to raise her eyebrow.


          “What for? I don't think there's any occassion, though” Taerin asked; thinking if his birthday is near.


        “Must there be a reason?” Taehee stopped cooking and looked at Taerin.


        “Umm, when it comes to you? Yes. Now tell me,”


        “Fine. I just find him handsome-” Taerin made a puke face “-what?” Taehee widen her eyes.


          “Nothing, just continue cooking,” Taerin waved it away and continue her walk to her bedroom.





          Hani clucked her tongue as she typed the last sentence of the meeting’s report. She saved it and quickly printed them and put them safely inside a file. Done! She massaged her neck; after almost two hours facing the computer without moving, her body was aching every where.


          “You again?” Jongdae’s voice startled her to death. Hani glared at him.


        “I think I’m the one who should say that,” she replied before a thought hit her. “Why are you here anyway? I think your job already done like… three hours ago?”


          Jongdae smirked. “Yeah, I stayed back so I can accompany you home,” Hani felt her heartbeat stopped and blood quickly rushed to her cheeks. She coughed and looked anywhere but him.


          “What? Are you blushing now?” Hani could hear the smirk in his voice. She steadied herself and took a deep breath. She looked up, staring right into his eyes.


          “Tsk. Why should I? You’re no one,” It’s Hani’s turn to return the smirk. For a moment, they were enveloped in a killing silence.


        “Really? I’m no one? So would you make me your someone then?” Somehow Hani could hear the sincerity in his voice. But her point was proven a false alarm as Jongdae just had to ruin it.


          “Tch, kidding,” and he left. Well, not literally since he’s the one who walked her home.






          “Ahh.. I’m hungry~” Soojin mumbled under her breath as the four of them were making their way to the cafeteria. Automatically, three pairs of eyes stared at her as if she was a three-headed monster or something. Soojin grinned sheepishly already knowing the meaning of the looks. “Fine, I’m always hungry!”


          Already in front of the line, Soojin bought her usual lunch but then for once another thing distracted her from her food. There Jongin was, walking charmingly into the cafeteria. Suddenly all Soojin could see was Jongin’s perfect figure. Well, she shouldn’t though, because trouble was coming.


          “Ouch! What the hell, dude!” She glared as sharp as she could towards the culprit- Oh Sehun. He just rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue. With that, he accidentally bumped into her shoulder to go to the front of the line. Soojin growled under her breath and made her way towards her friends. The other girls were staring wide-eyed at her.


          “What? What happened?” Soojin put on her poker face as if nothing had happened.


        “Seriously? Did you realize who did you bumped into?” Taerin asked, her left eyebrow raised.


        “Yeah, Sehun. Why?” Soojin asked back.


          “So I can conclude that you’ve gotten over him,” Taerin stated and Soojin nodded.


          “Thought so when you said you like him like when? Three days ago?” Heera said sarcastically.


        “Nope. It’s four days ago,” Soojin stated as a matter of fact causing her friends to clucked their tongue at her.


          “Pfft. Like that brings any difference. So, who’s the new guy?” Taerin waved Soojin’s statement away and quickly asked.


          “Heh. It’s a secret,” Soojin wriggled her eyebrows and grinned mischievously.


          “Tsk. Let’s just hope this is your last crush then,” Hani stated as if it is the most normal thing on earth. Taerin and Heera both shook their heads knowing it is impossible.


          “Hey, let’s go to the mall this evening. It’s been ages since we last spent our time together,” Soojin suggested.


          “You guys go but I can’t. I have to attend the basketball practice,” Heera who was silent the whole time suddenly spoke something so shocking causing others to jump.




          “Yeah. Because now in front of you guys is the new assistant manager of the senior basketball team,” Heera announced smugly with a grin on her face. Automatically, the others’ jaws dropped. The responses were fast and what Heera had expected.

“You’re so lucky! You’ll get to see Chanyeol almost every day!” Definitely Soojin

“All the best then, I just going to pray that you’re not going to faint or do anything embarrassing when Chanyeol’s there.” It is so Taerin

“Hmm, I don’t have anything to say. It’s what you wanted, right?” As always, Hani


          Heera just sighed, anticipating for what’s in for her today.



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Chapter 1: This is cute