Chapter 2

Just Friends

The bell rang and the last class of the day was finally over and I couldn't be any happier. The last class was art, so it was pretty calm the whole class out. I was bored since Key decided not to talk to me. Or more like... he was too busy drawing so he didn't even hear me...

”Are you sure you still wanna go to the beach? It's pretty late and it's pretty cool outside now anyway?”, I asked as we made out way to our lockers. ”You mean you don't wanna go?”, he asked back. ”I never said that.”, I shook my head slightly. ”Fine, no need to go, don't worry.”, he gave me a weak smile. ”What? You sure?”, I asked a bit confused. ”Yeah. I've got homework to do anyway.”, he smiled at me again. ”Do you even need to do your homework? You know everything already anyway.” He just chuckled at me. ”Yes I do.”, was all he said as he unlocked his locker and putting his books inside. I glanced slightly at him as I unlocked my own locker, grabbing my homework and bag. Key on the other hand was already finished. I just heard him slam the locker closed, swinging his bag over his shoulder. ”I should probably get going. See you tomorrow, okay?”, he smiled at me as he left. I jst waved dumbfounded after him, almost whispereing a ”goodbye” for myself. What happened to him all of a sudden?

Next day

The next day was as hot as ever. I even started sweating like I-don't-know-what just the way from my house to school?! Can't I just strip right here and jump into a pool or something? I know I'm not such a good swimmer but... I'll stay at the shallow part.

”Hey, Eri!” I spun around, facing the source of the voice. ”Hello~”, I greeted childlike. I saw Key running up to me, panting slightly. ”What are you doing after school today?”, he asked, half grinning as he patted my back slightly a few times before he put his arm around my shoulders. ”After school? Nothing. I think?”, I replied half confused. ”Wanna hang out?”, he asked with a smile. ”Sure, what do you have in mind?”, I asked as I turned my head to face him, not realizing that he was so close to me. His face was only a few inches away and I felt my face head up. Thank god it's hot outside so I have something to blame it on!

Key put his free hand on my forehead, looking at me with a worried expression. ”Is it really that hot outside or are you just sick?”, he asked. It felt like my face started to burn as I quickly turned my head away, staring at the concrete sidewalk. ”I'mfine.”, I said, probably all too fast. Key just chuckled lightly. ”You're an idiot.”, he sighed happily. ”No I'm not.”, I mumbled. He just laughed at me.

”I feel like having ice cream.”, Key exclaimed randomly with a pout on his face as we just walked past the school gate. ”Then go get ice cream.”, I replied in a monotone. Key just glanced as me. ”No need to get all y at me.”, he said with a slightly angry voice. ”Sorry.”, I mumbled. ”Well, maybe I should go get my ice cream then.”, he said sternly as he let go of my shoulder and walked with determined steps towards the cafeteria. Way to go Eri... You made him angry. Again. I sighed loudly for myself as I kept walking towards the classroom.

I stepped into the almost full classroom as I took my seat. Putting my bag onto the desk with a loud thud. Why do I always manage to make him angry? Just my luck, isn't it?! Banging my head against the desk, Igroaned loudly for myself.

I heard a squeaking sound next to me and jumped slightly in surprise. ”Jesus Christ! Don't scare me like that!!”, I placed my hand on top of my chest. ”Sorry.”, Key mumbled, mouth full of ice cream. ”Got your ice cream, huh?”, I chuckeld slightly. ”Hmm.”, he hummed happily. ”Want some?”, he smiled brightly as he as I pushed the ice cream up my face. ”Wowow! Nope! Sorry!!”, I put both my hands up in front of my face. ”You sure?”, he asked again with an innocent look. ”Sure!” ”Well, your lost.”, he shrugged as he continued eating the rest of his ice cream.

”Hey, you wanna go to the movies after school?”, Key suddenly asked. ”Movies? Which one?”, I asked slightly curious. ”I dunno. Anyone?”, he shrugged. ”So what? You just suddenly felt the urge to watch a movie, but you don't know which one?”, I chuckled slightly. ”Pretty much, yes.”, he agreed. ”Well.. sure. Why not?”, I shrugged. ”Pick you up at six?” ”Sure.”
Did he just ask me out on a date? No. He didn't. Don't get your hopes up Eri. Just calm down and... pay attention during class. …..ugh. Easier said than done.

The day went way too slow for my liking. The classes too long, the people too loud, and everything is just simply boring. And I'm suppose to spend like... what, five more years here? God I hate school more each day.

As the last bell rang, I gathered my stuff and walked with heavy steps towards my locker. As I reached the right hallway I felt someone hit my back, making me drop the books in my hands. Just great.

”Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to do that.”, he apologized as he helped me collect my stuff. ”Key, what the hell?!”, I hissed at him. ”Sorry...”, he mumbled as he handed my the last one. I just let out a sigh as I mumbled a low 'whatever', walking towards my locker and grabbing a few stuff. ”I'm still picking you up at six, right?”, Key asked with a small grin as he leaned against the lockers next to mine. ”If you want too.” ”Great! See you later, okay?”, he exclaimed happily as he pecked my cheek before running off in the other direction.

I just stood there by my locker, stunned. Did he just-... kiss me, or was I just imagining things? He did, right? No? Yes?

It felt like I was starting to hyperventilate and my face my starting to heat up as realization finally hit me.

I slammed my locker shut, my hand covering my mouth to silent my squeals as I ran out the schooldoors and down the street. I swear that a few peole were looking at me weird but.... I can't help it okay?! It might not be such a big deal for others, but for me it was.... different.

Finally back home, I unlocked the door and kicked off my shoes as I ran upstairs to my room, throwing my bag at the floor as I landed face-down on the bed. Burying my face in me pillow as I screamed as loud as my lungs allowed me to. Kicking my legs back and forth as I rolled from side to side. I can't possibly get any more girly at the moment, can I?

I heard my door unclick as I looked up from behind my pillow, seeing my mom stand there, staring at me confused. ”You okay?”, she asked. I just nodded furiously as I had a huge grin placed on my face that refused to go away. She just giggled at me. ”Something good happened?”, she asked as she stepped inside, picking up the pillows I accidently kicked down as I had my little... ”moment” a second ago.

”You can tell?”, I asked. She chuckled at me. ”With that grin on your face I'm pretty sure everyone can tell.” I just hid my face in my pillow again, embarrassed.

”Let me guess, it's something with Key?”, she gave me a sly smile. I looked up at her shocked. ”How did yo-” She cut me off. ”Obvious.” ”I never told you anything abo-” ”Well, let's just say i have my ways. Plus!”, she held up a finger in front of my face before she reached for my bag. I just eyed her curiously. ”All these doodles of keys all over your notebooks doesn't help denying it.”, she chuckled. ”And the fact that everytime you get a text from him your face light up and you can't help but smile.”, she smiled at me. ”What the- I don't!”, I replied embarrassed. ”Trust me, you do. You might not realize it youself, but it's true.”, she giggled. ”So, want to tell me what happened to this
'special boy' of yours?”, she grinned at me.

”Oh my god, mom stop!! You're so embarrassiiiiing!!!”, I yelled as I turned face-down on the bed again, hiding my face. ”What?”, she asked innocently. ”Get oooouutt!!”, I yelled at her again as I pushed her out of my room.

Okay so... okay. I have no idea what to do. There's no way I can meet up with Key like this?! My face is turning red as soon as I just think about it. And it was just a small peck.
A peck. Why do I seem like such an easy girl?

I walked back and forth in my room, not sure of what to do. It's already past five and my heartpace hasn't slowed down yet. Can't I just make up an excuse not to go? There's no way I can see him like this?!

I grabbed my phone, opening a new text message as I typed and re-typed for a good ten minutes before I sent it. I let out a breath I didnt even know I was holding in.


To: Key ♥
    From: Eri
Sorry!! I can't go today!! TT__TT
I'm not feeling well...
Feels like I'm about to catch a cold!! OTL
I'm so sorry!!!

From: Key
   To: Eri

Really? I knew there was something wrong with you today!! TT__TT
And I guess it was a fever and not the heat this morning, huh? Hahah
Okay never mind, I hope you feel better soon tho!! ><
And I who just got ready!! TT___TT
I hate you!! Making me spend my precious time getting ready and then just dump me like that!! :( 

To: Key ♥
    From: Eri

Thanks~~!! ><
And don't say that... You're making me feel bad!!
Don't say that you hate me!! TT__TT

"What should I do now?", I sighed loudly for myself as I fell face-down on my pillow.


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elinida #1
Chapter 1: IT'S AWESOOOME~ write mooore *-*
elinida #2
