Chapter 1

Just Friends

Eri's POV

I sat in the classroom, tapping my pencil against the notebook in front of me. Class isn't going to start until half an hour, the sun was shining and the sky was clear blue, not a cloud in sigh and it's was hot outside, yet I chose to sit here inside instead. Why? I was waiting for Key. The flamboyant blonde boy who just seem to dazzle everytime I look at him. His bangs swiped to his left, heartshaped lips with a pefect cupid's bow, high cheekbones and those sharp collarbones. Nonetheless, you could say he's pretty much perfect.

I sighed loudly as I turned my head to the door, resting my head in my hand. There weren't many other students in here, only me and five others. I heard them chat loudly about something, not sure what since I wasn't paying any attention to them. I let out another, slightly annoyed, sigh as I turned back to my notebook, doodling, as stupid as it could, keys all over the page. I wasn't really discreet, was I?

I heard the door to the classroom open again as I glanced slightly in that direction. You remember how I told you that it was hot outside today, right? Well, mother nature, I just loved you a bit more.

Key stepped into the classroom, his white shirt ed by the collar, revealing those sharp collarbones of his, and those sweat drops just made it look even more- Eri stop. Not now.

I just sat there, probably looking dumbfounded as I just stared at him like that. It was first when I heard Key scoff and almost throwing his bag onto the desk next to mine that I snapped out of my trance.

”Weather's a .”, he hissed as he fixed his hair. I just chuckled at him. ”Oh, don't say that. I love it!”, I giggled amused. Oh, if he only knew why. He just glanced as me. ”What?”, I asked innocently. ”How could you possibly like this weather? I'm starting to sweat as soon as I step outside!”, he complained. ”Oh, I have my reasons.”, I winked playfully at him with a small grin on my face. He just chuckled at me. ”Oh, you just want to look as all the guys start stripping for you and walk around half ?”, he asked. ”I never said that.”, I shrugged. Actually, part of that, well...most of it, was true. Just that by 'all the guys', it should just be 'Key' instead. ”Yeah right.”, Key scoffed. ”So, do you have any plans for today?”, he suddenly asked me. ”Me? No, not really. Why?”, I asked confused. ”Wanna go to the beach after school? I could definitely need that on a day like this!”, he said as he leaned back in his chair, stretching his limbs as he yawned widely. ”If you don't fall asleep, sure.”, I giggled lightly. ”Good!”, he smiled at me.

I can consider this as a date, right? Or not. We've been hanging out a lot, to all different kinds of places. Everything from the cinema to go out eating together, just as friends. I know that that's all this is, but I can't help but to think that if it would even do any difference if we're a couple or not? I'll probably just ruin everything if I say anything, so I rather just keep shut about it. I have for the last three years, so why not three more? I bet that we won't even hang out after we graduate anyway. Key said he wanted to go to America and study and I..... I'll just be stuck here for the rest of my life.

”Eri. Eri. Eri.”, Key hissed at me. ”What?”, I said all confused, snapping out of my thoughts again. ”The teach.”, Key whispered as he cocked his head slightly towards the teacher as he looked at me. I just looked at Key confused before I turned to the teacher, still all confused.

”Well?”, he asked impatiently. ”Well what?”, I asked confused. I heard people around me giggle softly and I felt a slight blush creep onto my face. ”Could you solve the problem, Miss Song.”, he said sternly. I just gulped. ”S-sure.”, I stuttered nervously as I got up from my seat. I didn't even realize that class had started already.

I walked up to the blackboard with slightly shaky legs, walking slow as I tried to figure out the answer on the way, but I've never been that good at math to be honest. I grabbed a chalk and held it against the board, ready to write an answer that never came. I turned around nervously as I looked over to Key for help. He started to give me the answer by showing the numbers on his fingers and I started writing slowly on the board. I swear to god if he's messing with me I'll- ”That's right.”, the teacher said as he nodded, eyebrows raised in surprised as he looked at the answer on the board. I just laughed nervously before I hurried back to my head, plopping down on the chair with a half annoyed and half tired sigh.

Key just turned to look at me cheekily. ”Way to go Eripon!”, he said as he patted my back a few times. ”Yeah, because I knew the answer, right?”, I replied sarcastically, he just chuckled at me as he turned his attention back to the teacher in front.

Even thought Key might look like the type that hates school and skips every class and has low- grades and just care about his looks, he's actually surprisingly smart! I was honestly shocked at first when I found out that about him, I never expected that from someone like.. him. No offence towards Key or anything but.... yeeaahh. He doesn't even study that much, how come he's so smart? When I try to study my off to get good grades but fail?! He's probably a genius. A damn handsome one that is.

As the bell rang and the students started to move, I suddenly realized that I've been staring at him this whole time. I hope he didn't notice...

”Stare much?”, he chuckled as he put his notebook into his bag, giving me an amused smile. I just scoffed. ”Yeah right.”, I rolled my eyes. ”Ugh, physics next.”, Key groaned as he changed the subject. ”Why do you hate physics so much?”, I asked as I put my own notebook into my bag. ”It's just so boooriiiing.”, he whined. I just scoffed. ”You already know anything anyway.” I pushed the chair back as I stood up, Key doing the same. ”Yeah, so why do I even have to go to class?”, he groaned as we walked down the hallways towards physics class. ”Because you can't leave me there alone to die.”, I half joked. Key just chuckled. ”Oh right, I forgot that Miss Eri here doesn't know anything.”, he said as he ruffled my hair. ”Yaah!!”, I yelled annoyed as I slapped his hands away.

”Don't ruin my hair and don't tell me I'm not smart.”, a slight pout forming on my lips as I huffed, looking away from him. ”Aaww~ Are you mad now?”, Key pretended to act all cute. I just scoffed at him. He always does this!! He looked so damn cute whenever he did but at the same time I hated him for acting like that when I'm mad?! He treats me like I'm a little kid or something...

As we arrived at the classroom, Key slid the door open as I pushed himself through him, going inside first as I took a seat, almost slamming my books against the desk. I saw a few students around me flinch at the sound of the book slamming against the hardwood filled the room.

Key walked up to me, throwing his bag at the desk as he took his seat next to me. ”Gee, don't be so mad. I was just kidding.”, he whispered. ”I'm not mad.”, I hissed back. ”Right. And my hair is blue.”, Key rolled his eyes. I just glanced at him and I saw him flinch a little as he looked away, searching through his bag for something. To annoyed to even pay attention to the idiot called my best friend, I just turned and looked out the window lazily. My chin resting in my hand.

I heard the sound of a pencil after pencil . Key was probably drawing in that sketchbook of his again. He always carry that thing around?! It seems like he can't be without it for a second. But still, I have to admit that he's pretty damn good at drawing! Just like everything else he does?! Is there something, anything, that this guy isn't good at? I doubt it. I mean, he can sew, cook, bake, draw, mathgenius, good at sports, A in every single subject there is, he's good looking, has an awesome sense for fashion, can dance, can sing, he can even play the goddamn guitar?! And I? ….well... I've got a C- in biology? I sighed loudly as I slammed my forehead against the hard surface of the desk. Key jumped slightly in surprise.

”Wow, Eri you okay?”, he asked half shocked and half worried. ”I'm. Fine.”, I muttered. ”You sure?”, he asked again just to make sure. ”Yes.”, I hissed at him. There was a short pause before he continued. ”Whatever you say princess.”, and with that he just turned his attention back to his drawing again. I laid there, my cheek against the desk as I looked at his beautiful figure. I love how he can be so concentrated like that, it doesn't matter if the people around him laughs or talks really loud, he just... sits there, minding his own business. It's like... when he's drawing, his inside his own little world, the outside totally shut off as his slender fingers had a soft grip on the pencil as he drew a few here and there, examining the newly made parts of his drawing carefully as he whether erase, changes, or adds something onto it. I had no idea of what he was drawing, since I was looking more at him than the drawing, but I bet it's awesome.

Honestly, I could probably just lie here and look at his profile all day. Those pouty, heartshaped lips, high cheeksbones and amazing eyes, I just-

I cut my thoughts off as soon as I saw Key turn to look at me with a slightly confused expression covering his prefect face. ”Why do you stare so much?”, he pouted cutely. ”I-I-I-I- I wasn't staring!”, I stuttered as I quickly sat up again, face red and my head feeling a little dizzy. Probably shouldn't had done that so quickly...

There was a short, awkward silence between us.

”Um, what are you drawing anyway?”, I asked as I pointed at his sketchbook. I was a light pink tinge on the apples of his cheeks as he quickly closed the sketchbook. ”Nothing.”, he said quickly. ”Aw c'mon~ Show me!! I bet it's awesome!!”, I tried to grab the sketchbook from him without success, I just ended up with an angry pout on my face as I crossed my arms over my chest, huffing slightly. ”You'll see it when it's finished.”, he smiled at me. ”And when is that?”, I asked, slighlty annoyed. ”I don't know.”, he shrugged. ”I'm only drawing on it when I feel like it or am in the mood.”, he shrugged again. ”So it will never be finished?”, I whined. ”Don't say that!”, he almost yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed as I turned to look ou the window again, far more interesting than Key. (We all know that's a lie, I just won't admit it.)

I heard the teacher come in but I was too tired to pay attention to her, all I heard was Key's pencil being drawn back and forth, back and forth. I tried to glance over my shoulder too see, but somehow he managed to catch me everytime doing so. He probably has superpowers or something.

I finally decided to pay some attention to the teacher and take notes about Newton's theory about gravity or mass or whatever it was, I don't know, I at physics. Key on the other hand, the genius he is, just spent the whole class drawing, hiding it everytime I decided to take a sneakpeek on it. I just muttered a few curses to myself. Why does it have to be such a secret?! It's just a damn drawing.


[A/N] Chapter 1 is up~!! ....yeah. Hope you like it!! >< Please subscribe and comment~!!

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elinida #1
Chapter 1: IT'S AWESOOOME~ write mooore *-*
elinida #2
