The New Kid

Will You Still Love Me.......After All Of This

I AM SOOOOO SORRY I HAVE BEEN GONE!!!!!! IT'S JUST LIKE THAT I SORTA IN A WAY OF LIFE GOT LIKE A PART TIME LIFE!!!!!! >_< SORRY!!! WELL ANY WAY THAT YOU TOO one of my wonderful subbies who commented when I was coming back gave me the power to start up again ^U^ <3 love ya

You stayed alone the entire day every time you saw Taemin you hide, you really wondered what was happening was he really going to another school. Even though it sounds silly to get pissed at some one because they're gonna change schools it acually ment a lot to you. You guys would get a small apartment together, have the same classes, do everything together and start a new life together.

"Did you see ----------- today? Taemin asked worried

"Shouldn't you know, you two go out" Key hissed back

"My baby is wandering around the school without assistance! She could be hurt or worse. And the reasons she's alone is because you couldn't keep your word!" Key yelled 

"Whats with all the yness" Taemin snapped back

"Will maybe if jhdnddkjshdssksf" Key would continue with some other words but Jonghyun covered his mouth.

"Key shut up, he's going through some tough stuff" Jonghyun said kindly

"Whatever" Key mumbled and left.

"Thanks hyung. I think I'm gonna go look for her" Taemin said 

He  thought of all the palaces you could be. Up and down he  explored new and old places, he went back to the hallway where you two had that mini argument.

'What did I do that was so bad -------?' He thought.

Taemin felt horrible that piece that you need to live worth just seperates from him. He just went into more. As Taemin finished up his thought he stood up and looked around the entire school again to not find a single hint to where you were. Well, maybe if he looked harder he might have found you outside with the new kid Kai.

"Well Kai-that's your name right" you said nervously, you didn't want to mess up his name

"Yeah, and what's yours" he asked

"Oh that's right I never told you. It's ---------- by the way" 

"----------. That's pretty" he said

"Thanks" you couldn't help but blush

"So do you want me to show you around" 

"Oh,yeah!" he said like a 5 year old, which made you giggle

As you showed him around you found out his was in all your classes

"Well Kai,since we're in the same classes follow me"

As you two entered the room everything went quiet. The entire school found out what happened earlier this morning with you and Taemin. As you looked around you saw Taemin looking at you with happiness,but then sadness and anger as he looked at Kai

"Well class we have a new student from America" your teacher said

"Hello. My name is'm really nice and hope we can all be friends. Take care of me!!" He said cheerfully like a mailing you blush and giggle, making Taemin fustrated now.

"Well then please take a seat next to ----------. If you need anything she's our school president and knows this school better than anyone" you teacher said

"Wow --------- quickly got a new boyfriend, and he's really cute" you heard someone say

"Who's the new kid, he's cute" another girl said

"Well I see I'm the next big thing in this class" Kai whispered

"Well girls will be girls" you joked

"Well I see, I see" Kai said

As the day went on you two talked about random stuff and ate outside together. As the day ended you and Kai said your goodbyes and went home, you ran inside and ran to your parents room.

"MOM.DAD!" you yelled 

"Yes,swetty" your dad asked

"I meet a new kid today named Kai and he's into Pokemon and likes anime and video games and EVERYTHING I LIKE" you exclaimed

"Really,well any way Mr.Sung from across the street passed so his house was put up for sale. Someone recently bought the house so I made a welcoming basket and I want you to give it to the new residents and invite them to dinner." your mom told you

"UHHHH. Do I have to?" you asked slugishly

"-------------! Go Now!" your mom yelled

"Fine.Fine. Don't have to yell' you said

As you toke the basket you changed into a really cute dark blue dress. As you walked over and knocked on the door a little boy opened the door

"Hello ma'am. My mommy is coming soon"

"Oh hi, sorry for my brother he's ju-"


"When did you move here!" 

"Like yesterday and we finished today"

"Well any ways my mom asked if you guys could come over tonight for dinner"

"Well,um sure. And thats a really stuning dress. You gonna wear it for Taemin" he said with a smirk

Ohh,well you didn't even think of him untill now

"-----------, are you okay you seem sad. Did i say something. Do I smell" he asked

"No it's ok I'm just going through things with him"

"Oh. Sorry for asking

"It's okay. Well here is your basket and see you at like 7:30"

Well find out what happens at dinner! *Hint: It's going to be a night to remember



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Got the idea from a dream/nightmare!!!! Thanks sleep


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Sammy0 #1
Chapter 2: Wonder what's gonna happen?!?? Update soon please :D