
Beautiful People Extra

Jonghyun growled angrily and threw himself onto the piano stool, lying down on the furniture with an arm over his eyes, angry at the world.

“Why?” He muttered. “Why?

Chuckling resounded in the room and Jonghyun let out an angry sound.

He had just met Taemin, Kyuhyun, Yuri and Jessica again after what seemed like forever. And it hurt him to see what had happened to them. Even if they had been playing around they didn’t look as lively, as human, as they once had. He hated it. That was exactly why Jonghyun had never meant to see any of them again. He felt so guilty. But once he heard the blond man’s voice accompanying the other’s it had become a different story. He simply had to go to them, to protect them from the possible threat of getting even deeper into Lightwood’s curse than they already were. They had to be careful of the boy. No one knew what he could do yet.

“Why couldn’t you let everyone else go?” He asked fiercely. “I would have done anything if you had let them leave.”

Another chuckle surrounded him, a prickling feeling started running up his arms and spine. Jonghyun shot up immediately, knowing this was one of many of Lightwood’s attempts to make him succumb completely.

If this had been before he had gone to the library earlier that day, Jonghyun would have contemplated giving in. He was tired of existing without really living, always fearing when he finally would disappear altogether. He had thought about letting go for a long time now, become what Lightwood wanted him to become to then be in peace from the guilt, the sorrow of what he had caused.

But he couldn’t give up now, even less than before. Because now he knew for sure he needed to stay. To set things right again. Before he had always been standing on the line between letting Lightwood take him and fighting back, doing both halfheartedly. But after seeing the other’s again he simply had to make the scale tip for fighting. He owed it to them and having seen them strengthened his resolve.

Jonghyun snarled viciously at the shadow surrounding him and opened the lid to the keys of the piano, putting his hands to work, closing his eyes, concentrating harder than he had ever done to keep Lightwood out. And something actually did change. Although he never knew what he was playing, Jonghyun was subconsciously aware that the melody was different. It was… sweeter… not as angry and hurt as it had been. He didn’t dwell on it, however, and continued letting his fingers flow over the keys, breathing deeply, almost as if he was meditating.

But for the first time, to his great annoyance, another sound interrupted his time to free himself, and now everyone else, for a while.


He was hearing footsteps while playing. And although he had inhuman senses, Jonghyun never heard anything else while at the piano.

He opened his eyes again to glare at the smooth surface of the instrument, already knowing those footsteps better than he wanted to, and abruptly stopped his fingers’ movements. The shadows around him stilled too, seeming to listen as intently as Jonghyun, trying to decipher the situation.

The footsteps froze as well and Jonghyun let a small, sadistic smile grace his lips as he heard the person’s breath stop in fright only to then come out in small nervous gasps. He waited tentatively as it took a few seconds for the other person to decide what to do, concentrating on the sounds they made, ready to scare him even more to get him to leave, before said person turned and hurried in the opposite direction, almost racing at the end. Jonghyun continued to concentrate on the other as he uncertainly greeted what Jonghyun knew was Sekyung’s prison, to make sure he had gotten the message. Then he found himself chuckling, thinking the other was actually a little adorable.

His heart stopped along with his train of thought.

“How can a boy be cute?” He whispered to himself, rather incredulously. The shadows around him hissed, suddenly growing cold, making his breath come out in puffs of smoke and the skin on his arms contract. Jonghyun looked at the center of the darkness with raised eyebrows.

He didn’t have the time to elaborate, however, as the conversation in Sekyung’s room continued and he turned his attention away from disturbing thoughts and shadows. Jonghyun frowned at all the information she was willingly telling the boy and he had to clutch the piano stool not to leave for the other room to interrupt. Even though Jonghyun had decided to let him live for a while, seeing the small chance of the other being useful, he didn’t really like the fact that he was snooping around. It was unnecessary information that would do nothing if Lightwood managed with his plan or the boy turned out to be exactly like his ancestor.

Sekyung, exactly what are you doing?

There was no answer and Jonghyun's expression turned into a scowl. Before he managed to say anything else, the boy opened his mouth again.

“Then who is-”

Jonghyun promptly found himself behind the sofa in front of Sekyung’s mirror, knowing exactly what the other was about to ask. He was absolutely not letting the boy ask about him. The other had a strange effect on Jonghyun and he didn’t want him to have any information about it at all.

The boy jumped slightly but Sekyung looked at him unsurprised, giving him a calm greeting that he returned with a glare.

Why are you telling him everything?

I will not speak through our minds with Kibum here.

“What is that doing here?” He said irritably, looking at the blonde boy on the sofa pointedly.

Of course he knew why the other was there, but he wanted an explanation to Sekyung’s sudden chattiness as well.

He needs to know.

And why can’t you say that out loud?

Sekyung ignored him as the boy’s cat jumped up to perch itself on the backrest of the sofa, looking like it was guarding its owner, and he the blonde turned around to stare at him. Jonghyun glared at the boy. To his surprise the other put on a look of indifference, although he could see the anger underneath making his cheeks dusting slightly from the emotion.

“Oh, it’s the sniffer.” The boy said nonchalantly.

Jonghyun would never admit that his eyes widened ever so slightly and he felt a little confused. He hadn’t had to deal with another person in this way for years. Especially a snappy one.

Sekyung choked back a laugh and Jonghyun shot her a burning look.

“And shouldn’t you already know that ‘that’ has a name which is Kibum?” The boy continued.

Jonghyun glared him again. Of course he already knew. He had heard it as soon as the other had woken up. But he didn’t particularly want to get familiar with someone he couldn’t place on his map of persons to protect or hate.

“Does it look like it concerns me?” He said sourly.

It did concern him, although he wouldn’t admit it yet.

The boy scowled. “It should. You sniffed me, remember? Without a legitimate reason, I might add.”

Jonghyun scoffed, looking away from the boy to Sekyung, not feeling like explaining himself.

What is this?

I’m not going to do this with Kibum here. You should talk so he can hear.

Jonghyun glared at her again.

“What is this?” He asked, whishing she would just give him an answer. He couldn’t pinpoint the boy and he was feeling a little nervous not knowing what to do with him, or what he was capable of.

Sekyung smiled, but Jonghyun didn’t miss the slight sadness passing her eyes. “You’ll see.”

Not helpful.

The boy opened his mouth again and Jonghyun let out an inaudible sigh of exasperation.

Don’t tell him anything else!

“Can I ask you something?” He asked Sekyung and her face lit up.

“Of course, anything!” She replied cheerfully and Jonghyun rolled his eyes.

Has he cast some spell on you?

Sekyung pointedly ignored him as the boy spoke again.

“What made him decide to be a sniffer?”

Jonghyun could hear the mischievous tone in the other’s voice and growled in irritation. The boy was out to anger him, he knew it. And Sekyung dared laugh.

“I am not a sniffer!” Jonghyun exclaimed angrily. He was definitely not going to explain his reasons to that little brat.

“You certainly act like it.” The boy shot back.

Jonghyun was very close to snapping and start yelling, feeling like he was being treated unfairly especially by Sekyung, as she looked at him in amusement. However, the words that threatened to be yelled stuck in his throat as there was also something else in her eyes… hope? Jonghyun didn’t know. He was too occupied trying to control the feelings he hadn’t felt so strongly in years.

“You should probably introduce yourself, otherwise you’ll be called the sniffer for a long time.” Sekyung told him.

Jonghyun's eyes narrowed.

I know you know why I don’t want to tell him!

Out loud, Jonghyun.

Jonghyun groaned in irritation and refused to look at the boy as he had turned around, looking at him while waiting.

“Well?” The blonde probed, on the verge of stringing Jonghyun's last nerve.


Jonghyun looked at hear pleadingly to help him and she sighed.

“His name is Jonghyun.”

That was not what I needed you to do!

Out. Loud. Jonghyun.

“Sekyung!” Jonghyun retorted angrily.

“What?” She answered daringly. “It’s not the end of the world.”

We don’t know that!

I do!

“Jonghyun.” The blonde boy repeated, as if tasting the sound of his name.

Jonghyun's heart made a small stutter and he felt his mouth slightly fall open in shock. He had no idea of what was happening, going from being almost furious to have his heart stutter in a matter of seconds. It was making him feeling slightly dizzy.

“So the sniffer has a normal name after all.” The other continued.

“Hey!” Jonghyun protested, but he was still feeling a little shocked.

He hadn’t been angry in decades, much less felt his heart stutter. The boy was affecting him in a way that was starting to scare Jonghyun since he had no idea of what would come out of it. He suddenly was endlessly glad that Lightwood couldn’t enter the room as he was sure everything would be ripped apart, all the living things killed at feeling the change in Jonghyun, which was temporarily weakening his defenses even more.

“What?” The blonde shot back defiantly.

Jonghyun ignored him.

Sekyung, what is happening? I’m feeling strange.

That’s why I’m telling him everything I can. He might be able to help.


Jonghyun glared at her, the word getting his senses back to reality.

Might? Might wasn’t good enough. Might meant that the boy also could do the very opposite. Might was the very synonym of their downfall in this case.

Jonghyun muttered something unintelligible, having a lot to do with the boy, before he returned to the piano, not feeling like having other strange things happening to him, weakening him more.

The shadow enclosed him almost protectively as soon as he was back, melting into his skin slightly. Jonghyun frowned a little at the pain but let it be. It used to happen a lot at the very beginning after the curse so he knew that Lightwood was only attaching himself for a moment to make his presence known, showing his possessiveness. Jonghyun was feeling too exhausted to fight it like he used to anyway, having to deal with all the new things he hadn’t dealt with in decades. He just wanted to shut everything out. However, he couldn’t help listening in on their conversation again, hearing the boy ask about Lightwood. He wasn’t sure he would be capable of interrupting again, but he needed to know what information the boy was receiving.

“… but we don’t know where he is at the moment…”

Jonghyun shocked himself even more as he suddenly, without apparent reason, felt like crying at that answer. He really had no reason to, he had been with Lightwood this whole time, having lived everyday fighting him or almost giving up, having seen horrible, distorted reflection’s of himself or normal ones of his past self, having almost gone crazy or just sitting in a corner, whishing for everything to just be over.

Jonghyun's breath caught in his throat as he felt a silent tear run down his cheek.

Lightwood is with me…



A/N: I haven't read trhough this properly so I wouldn't be surprised if it is halfassed... anyway, I hope I managed to show the impact Kibum had on Jonghyun without causing more confusion and I hope it was satisfactory to some degree at least! :) Kibum will continue to make Jonghyun's heart stutter as well haha ;P

So... I hope you liked it!

Bye~! ^_^

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Chapter 6: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I really liked this!!!!!! Taemin is so cute!!! It is all thanks to Taemin that Kibum was saved wasn't it!!!!!! oxoxo
Chapter 5: Hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm very interesting!!!! Jonghyun is just one big ball of anger isn't he?
Chapter 6: Oh Taemin!!!!! U become Taeman now,huh? Really nice chap authornim!!!!!! Thank u!!! Hwaiting(as always!)!!!!!!
Chapter 6: How did Taetae know that da KittyKey was buried in da snow?
Chapter 5: waaah so was awesome
Chapter 5: Aye... Jonghyun... still the crybaby that he is... I like it. :D
Chapter 5: THAAAAAAAANNNNNNNKKKKKKKK YYYYOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUCHHHHH FOOOOOR THIS CHAP!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy!!!!! It was really cute how jonghyun was affected!!!!! Jonghyun is too cute for his own good!!!!!! Thank you for taking ur time & updating.Authornim , Hwaiting!!!!!!
Chapter 4: THIS WAS AWESOME AND I LOVED IT!!! MORE MORE MORE!! Ooooo I want more Jonghyyun but from someone else's view would be cool too...maybe Taemins?
Chapter 4: so good chp.liked it
Chapter 4: I really love d part where jonghyun smells key even though i know now why he did so!!!!!! Hmm .... May i request something? Will u please write about jong's pov to key's sarcastic comments? Like when key calls him "The sniffer!!"(I love dat part) & also how jong's emotions come out due to key!!! I mean, i am curious about how jong got influenced by key!!!! Plzzzzzzzzz ...... ^_^