The beginning of a strange fairytale

Beautiful People Extra

Jonghyun sighed and stared up at the ceiling from his laying position on the piano stool, just wanting everything to stop. Stop moving, stop breathing, stop living, stop making his head hurt. He could hear everything. Everyone talking and bustling about downstairs, the footsteps of a small group that grew fainter, on their way to the city, the wind passing every few seconds and the branches’ movements. He could hear every living thing.

He hated it.

He hated how his senses were increased as his mind was slowly being taken over by the dark veils inside his head, making him an empty shell. He didn’t understand why he would get superhuman senses only to then disappear. It didn’t seem logical in the least when there was a growing abyss inside of him, swallowing everything he once was.

He had found a remedy though, to keep himself whole. It was the very grand piano he was laying beside. The sounds he could make on it cut everything out, made his head blissfully clean and his spirit soar. And he couldn’t feel the void getting deeper, he couldn’t feel him. Which he, Lightwood, hated of course.

“You are like a bug.” Jonghyun said sullenly out loud.

There was a soft chuckle around him.

“I’ve tried killing myself, I’ve stopped eating and socializing and yet I’m alive.” Jonghyun continued and sat up glaring at the eyes in the corner of the piano room. “I’ve been alive for more than a hundred years without any damage on my bod except the one you inflict.”

He snickered again.

“Are you ever-” He cut off and his eyes widened as he heard the footsteps that had left for town returning, instinctively knowing something had happened and immediately transporting himself to the window.

Taemin was speeding towards the gates, holding a young man in his arms, followed by Minho and Nicole. Jonghyun squinted his eyes. Not because he didn’t see them clearly, his senses were inhuman after all, but because the other three were running instead of using the now normal means of transportation for everyone in the mansion. He frowned a bit confusedly and his eyes fell upon the man in Taemin’s arms.

He was much paler than he should be. If it weren’t for the other three’s urgency Jonghyun would have thought he was dead already. There was no color in his cheeks, his lips were purple and his skin was beginning to take on a blue, frozen color. He had to be seconds from freezing to death.

The party arrived at the gate and Jonghyun watched interestedly, wondering how they had planned on getting in with the young man since he himself was definitely not lifting the shields around the grounds, meaning no one else could. He saw Taemin's cheeks become drenched from tears and heard his pleas but didn’t budge. He continued to stand and watch them without feeling any emotion, like it wasn’t really him who observed them, wondering how they could expect him to risk an entire world for a young man that was almost dead anyway.

The air around him moved slightly and he was enveloped by shadows. They didn’t obscure his view however. Instead it seemed like they were watching the scene with great interest.

“You’re not waiting form me to let up the shield, are you?” Jonghyun muttered. “Because as much as that man needs help, I won’t risk you getting out.”

The shadow chuckled for the third time.

“You made me like this.” Jonghyun answered. “I feel no emotion and it’s because of you.”

“Thank you!”

Something hit Jonghyun hard and he doubled over, trying to catch his breath, as Taemin's words reached him and he entered the gate. He grabbed the windowsill so hard his knuckles whitened, heaving in an attempt to fill his lungs with air.

“What…?” He breathed and managed to lift his head up to look out the window.

The group was hurriedly making their way up to the house and Jonghyun started to feel more and more suffocated as he watched them.

Something strange was happening. Very strange. But he couldn’t decide yet if it was for the better or the worse.




A/N: Haha, so this was the first time Jonghyun saw Kibum :) He's kinda mean, isn't he? I mean, he just saw the love of his life for the first time and he's gonna let him die? -.-

Anyway, feel free to comment and ask any questions you have! ;D

I hope you liked it!

Bye~! <3

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Chapter 6: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I really liked this!!!!!! Taemin is so cute!!! It is all thanks to Taemin that Kibum was saved wasn't it!!!!!! oxoxo
Chapter 5: Hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm very interesting!!!! Jonghyun is just one big ball of anger isn't he?
Chapter 6: Oh Taemin!!!!! U become Taeman now,huh? Really nice chap authornim!!!!!! Thank u!!! Hwaiting(as always!)!!!!!!
Chapter 6: How did Taetae know that da KittyKey was buried in da snow?
Chapter 5: waaah so was awesome
Chapter 5: Aye... Jonghyun... still the crybaby that he is... I like it. :D
Chapter 5: THAAAAAAAANNNNNNNKKKKKKKK YYYYOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUCHHHHH FOOOOOR THIS CHAP!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy!!!!! It was really cute how jonghyun was affected!!!!! Jonghyun is too cute for his own good!!!!!! Thank you for taking ur time & updating.Authornim , Hwaiting!!!!!!
Chapter 4: THIS WAS AWESOME AND I LOVED IT!!! MORE MORE MORE!! Ooooo I want more Jonghyyun but from someone else's view would be cool too...maybe Taemins?
Chapter 4: so good chp.liked it
Chapter 4: I really love d part where jonghyun smells key even though i know now why he did so!!!!!! Hmm .... May i request something? Will u please write about jong's pov to key's sarcastic comments? Like when key calls him "The sniffer!!"(I love dat part) & also how jong's emotions come out due to key!!! I mean, i am curious about how jong got influenced by key!!!! Plzzzzzzzzz ...... ^_^