
Sehun pulled over to the side of the road. He needed to concentrate. 'Calm down,' he told Chanyeol. 'How do you know she's not some friend of his - another vampire even?'

'I've never seen her before,' Chanyeol said. 'And besides, he just picked her up in Santa Monica Pier. That's where he went after school. He met her there, they started flirting, then they went to The Dreamhouse together.'

Sehun's throat felt tight. 'If he wanted to kill her, why wouldn't he just take her to an alley or something?' he asked.

'I don't know, maybe he likes the thrill,' Chanyeol spat. 'He didn't kill Sohee in some dark alley.'

'Good point,' Sehun acknowledged. He figured The Dreamhouse was pretty dark and crowded, just like Hyoyeon's yacht had been. Nobody would notice another girl's death at the club. 'All right, look, we don't know for sure that Donghae is the rogue vampire,' he said, as much to reassure himself as Chanyeol. 'I'll meet you at the club and we'll watch him together. If it seems like he's going to bite anyone, we'll stop him.'

'How are we going to get in?' Chanyeol asked. 'We're not legal.'

'Don't worry, it'll be fine,' Sehun said, hoping that was true. 'Just wait for me.'

He hung up and pulled the VW back out onto the road. He didn't plan to drink tonight, but he figured he'd better leave the car at home just in case. Luckily his parents were out at a business dinner for the evening, so he didn't have to explain where he was going in such a rush.

'Luna!' he yelled as he tossed the car keys onto the counter.

No answer.

'Luna?' He glanced around and spotted a giant pink Post-it on the fridge. He grabbed it and read, 'Gone to Sunny's to study. May sleep over. Luna, XOXO.'

'Huh. That better be the truth,' Sehun muttered. He didn't want to think about her out at some party, being a nice snack for a vampire. He called a cab, changed into jeans and a black T-shirt, and ran back outside just as the cab arrived.


It took ten minutes to get to The Dreamhouse. Chanyeol was waiting out front. 'How are we going to get in? I don't have a fake I.D.,' he said anxiously.

'I'm not sure. Let's just go check it out.' Sehun strode confidently to the door. At every club he'd ever been to, he'd found that if you just looked like you knew what you were doing, they'd let you in. Hopefully it would be the same here. 'Hey,' he said to the bouncer, his eyes already roaming the inside of the club to show that he wasn't nervous about being carded. 'Two of us. What's the cover?'

'Hey, Sehun. Ten bucks each.' Sehun looked up in surprise. The bouncer was Suho!

'Suho, thank God,' Chanyeol said. 'I was worried we wouldn't get in.'

Suho cracked a smile and glanced around. 'No worries,' he said. 'You still have to pay, though.'

Sehun handed over a twenty, taking in Suho's muscular arms. He'd never noticed before how built the guy was. Suho wasn't on any sports teams, so Sehun had always kind of assumed he wasn't athletic. But obviously he worked out - maybe so he could keep this job. You couldn't be a bouncer unless you were big enough to be intimidating.

'Thanks, man,' he said. Suho nodded.

The club was packed. It was a different crowd from the parties in DeVere Heights, mostly college-age kids. The lights were dim. House music pulsed through huge speakers on the walls, and the tiny dance floor was crowded with writhing bodies. Deep booths lined the sides of the place, big enough for six or seven people to sit. In the back room there was a pool table - though nothing close to the museum piece at Luhan's - and a few dartboards.

Sehun pushed his way through the crowd, scanning the faces for Donghae Lee. Chanyeol followed, peering at people in the deep booths. At the back of the room, Sehun spotted a wide double-door. It led out onto a huge deck over the beach. People hung around in little clumps out here, smoking and talking away from the loud music inside. He did a quick check for Donghae, but there was no sign of the guy.


'Let's go back inside,' Chanyeol said. 'Donghae's not out here.'

'Yeah.' Sehun went back in and led the way over to the other side of the room.

'There he is,' Chanyeol murmured.

Sehun followed his friend's gaze and spotted Donghae. He sat in a corner booth, all the way at the back, his arm around a pretty red-haired girl. A few other guys sat toward the front booth, playing some drinking game. Sehun thought he recognized them from school, but it was hard to see them clearly in the dark club.

'Grab that table,' he told Chanyeol, pointing to a small table about fifteen feet from Donghae's booth. 'We'll hang here and keep an eye on him.'

'What are we going to do if he attacks her?' Chanyeol asked. 'He's got friends with him. We can't take them all.'

'Buffalo, buffalo, buffalo!' the guys at Donghae's table began to chant.

'Hopefully he won't attack her,' Sehun said, raising his voice to be heard over the buffalo boys. 'If he does, we make a scene, get everybody looking in his direction. He won't do anything public.'

Chanyeol nodded. 'I wish I had my camera,' he said. 'Then I could get proof.'

Sehun laughed. 'I don't think the club owners would appreciate you filming a high-school kid hanging out in their place.' He stood up. 'I'm going to get some beers so they don't come kick us out.' He made his way back through the crowd to the long wooden bar. It was near the entrance, so he glanced over at Suho to nod hello. But Suho didn't notice - his attention was focused somewhere toward the back of the place. Sehun turned to follow his line of sight, and was surprised to see that Suho was watching Donghae.


'Help you?' the girl behind the bar yelled over the music.

Sehun turned, taking in her platinum-blonde pigtails and pierced eyebrow. 'Yeah, uh, two Super Bocks.'

She grabbed a couple of bottles, opened them and handed them over. Sehun dropped some cash on the bar and picked up the beers. He glanced back at Suho, but there was some other beefy dude at the door now. Must be Suho's breaktime, Sehun decided as he elbowed his way through the crowd. But at the edge of the dance floor, he spotted Suho again. Not dancing, not even talking to anyone, just standing there - and he was still watching Donghae.

'Check it,' Sehun said, setting the beers on the table. He nodded over his shoulder to Suho.

'What?' Chanyeol asked.

'Suho's been eyeballing Donghae the entire time I was gone,' Sehun told him. 'You think he's suspicious, too?'

Chanyeol shrugged. 'Could be. He may not suspect Donghae's a vampire, but Donghae did try to shift the blame for Sohee's death onto Suho. Maybe Suho heard about that and wants to make sure Donghae gets taken downtown.'

'Yeah. Or maybe he's seen Donghae here before,' Sehun said grimly. 'Maybe he's seen him pick up other girls - or hurt them.'

Suho suddenly turned away and headed toward the back of the club.

'I'm going to follow him,' Sehun said. 'Maybe he can tell us something useful.'

'You're not going to say anything about vampires, are you?' Chanyeol asked anxiously.

'No, I'll just see if I can get him talking about Donghae,' Sehun said. 'If he's suspicious of the guy, he might mention something we don't know.'

'Sounds good. I'll stay here and keep an eye an that girl. And the vampire she's sitting with!' Chanyeol took a swig of his beer and settled into his seat.



*Note - Sehun and Chanyeol end up finding themselves on lookout for Donghae attacking the girl in the club. Chanyeol has to keep his eye out for any action waiting to happen while Sehun's out to ask Suho what he thinks about Donghae.

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Chapter 26: Omg, this was one of the best stories I've read, really good job author-nim! :D Can't wait for the next story Initiation :)
vanilladream #2
Chapter 26: wow. just wow!
the story was so nice i felt like watching a movie..//thumbs up ^^
so excited for Initiation..would Sehun and Yuri still be the leading role??
anyway, thank you so much for this amazing story authornim..always fighting!!!
xoxo <3
Chapter 25: Omg i love the update! <3
Suho playing the bad guy role is cool :) I can't wait to see how Kris confronts Suho
vanilladream #4
Chapter 25: omo! omo! this is so intense..so Suho is the bloodlust vampire..and Sehun as normal human as he could be, bravely fights with Suho..
wow Sehun. just wow!!
and then Kris come to confront Suho too..woohoo cool ~
Really really cool ~
Thank you for the update authornim <333
Chapter 25: Wait.....so Suho is the bad guy? Wow!
And Kris comes to save the day. ( I hope )
vanilladream #6
Chapter 24: woah this is confusing //in a good way ~
so excited to see what will happen next..is i Suho or Donghae..and whoever he is, i hope he won't up to something bad/murdering that poor girl..
good update..thank you authornim <3
Chapter 22: Woah! Sehun kissed Yuri and Luhan was around! Cool dude
iloveyul #8
Chapter 22: omo cold kris...
haha sehun awkward scene... ''I just wanted to drop
by and say hello''
aww sweet yulhun...omg im happy ...haha they like each other..hmm luhan? did luhan see yulhun kiss?
im really curious about donghae..omoo i like this story so much..thanks for updated author-nim..cant wait for next chapter..update soon.keke ^^
iloveyul #9
Chapter 20: Chanyeol n sehun hwaiting !!!
aww so sehun always think of yul ^^
Chapter 18: So It's like the reason why Yuri and Luhan were a couple because they were vampires?