One Enchanting Night

When Fate Meets Love

Chapter 13 part 2 "One Enchanting Night."


But before anything else he kissed Lisa on the lips before heading back.
They were on their way home when they notice JaeMi and Chanyeol is at the front yard. Wearing a costume.
"good noon my lady" JaeMi greeted her. "you need to be dressed for your grand ball tonight." She added as she takes Lisa to their room.
While Baekhyun still needs to find a perfect give for her girl. Baekhyun runs to the market to find a gift.
Lisa is now wearing a pink gown. With a light make up on. Her hair is curled down and with a small crown in her head.
"there now you look like a princess." JaeMi clapped her hands then Sehun and Luhan came inside. Luhan carefully puts on her blindfold. Lisa held Luhan's hand tightly.
"Trust us...Trust me princess." Luhan told her then she just smiled.
They were walking downstairs and straight to the practice room where the party will be held.
Luhan slowly takes of her blindfold.
She was slowly blinking to adjust her eye sight.
"Surprise!!! Happy Birthday" they all said in unison.
Lisa was looking all over the place. It was magical, very beautiful. The practice room looks different at the middle you will see a mini stage that is full of balloons and a rose petals. The whole place has balloons and unicorns. It's like a place full of unicorns. There were also a long table of food. Tables and chairs at the side. A dj booth at the corner. It really looks so.perfect.
However there's this one person who see keeps on searching. Her heart felt a missing piece without him.
The program has started but no sign of him. He haven't greeted her in her most special day.
It started with JongIn, Sehun, Minseok and YiXing's dance number. They danced very smoothly with the hiphop music playing. After they dance everyone was clapping. Next is a song number from Kyungsoo, JoonMyeon, Luhan and Jongdae featuring Tao as their rapper. Their voices blended with each other like one big harmony. Very warm to listen too. Even Tao's rap compliments their great vocal skills.
After their performances. Jongdae came to the front and grab the microphone.
"good evening everyone and welcome to Lisa's Wonderful birthday celebration. We will now proceed to the 12 roses or should I say 10 roses." Jongdae said.
'what? 10? Where are the other 2?' Lisa thought to herself.
The music played then Kyungsoo steps forward with a red rose in his hands. He came closer to Lisa then held her hands.
"happy birthday. You look so pretty tonight" He said as he placed his hands on Lisa's tiny waist.
"Thank you Oppa" Lisa answered with a smile on her face. Her hands are on Kyungsoo's shoulder. They swayed to the warm tune of the music.
Next was JongIn. He gave the rose then placed his right hand on her waist then his other hand holding her hand "Happy birthday" he showed his very sweet smile as they dance.
The music changed. YiXing came in as the music start. He held Lisa just like JongIn. "Happy Birthday Princess of the Unicorns. And I am one of your minions." He said and laughed cutely.
Next was Minseok. He walked shyly then gave her the rose. She held Lisa just like the other boys did. "Happy birthday, you look cute." Baozi said.
The music changed again Sehun came in. "Happy birthday!!" he said cheerfully as he hold Lisa.
It was Luhan's turn to dance with Lisa. He gave the flowers then held her waist. "Happy birthday. No words can explain how you look tonight" he look into her eyes.
After all the sweet talk with Lisa, JoonMyeon stepped in. "Happy birthday. Sorry if your party is only held here. If i knew it was your birthday we could have held it in an auditorium or a gymnasiun or even in a event hall. And also a catering service." He said Lisa just hit his arms. Rich kid. A really rich kid.
Jongdae was the next person to dance with Lisa. He walked in as the rose was on his teeth. He was bitting it. Lisa couldn't control her laughter. "For you.." he kneeled giving Lisa the rose. She accepted it then danced with him. "happy birthday. remember what i told you. i'm always here."
The next music played. Tao stepped in. "Happy birthday." as the dance went they were laughing and smiling. Jae Mi was watching them the whole time. 
She felt weird.
'maybe he likes her' she thought.
After Tao, it was Chanyeol's turn. he smiled at Lisa as he walks in. "happy birthday" he said with his low voice. "you should thank Jae Mi for this. She planned everything." they danced until the music was done. Chanyeol assissted her before he came back at Jae Mi's side.
"The 10 roses as ended. We shall now proceed to our celebrants message." they started clapping until the door opened. A guy catching his breath as he was standing on the door.
"am i late?. Can i still dance Lisa?" he asked as he walks inside.
"Byun Baekhyun! You made me nervous i thought you wouldn't come!" Lisa shouted.
"how can i not come this is the first time we will spend your birthday together." he said as he held her hand.
The music played. They started dancing. Baekhyun was hugging Lisa the whole dance. No space between them they can feel each others heart beat. "Happy birthday. I'm sorry if I was late. I love you" he hugged her tightly.
"thank you. And it's okay oppa don't worry" she hugged Baekhyun back. She felt complete now that his here.
The romantic music stop. Then he placed a kiss on Lisa's forehead. He walked back to the others as Lisa sat at the stage.
Jongdae was about to speak again.
"Can i still have the last dance?" he spoke. Standing at the corner of the room. His hair was wet because of his sweat but still he looks like a model.
He asked for Lisa's hand as the man he hates the most is standing infront of her. She looks at her Unnie for an answer. JaeMi just nodded.


She held his hand. And felt a very warm feeling. The music played. It wasn't an unfamiliar sound. It was one of her favorite.
Call you mine by Jeff Bernat.
Yifan held Lisa's tiny waist gently. As he brings her closer. But there's still space between them.
Lisa placed her hands on Yifan's broad shoulders. She felt her cheeks getting hot.
"happy birthday Lisa" Yifan greeted her with his deep yet y voice. He was looking at her. She noticed it so she made eye contact with him.
"uuhhmm..tha..thank you" she answered nervously. Her heart beating crazy.
'what's happening it's just a greeting?!. Why does it have this kind of effect?!.' she thought to herself.
"you look very beautiful tonight" his hands now  on Lisa's back almost hugging her. "hope this makes you feel special this day" he showed his smile. The first time he smiled for her.
"you look....nice too" she was all red now. She heard Yifan laughed alittle. She looks at him and saw his gum smile. She automatically laughed at it.
"why?" kris asked out of a sudden.
"your gums is showing when you smile like that" she was laughing.
The music ended. Yifan assisted Lisa to her sit at the stage. Then went straight to Tao's side.
Now it's time for dinner. Everyone grabbed their food then went straight to their table. They were talking about the whole preparation of the party.
JaeMi stood up that grabs everyone's attention.
"thank you everyone for your help on making this birthday for Lisa. And Dongsaeng Happy birthday. Unnie is always here remember. I love you" Lisa stood up and went to her Unnie and hugged her.
"thank you unnie. I love you too. i love everything" she kissed het unnie's cheeks then hugged her again.
"uhhmm...i have something to say.  I want you guys to be the witness." Baekhyun stood up. She grabs Lisa's hand then went infront of everyone. "here.." he brings out a pink rectangular box. Lisa takes it then opened the box.
"'s beautiful." she smiled with taking her eyes off the bracelet inside the box.
The gift of Baekhyun was a silver bracelet with different pendants on it. What caught Lisa's attention is the heart pendant with their initials on it.
"thank you oppa" she looks at Baekhyun.
"always wear this bracelet. It's the sign of my love for you." he was telling her while putting the bracelet on her wrist.
She looked at her wrist where the bracelet is. She looked at Baekhyun. She was shocked on what he did.
Baekhyun........kissed her lips infront of everyone.
Everyone's mouth was hanging open all shocked on what happened.
Suddenly a metal fell on the ground that caught everyone's attention.
"sorry. I was being clumsy" YiFan said.
"ehem ehem!!. Guys why don't we start the real party!!!" Jongdae shouted.
"let's all drink!!" Chanyeol  lifted a bottle of Soju.
"let's go!" everyone shouted.
Everyone started partying. Dancing, singing and having fun. They were even drinking but not Lisa. She can't drink yet Baekhyun is not allowing her.
It was now 2 in the morning everyone is now drunk and tipsy. They all decided to go to bed. Baekhyun was too drunk to bring Lisa to their room. Lisa helped JaeMi to bring to their room because she was alittle drunk.
They reach their room. She fixed JaeMi to her bed then changed her dress. She change into her unicorn pajamas.
A sudden knock on the door was heard.
"hey. Are you still awake?" YiFan slowly opened the door. He saw Lisa near the door. "uhmm...can we talk?. I have something to give you." Lisa nodded then walked outside. She followed YiFan to the verandra.
Cold breeze was felt on Lisa's face and a touch of the bright moon can be seen.
"here" he handed a red box.
"thank you" she opened it and saw a necklace with a silver unicorn on it.
"do you like it?" YiFan asked her. He takes the necklace out of the box then went behind Lisa. He placed the necklace on her neck. After locking the necklace he holds Lisa's shoulder. She felt a sudden electricity on her body. Her heart starts pounding like crazy. "i'm sorry about what happened last time. The foul words i have used against you and JaeMi. I'm really sorry am I forgiven?" he turned Lisa to face him.
"yes forgiven. And don't say such words again" Lisa told him. A smile was seen across YiFan's lips. He hugged Lisa. She stiffened on the sudden action.
"sorry..ugh..i think you should rest now." he walked Lisa to her room. "good night" YiFan said the walks away.
"good night" Lisa answered. She saw him look at her the smiled.
She enters their room while holding the necklace on her neck. A smile was on her lips. And a sudden blush was seen when she thought of that hug. She went to her bed until she fell asleep still smiling.


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hkrhee #1
Ahhhh!!! I just finished all of the chapters so far and i LUV the plot
Please keep updating. This story always makes me smile :)
Chapter 3: Daebak..^^
Keep continue it.
I've wondered what happen next..^^