I Want YOU

When Fate Meets Love


Chapter 10 part 2 "I want YOU"
Jae Mi
I felt excited as I knew we're going to a club. I missed Itaewon too, I and my friends usually spend nights there hopping clubs. The alcohol, the lively music, the fascinating lights, oh wow, I miss Seoul, but of course, I can't tell them I am actually from Seoul. We'll get busted. Pft.
I feel sad at the same time, Lisa will be staying at the house like she's gonna shoot the walls with a gun. It would be boring for her, she'll gonna watch cartoons again or maybe her favorite late night gag show.
Everyone is getting ready now, it's getting dark, dusk is already approaching. I guess they are in their rooms now getting really cool as they dress up. While me....... Me? Oh yeah, just throwing my clothes around our room. I can't find a nice clothes to wear. I should have bought nice clothes back in Seoul. . I sat at my bed, curling like a useless ball. 
"Ugh! What to wear!," I screamed pulling my hair out of frustration. At any minute they may knock on our room's door to fetch me and ask 'hey Jae Mi are you done?' And I'll be saying 'I still have no ing clothes for the night.' Oh heavens, how to manage.
Suddenly, someone knocked. Okay now, why so fast. Just as I am ready to say my god damn excuse, Lisa revealed herself. Oh heavens, it's good to know it is Lisa. She smiled her warm smile again. 
"Unnie. Do you need help?," she asked as she enter the door. "You know....-," 
"You could help!," I shouted excitedly running to her and almost kneeling. 
"I was thinking of that too.," she said and helped me stand up. "You know I'm your fairy god dongsaeng..... No. I'm your fairy unicorn.," she said approaching her closet.
Her closet is like a sparkling kingdom of fancy clothes. There seems to be an imaginary shine inside her closet that made me close my eyes a little bit.
"Jaran!," she sang. I just mouthed an O in response.
Lisa looked at me from head to toe analyzing every feature and profile of me. She cutely touched her chin judging what will look best to me. 
"You have sporty legs, slim waist, big that.," I chuckled as she mentioned 'that' and can't even mention what really is it. She pointed at my chest. She's not yet done checking. "Oh!," she almost screamed snapping her fingers.
She faced her closet and pulled a royal blue long one shoulder cocktail dress with shiny silvery gems studs. My eyes gone triple size seeing this kind of dress. Lisa's fashion sense is no joke like Yifan's, though she seldom shows it.
"Here.," she handed me. "Go wash up and change to that clothes unnie!," she excitedly pushed me towards the bathroom door. "Move faster! I'm going to make you pretty!," she sang as she pull the door close. I can hear her rejoicing outside the wash room. She's really excited to see me on this.
I bathe into fancy imaginations of lights in the club as I'm soaking myself in water. How does clubs in Jeju look like? Is it different from Itaewon in Seoul?
I finished bathing and changed into Lisa's undeniably expensive dress. Duh, if this costs enough, I would buy a lot of this in Seoul.
I looked at myself in the mirror. Bang! I've become a hot chick. No. A hot dog. My skin became fairer as it blends with the royal blue color. The fitting is just right, very right. I gulped as I went out the door.
I found Lisa sitting in her bed in front of the wash Room's door. Her eyes went big, seeing me. Do I look that bad?
"Omo! Unnie! It suits you well! You're so pretty I could die!," she sworn flipping her pillows making her bed messy. I felt hot rush of blood running through the veins of my face. I felt shy.
She stood up gayly and pushed me by my shoulders to face the mirror. Down the mirror are make ups. Oh heavens, I hate make ups.
"Hey...," I asked pointing at the make ups. 
"Don't worry unnie, just...... A little.," she smiled and did her famous aegyo again. I nodded and agreed. Somehow, wasting this dress because I excused myself from wearing make ups is unreasonable. I sat on a cute wooden Tiffany chair. 
Lisa put on some moisturizer on her hands and scrutinized it over my face carefully. I can smell the sweet scent of it and can feel its cooling effect. She applied creams and a thin layer of foundation. She patted a little blush on my face and finally, spread some lip tints on my lips. My face didn't change much. She's right on the 'just a little' she's saying. She sprayed a sweet strawberry scent perfume on me and fixed my hair down.
"Perfect.," she clapped her hands leaving my shoulders. She smiled and went to her closet again. "Unnie you gotta wear this.," she continued to search on the lower portion. "Jang!," she raised an elegant silver wedge.
"Omo.," I was surprised. How come she brought many clothes? I remember her luggage being just right the size.
She walked near me and she pulled out my slippers. She put the wedge on me excitedly. I pinched her cheek.
"Ahck!," she cried holding her cheek. "Unniiiiiieeeee.," her cheek turned red. She picked up a can from her back. "Unnie, bring this with you.," she handed me a weird spray.
'Pepper spray' it says.
"There... Are boys out there...," she smiled. I patted her head and I grabbed the bag she lend me together with the clothes. It's a silver sling pouch. I put the spray inside.
She went outside. 
"Hey boys! Please welcome! My unnie!," she proudly sang walking down the stairs. I go along with her, behind. This kid. I face palmed and shyly revealed myself in front of them. 
"Isn't she pretty?," Lisa asked the boys who just left their mouths hanging. I feel ugly. They all clapped their hands.
I saw Jong In and Sehun grimacing at one corner and Tao's stare is just fixed on me. Seeing him eyeing me like that made my knees weak I don't know why. He tapped Yifan's . So gay.
Minseok giggled and raised a thumbs up. I smiled at him, beside him is Chanyeol who looks strangely and quiet.
Yifan walked towards our direction, Lisa had her Yifan-avoidance-syndrome again and gave way. Yifan raised his hand offering it to me. 
"You're pretty.," he said and we walked down. It's funny how I heard Lisa said 'tch' and pretended not to care.
"Thanks Yifan.," I smiled at him. I'm not really sure if the compliment is for me or what, but I should say thanks anyway. I looked at Lisa who is looking at her toes. Something bothered her. 
She looked up and looked at me, she immediately smiled big. "Fighting!," she cheered and rushed to the kitchen. I wonder why sudden. I went near Sehun and whispered something to him, I held his shoulders to level him to me.
"Look after Lisa while I'm not here.," then I smiled leaving him smiling heavenly.
On the front yard is a cab waiting for us. The boys looked excellently good too. There were two yellow cabs waiting and JoonMyeon, Luhan, Kyungsoo, Jongdae rode the first. Chanyeol, Yifan, Yixing and Minseok rode with me on the second cab. Yifan sat beside me and Yixing on the other side.
As we go on, I remember to text Lisa.
To: Lisa ❤
Dongsaeng, are you sick? Eat dinner.
Within a few minutes, I received a text. The lights of my phone on and it beeped.
From: Lisa ❤
Fighting unnie! I'm fine. Don't worry! Saranghae.
Then I kept my phone. Yifan is silently peeking on Lisa's message according to my peripheral view. I chuckled. I knew it, it's for Lisa after all.
The cab went routes we didn't know, but both of them following through trails until we reach a fancy building in the island. I never knew such a place exist in this island. We all hopped off and JoonMyeon paid the cab bills. Really, a rich kid. 
There are some people inside the club. Well, almost sm staffs the boys don't know. They're pretending to be regular homies. Intelligent Lee Soo Man.
"Go be happy, my treat!," JoonMyeon announced and all went inside happily. Yifan stayed behind me as JoonMyeon approached me.
"Jae Mi, can you text Lisa how is she?,"  joonMyeon asked me. I see him being worried to Lisa still.
"Okay.," I smiled and snatched my phone from my sling pouch. I texted Lisa.
To: Lisa ❤
JoonMyeon is worried. Call him.
I smiled at JoonMyeon assuring and someone called him. His phone rang. He cheered up seeing Lisa's name.
"Yobosaeyo." He answered. I can feel a tension behind me. I looked at Yifan who changed mood.
"Lisa-ssi.," JoonMyeon continued blushing.
"Nae. Eatwell.," he continued giggling while walking.
"Eh? Baekhyun-ah? Aish!," JoonMyeon suddenly get aggravated.
"Yes, he's just like that. He's annoying us too often times.," JoonMyeon explained and I heard Yifan breathed heavily.
"Lisa-ssi? Lisa?," joonMyeon's expression changed. "Ya?," 
I felt nervous suddenly. What happened? Did she lose connection? I looked at JoonMyeon. JoonMyeon looked at me raising his shoulders.
"YA! BAEKHYUN-AH!," JoonMyeon screamed over the phone. Seems Baekhyun teased Lisa again. "YA!!!!!! GIVE IT BACK TO HER!," JoonMyeon raised his voice. Suddenly Yifan snatched joonMyeon's phone.
"Ya. Baekhyun.," he speaked to Baekhyun with his deep voice. "Baekhyun.," he called again but he handed it back to JoonMyeon disappointedly.
"What was that?," I asked him. 
"Baekhyun is teasing Lisa in the house. Then he snatched Lisa's phone.," Joonmyeon explained. "Go, just get drinks.," he turned to them and turned again to me and Yifan.
"He said.... He's going to do fun things with Lisa.," Joonmyeon almost cried and Yifan tried to call Baekhyun, but no one answered.
"!," he shot. JoonMyeon was shocked with Yifan's reaction. He's being bothered.
"But Lisa enjoys watching cartoons.," I said. 
"And Baekhyun enjoys watching .," JoonMyeon said which made me feel nervous.
"But Lisa won't let Baekhyun because she's with----," screw it Jae Mi. Her pepper spray is not with her. It is with you. With-you. "Oh shoot. Her pepper spray.,"
I pulled her pepper spray and JoonMyeon and Yifan panicked. "I need to go home.," both of them said in chorus.
"No, I will.," JoonMyeon argued.
"Then who's paying the bill? You stay here.," Yifan argued getting his voice a little dominant. 
"Why are you so bothered?," JoonMyeon shot and Yifan froze. He can't answer.
Suddenly my phone beeped.
From: Lisa ❤
Unnie! Are you having fun? Don't worry about me. Baekhyun oppa snatched my phone away, but I got it back already. Enjoy there! I'll just watch cartoons. Saranghae!
"Aye! She's fine. She just texted.," I showed them my phone. They both sighed in relief. Suddenly, Luhan, Kyungsoo and Jongdae sang walking happily to Yifan and JoonMyeon.
"Lisa texted us!," they all declared and JoonMyeon checked his phone.
"He texted me too!," he said happily. Yifan looked at his phone, but found nothing. He frowned. 
"Let's party!," Kyungsoo glommed JoonMyeon's shoulder. Yifan remained at my back and we went to a vacant circular table. The chair is made up of thick blue leather. The dance floor lights are semi filled with people. 
I and Yifan sat at the leather couch. Kyungsoo eventually followed. "So, you're making a move on her huh?," he asked Yifan. Yifan continued to look at his phone blankly. 
"No.," I told Kyungsoo while smiling.
"Order some drinks!," Kyungsoo said and raised his hand to call for the hostess. The hostess is wearing a white bunny ears and white revealing uniform.  She looked at Kyungsoo ily. Kyungsoo avoided her eyes and looked at me. "Our lady here wants some drinks.," he said.
"What's your order ma'am?," she asked. I eyed her evily. 'Girl, this boy in front of you likes my dongsaeng so you better back off okay' I thought. The girl got the message. 
"I would like some... Mojito.," I told her smiling evily too. 
"What about you sir?," she asked Yifan but he ignored her.
"Two Bahama Mamas," Kyungsoo ordered for Yifan. 
The musics loud as the dance floor get hyped. Chanyeol didn't sit with us but sat at the bar. He's getting entertainments from some hostess.  It felt freaking weird.
The other members got drunk except Yifan. I as well controlled my drinking and so I didn't get drunk.
I stood up as some effect of alcohol hovers me getting my adrenaline go high. I felt like dancing.
I went to the dance floor alone. The boys are sitting at the couch, resting for all the dances they had.
The music is from Wiz Kalifa I guess and I bumped and danced to the music. Suddenly, I felt a heavy hot hand held my waist from the back.
I turned to see Chanyeol rocking his body dancing. He's behind me, dancing with me. I can feel his body next to mine as we dance together. He looked drunk. I can smell alcohol from him. He held my shoulders and turned me around to face him. He continued to bump up and down. He's sweating already. I could see tickling sweats on his neck going down his slightly soaked polo. I gulped erasing thoughts of him. My heart as well jumps up and down as Chanyeol dance with me.
Lights are playing on us, music's beat got louder. Chanyeol looked at me. Suddenly... His expression changed. He met my eyes and he became slow, his energy went down.
He eventually avoided my stare and ran off. 
Ran off.
What the is his problem? I felt tired so I walked to our couch and sit along with the boys. Chanyeol is not with us. He went somewhere I don't know after we danced.
The thought of Chanyeol dancing with me never left my mind. He's..... Hot.
"H..hey. Jae Mi. Can you call Sehun?," joonMyeon asked. His eyes getting heavy. He's leaning on the table. I looked at Yifan who's still looking at his phone flipping it up and down. He's not that drunk.
"Yifan, go on. Call Sehun, check Lisa.," I asked him. He coldly dialed Sehun's number and called him.
He began to speak.
"Ya. Sehunnie.," Yifan called. 
"Are you guys still awake?," he asked Sehun. They're looking at Yifan anticipating what's going on the house.
"Oh. I see. What about............ Lisa?," it took him seconds before he mention her name.
"Oh I see...," he said calmly... "WAIT WHAT?!!!!!!!!," His tone changed. All became attentive. 
"Where are they?," he asked panicking. I got nervous as well thinking bout Lisa.
"Knock on the door! Get Lisa out of there!," Yifan's eyes went dark. He waited patiently.
"Ya. Baekhyun. Stop that nonsense.," I guess he's talking to Baekhyun over the phone now. His voice getting scary. "YA!! BAEKHYUN!," he shouted and threw his phone on the table. The convo ended.
"What did he say?," JoonMyeon asked worried.
"Baekhyun locked Lisa in their room.," Yifan narrated crossing his arms. I can see he's getting scary. My mind panicked too. Baekhyun? Locked Lisa? What is he going to do?
"Did Sehun got Lisa out?," Luhan asked getting frustrated. He knew Sehun won't let him down by letting Baekhyun do something.
"He knocked on the door. I talked to Baekhyun.," Yifan continued. The boys and I got itchy to go home. For heavens sake, why Baekhyun.
"What did he say?," Jongdae furrowed his eyebrows and knocked her knuckles. Minseok held him on his arms. 
"He said he's just telling her bedtime stories.," Yifan slapped the table. Is Baek's bedtime stories that bad?
"Let's go back.," joonMyeon suggested.
"Hey.. Where's Chanyeol?," Yixing asked. Oh yeah, that Chanyeol. He's being weird. Where is he?
Instantly I raised my hand. "I'll look for him.," and stood up brushing my skirt. I walked to the stairs to the second floor of the club and found Chanyeol's silhouette at the terrace. He's getting some air. 
I walked to him and I stopped as I saw him walking back, maybe going down.  He's ignoring me. 
At a count of three I knew he'd pass by me. Completely ignoring me. Three steps more. Three steps and our line won't meet.
One.... He stepped cooly.
Two.... He's still not looking.
Three.... He almost passed by me.
Three... He stopped. I gulped feeling tension.
I leaned at the wall facing him. He punched the wall hard which I know hurts bad. My heart started to go wild. My feelings is a bad mix. If Chanyeol will go with this, I'm afraid I will let him.
He cornered me in the wall, I can feel absolute silence completely ignoring Wiz Khalifa or LMFAO or Usher. He's breathing heavily into my ears. I can feel his hot breath. He's stopping himself. I knew it. It's like he's battling on what to do. I can already feel his body getting near. Soon, I'll be pinned into this wall.
He went nearer to my ears. His hot breath tickling it.
"I will count one to three. Go now or I will not stop myself.," he said and put his other arm down to give space to me so I can escape.
Should I?
It's now... Or never.
I ran away making way to the boys. My heart remained thumping so hard. I touched my chest, feeling it. Suddenly, Chanyeol appeared walking down the stairs. The boys stood up and all of us left the place.
On the way back, the road became silent. It wasn't noisy just like earlier. The boys must've been worrying about Lisa and Baekhyun. While I and Chanyeol provides them awkward atmosphere.
After some minutes, we arrived. We entered the house and find it so quiet. 
"Where are they?," JoonMyeon asked us as if we knew it. 
"They might be sleeping already.," I told him. "Go to your rooms now, all of you are drunk. I'll check Lisa.," I said assuring. 
"Please make sure she's okay.," Luhan asked seems begging. How can he still be this worried to Lisa even if he's drunk? He carried Yixing along his shoulder with JoonMyeon and went upstairs. Yixing was drunk and messed up.
Kyungsoo looked at me begging too as he supports Jongdae with Minseok. Jongdae was also drunk. I nodded at Him.
Chanyeol went upstairs and Yifan tapped my shoulder bidding goodnight.
I tiredly put off the wedge Lisa lend me and carried it until I reach our room. I silently pushed the door making sure not to wake her up.
"Lisaaaaa.," I sang as I push the door lightly. I dropped her wedge gently on the floor and I went straight to my bed. Lisa is not talking, maybe she's sleeping heavily. "We had so much fun.," I continued narrating as I lay on my bed like a wasted crap. "Well of course not all. Chanyeol is being so weird.," I don't actually care if Lisa's listening or not. "I felt weird. It felt weird.," I narrated but my voice became weaker.
I remembered how Chanyeol looked at me. That, there's something in his eyes I've never seen before. Ugh. I'm going crazy! 
Suddenly, the door sounded as it opens. My eyes grew large. Who was that? I sat up to see someone. 
The room is dark, so how could Lisa feel asleep in the dark? I reached for the lamp and lit it. I realized I was talking to no one. Lisa is not in our room. Then... Who is this silhouette in front of me? 
I turned to look at the guy
And found Chanyeol.
My heart suddenly skipped beats as Chanyeol is walking towards me and I'm on my bed. I gulped as I crawl my away and I found the end of my bed. My back is now touching the wooden head of my bead, Chanyeol is coming near my bed and the lamp's light is not illuminating his perfect face.
He's wearing his polo still that polo that was soaked on his sweet perspiration. He sat on my bed.
Oh poop.
I tried to move backwards but it was no use. My back is already at the head of the bed. Chanyeol is now on my feet crawling near beside me. 
Oh heavens! Is this my end? Chanyeol is like an angel getting me. He's not even talking. Am I dreaming actually?
My heart beats faster than ever accelerating every second, every inch Chanyeol is getting near. His face is perfect.
"I..I always get jealous whenever they're around you. Do you know that?,"  he managed to speak. I remained silent absorbing what is it he's telling. 
"I... I've been looking at you, every now and then, do you know that?," he moved nearer. Now, he's on top of me. His hands at my pillow, jailing me inside his arms. I remained seated waiting for my end. My heart accelerates again making it almost jump out of my system and my brain is not actually functioning anymore for sake of my aching feet.
"Jae Mi. It's painful. I tried to keep it. I tried very hard.," then a tear escaped his eyes. He's crying. "But... I guess. I really can't.," he moved an inch forward. His face is just inches away.
"I love you. Every bits of you. I love you.," he said surrendering himself. My heart is already punching my chest demanding a way out of it to jump to Chanyeol. This handsome guy is telling me how he loves me and I felt something inside me that makes me want to give back to him what he deserves, but it simply can't because I will lose.
He cupped my face with his right hand, making sure he touched my very Jaw. His hands are hot. My cheeks turned crimson red. I can sense it. He's just looking at me getting closer. "Please, don't move.," he said noticing I'm backing off.
Automatically which I don't know why, my system is having a problem. I can't move, I remained there. He brushed my hair shoving it at my back and it revealed my shoulder. He caressed it going to my arm, he moved an inch near again.
Now, I can feel his hot breath and a smell of alcohol hinting what he had drink. He ordered some of what Kyungsoo and Yifan had. Our nose are already touching. He closed his eyes, getting near again.
Bye Lisa. I'm sorry.
A tear escaped my eye as I felt Chanyeol's plump lips on my lips. He kissed me. My blood rushed through my brain and my heart pumped blood faster than ever. He's kissing me. He is. His lips are soft as it caresses mine. His hand climbed up my jaw again as he pulls me more to him. 
I can't give in. I can't.
I pulled my sling bag and seemed for Lisa's pepper spray. I'm trying to push Chanyeol's shoulder away, but he...
Deepened the kiss. He started moving his lips dominating mine, while I'm still stoned. I can taste alcohol on his lips.
His hand on my pillow caressed my other jaw, pulling it more as he attempts to deepen the kiss again. I can't. No. This shouldn't be. My feelings for Chanyeol is getting overboard. Please, I need to stop myself.
But instead of doing so, my system crapped up.
I gave into him.
I moved too. I kissed him. I was carried away. I released the pepper spray and it fell somewhere I don't know. My other hand pushing him, ended up pulling him. My hand locked behind his neck. 
Chanyeol slid his tongue and danced it with mine. I don't care about the world anymore. I just don't. I want Chanyeol. I'm wanting him.
He laid me on my bed as he caress my back. He started putting off his polo ing it one by one. My hand left his neck as it moved to his biceps. He's now shirtless for Pete's sake. He leaned closed and I felt his body next to mine. He continued to kiss me and I did too. He caressed my shoulders moving swiftly.
I want Chanyeol.
Being independent.
Oh god! What am I doing? This is a mistake! A big mistake! Please, how to stop now? Tears formed in my eyes as I began crying. 
Chanyeol pushed away and realized what have he done... To me.. With me. He looked at me and his face changed. Guilt governed him. He wiped my tears away. I am scared. I'm so scared. I'm sorry Lisa.
"Sorry.," Chanyeol apologized gaining his senses back. I breathed heavily, still crying. "Please. Please don't cry. I can't forgive myself.," he said covering his face. 
I cried, I just can't stop. I'm not blaming Chanyeol, I'm blaming myself.
"Stop crying please.," Chanyeol pulled me into a hug. Letting me cry into him. "Please.," my tears couldn't stop. "Please.," he begged. 
I tried to stop crying. I'll definitely say sorry to Lisa. Big time. I owe her and everyone a big sorry. My tears stopped falling as I felt Chanyeol releasing me as he vomits at the right floor. 
Chanyeol, got pregnant that easy. 
I chuckled at the idea making my tears dry up. Chanyeol fell into sleep. I arranged him and I slept at Lisa's bed.
"Goodnight Chanyeol.," 
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hkrhee #1
Ahhhh!!! I just finished all of the chapters so far and i LUV the plot
Please keep updating. This story always makes me smile :)
Chapter 3: Daebak..^^
Keep continue it.
I've wondered what happen next..^^