My Funny Oppa

When Fate Meets Love

Chapter 9 part 2 "My Funny Oppa"


Eventhough I'm not yet full I told everyone that I am, the truth is I still don't want to see that YiFan's face.
It has been two days since that incident happen but still I don't wanna talk to him or even see him. I'm still mad at him for everything that he said. I'm still giving him my cold treatment.
I'm now on my way to the verandra. When suddenly I heard someone called me.
"Lisa!...hey!!" the person that I hate the most is calling me.
I just looked at him coldly. Without saying anything.
He stopped infront of me catching his breath.
'Maybe he run just to catch me here' I thought to myself.
"uuhhmm...Lisa I just want to say that...that.." he said without looking at me. He was like hesitating to say sorry.
He was just standing there and can't even look at me. I got pissed off.
"If you'll not say anything maybe i'll just go ahead. your wasting my time Mr. YiFan" I told him coldly. I turned my back on him and was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist.
I felt weird something I never felt before but I just shake it of my head maybe it's just my imagination.
Out of a sudden he hugged me. I was shocked. I can't even move, his body so warm and so close to mine.
"Please don't be mad at me anymore. I hate how you look at me with a
hatred and anger and also that cold look of yours i hate it" i can feel he smelled my hair and starts brushing it. "i even hate how you smile at them but never smile to me. please stop doing that I'm going crazy"
he said then hugged me tighter. I felt my heart melted, it's like i'm forgiving him already but I can't. I hate him too much.
He let me go and looks into my eyes. In a very weird feeling I don't want to let go of his hug. His eyes saying sorry. He smiled at me warmly. I felt my heart stopped. Then he walks away.
He left me there standing and smiling all of a sudden. If someone saw me like this they will thought that I'm crazy.
After minutes of standing there I came back to my senses. Then starts walking to the verandra.
I was just sitting there hugging my knees. Thinking if I should forgive him.
"Maybe I should talk to Unnie Jae Mi about this" I told myself and let out a heavy sigh. I feel so stressed. I wish someone can cheer me up.
I'm here at the verandra for an hour now. I'm still thinking about what YiFan said. Am I being too cold on him?. But he was also as cold as ice to me but his different to JaeMi unnie.
Am I jealous??!
That's a big NO!
I was all alone when I heard a guy singing.
His voice is really romantic and soft. It sounds like it can melt a thousand of girls heart.
His voice is making me calm. It's like talking to me and saying that everything will be okay.
I was looking at nowhere when someone sat beside me.
"Hey!" I was brought back to reality.
"Is that you? Did that angelic voice came to you?" I asked him. He just nodded in responce.
"You have a really great voice Jongdae Oppa" I told him. He really has a great voice, a beautiful one.
"Thank you" he said and if i'm not mistaken i saw him blush.
"OMO oppa you blushed. Wae?" I pointed at his cheeks.
"That's nothing. It just feels good when someone important tells me I have a great voice" He responded without looking at me.
"important?" I was confused all of a sudden.
"Yes important. Your important to me Lisa" he looked at me.
I just blushed then looked away.
Jongdae laughed awkwardly.
"Maybe I should stop following you already" he said all of a sudden.
"your following me?" i looked at him.
"Yes i always follow you around..........secretly. That's why I always got hurt. By the people around you" he paused then smiled at me. "but i will not do it anymore. I will stay by your side......always"
We went silent after that but Jongdae couldn't handle the silence.
He started to tell me stories about him, about their life when they were still in Seoul.
I felt happy for them but sad at the same time. They can't even see their families anymore.
He keeps on cracking up jokes which made me laugh really hard.
He was so fun to be with.
"Oppa why do you always joke around?. I feel like your the 'happy go lucky' guy in the group."
"I just don't want anyone to get lonely and stuff. I don't want to feel the feeling of silence. I want everyone laughing and happy......just like you I want you to be happy" I smiled on what he said.
"Did you see that?" He points at afar.
"What? What is that?" I looked at where he points at.
"Your smile just made angels fall from heaven" I blushed on his sudden compliment.
"Aigoo stop doing that" i looked at him questioning.
"Doing what?" I was so confused on his actions.
"That smiling and blushing thing i might become an angel.......then fall for you" He looks straight into my eyes.
"Oppa stop fooling around" I slapped his shoulders.
"But I'm willing to be an angel if i have to fall for you" With that I can feel butterflies in my stomach. I was blushing really hard.
He is now looking at my eyes. It's like he was composing the right words to say. All I can see is happiness in his eyes.
"So this is the feeling of loving someone" he smiled warmly. I smiled back at him. "Stop looking im falling deeper" he continued.
I closed my eyes so I won't be able to look at him.
I heard him laugh.
"Yah! Lisa-ssi don't close your eyes you will see darkness"
I laughed on his statement.
"Oppa ofcourse i will see darkness if i close my eyes"
"Then open your eyes so we can see the light together" I opened my eyes and saw him smiling at me. I felt my heart beat like crazy when I saw that smile.
The smile that can make your heart melt just like his voice.
We spent the whole day together. Laughing and having a really good time.
It's dinner time when we went downstairs. We were still laughing I can't explain it but it feels good around Jongdae Oppa.
The mood of everyone is lighter now compared earlier or maybe i'm just in good mood because of Jongdae Oppa.
At the middle of eating dinner Jongdae is really quiet. It makes me a little uncomfortable because of his condition.
"Oppa are you okay?. Are you sick?" I asked him worriedly.
"huh?!. ah no i'm okay. i just felt a little jealous because Minseok and JaeMi spends the whole day together at the practice room. He even teaches her how to dance but he didn't even allow me to watch him practice.." after that he pretends that his crying. The others starts looking at JaeMi Unnie and Minseok Oppa. Both of them just keeps their head down. Cute!
"but that's okay if Minseok is with JaeMi" he paused then looked at me.
"atleast I have my Lisa with me" I felt a rush of hot blood on my cheeks. Now, everyone is looking at me.
I just smiled and changed the topic.
"Oppa why don't you just tell us some of your jokes" I asked Jongdae to shift their attention.
"Let me think" he puts his fingers on his chin like his really thinking. "I can't think of anything.....everything that enters my mind is you" i just blushed really hard because of that.
"Oppa your too cute" I said then pinched his cheeks.
"Cute?!. Tch! That line is so LAME and OVER USED" JoonMyeon Oppa whispered. He thought i did't heard that but i did i just ignored it.
After dinner, me and Jongdae went to the veranda again. 
Now he was really serious. He looked at me then held my hand.
"I don't want to add up by your confusion, about us, so i'm not gonna compete for your heart but i can always be your shoulder to cry on and even your older brother okay?" He told  me I was shocked but still i'm happy that i older brother now.
"Nae!" i smiled at him then gave him a hug. He deserve it.
We talked more and he even brings me to our room when it's getting late.
"good night Lisa-ssi. saranghae" he said then walks away.
"Good night Oppa" i waved at him.
i entered the room and did my evening rituals before going to bed.
But something bothered me the question that Unnie asked me if I get jealous. Why did she asked me?. did something happened when she went to the kitchen?!.
I closed my eyes until I'm completely asleep.
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hkrhee #1
Ahhhh!!! I just finished all of the chapters so far and i LUV the plot
Please keep updating. This story always makes me smile :)
Chapter 3: Daebak..^^
Keep continue it.
I've wondered what happen next..^^