Pet Names

When Fate Meets Love


Chapter 7 "Pet Names"
Jae Mi
Jong In closed the door. I looked at his silhouette leaving. He gently closed the door. My heart felt calm yet it seeks for something, maybe I'm just getting used to little Jong In being there always.
Now, I'm with Sehun. I have to take care of him. These guys are soon to debut, they need to be healthy. I looked at him and his porcelain skin is very visible in the moonlight getting through the window. He's dazzling too, sparkling. He's born a star.
Sehun is sleeping peacefully. He's beautiful even at sleep. I sympathize him; he's very young like Jong In. He should just playing around and this is the time he should be careless about the world, but to yell hell he is not. He trained to be a star.  He should be taken care of. 
I was drowned into my illusion by just looking at him, soon I realized that he is frowning on his sleep. I moved to him, closer, analyzing why. Is he in pain again? 
"Eomma.," and a tear left his eye. My heart ached for him. He might be looking for his mom. 
I touched his forehead feeling a rising temperature again. I started to worry. 
"Fever again.," and I wiped Sehun's tear. I reached for the ice pack and put it on his forehead. I reached for the slightly soaked towel to wipe on him.
Suddenly, someone got inside the room. A worried Luhan, I figured out. I didn't follow him with stares but seemingly he sat on the edge of Sehun's bed, he pulls Sehun's blanket gently to fix it on Sehun.
I can see, Luhan takes care of Sehun just as Kyungsoo takes care of Jong In.
"Is he okay now?," he calmly asked.
"Hmm. His temperature rised a bit again.," I answered arranging the ice pack on Sehun's forehead.
"You can sleep now.," Luhan offered.
"Hmm. I can't til he gets better.," I said. I just can't leave Sehun like this. It is weird, but it feels right and this is just the way for myself to be calm. 
"Hmm. Okay. You can sleep in my bed, if ever. I'll sleep at the floor.," Luhan said. Luhan is kind of gentle, now I know why he is Sehun's favorite hyung.
"No. I can sleep with.------," as for I thought about Lisa.
Yes. Oh my god. My dongsaeng is waiting for me at our room. She might be still waiting and knocking herself off to not sleep. 
"Omo.," I said putting my hands on my knees. "Lisa.," I faced Luhan and found his face grew lighter as I mention Lisa. Can't it be.... Oh! Slash that. "Lisa is alone at our room. Can you... Can you accompany her first? I'll follow as soon as Sehun gets well, we can exchange places. I'm sorry Lu, but Lisa can't actually sleep when she's alone.," I said looking forward he might say Yes.
He nodded. Yes! Finally. I felt slightly calmed.
"I'll go now.," he said going out of the room.
Now, all I have to worry about is Sehun.  I continued applying cold compresses on him so that his temperature will soon get low.
But it didn't.
I kept on applying cold compresses and Sehun slightly opened his eyes. His voice is shaking.
"Noona.," his voice cracked due to cough.
"Sehunah!," I hugged him. I felt scared, really really scared. I released him gently.
"Omo, Noona, I'm sorry again.," he said as he tried to sit. 
"Don't rise, you're still sick.," I tried to lay him again. He grabbed my hand and stopped me.
"Anni. I'm okay.," he said warmly and smiled. There is his heavenly eye smile again. Can't you get any cuter? My heart raced. "As long as you are here.," he said and cupped my jaw.
"Sehunah.," I tried to absorb why is he acting weird. He's being like Jong In.
"Noona, has anyone told you, you're absolutely beautiful?," Sehun said warmly, still smiling. I swear, I'd die of his smile. I felt my cheeks burning. How could this guy be sweet still even if he's sick?
"Silly.," I sarcastically said, his smile faded and he suddenly whined.
"Noonaaaa, I'm telling you the truuuth.," he whined like a cute child wanting some candies.
"Aigoo. Cute!," I said cooing him. He smiled again. He looks like a cute cat. "What truth? That I'm ugly?," I teased.
"No.," he answered clearly. My heart started to beat slowly and heavy again. He cupped my jaw and held my hand with his free hand. His face turned serious. 
My heart started to beat in a faster and heavier pace now, I felt hot rush of blood rushing up my cheeks. He leaned closely. 
"You are... The most beautiful girl, I've ever seen, next to my eomma.," he slowly said. Being next to his eomma which is for life irreplaceable flutters me. "You are a wonderful person.," 
And he start smiling again. He knew, I fairly observed he knew my obvious blush. "How could you be so cheesy?," I poked him and realized that he's not even eating yet.
"Are you hungry?," I asked him. Just as I about to walk to get his food, I felt his hot skin touched my hand. He held it again.
I turned to look at him.
"Don't go anywhere.," he begged. I nodded. I reached for the tray for Sehun on the side table and fed him porridge.
"Noona. Can I ask you a favor?," he asked, I shove a spoonful of porridge on his mouth gently.
"What is it my baby?," I joked as I picture the image of me taking care of him like a baby. He smiled at the idea.
"Please don't leave me. Stay here.," he said. I looked at him shocked. I can't even imagine he could ask me to stay here. He barely knows me.
"Babe? Please? Stay here.," he said sweetly. Did he just called me 'babe' instead of Noona?! My heart went partying wild again.
"Noona.," I reminded him.
"Babe.," he insisted.
"Noona.," I repeated.
"Okay!," he surrendered. 
"Luhan and I will exchange rooms after you eat and take medicines.," I brushed his hair with my fingernails.
"But babe, can you please please please stay here for a night?," he begged cutely, doing his best aegyo.
"Okay ba-.," I was out of my mind and I nearly called him babe. I covered my mouth.
"You called me Babe.," he teased. I shove his medicine in his mouth and gave him a glass of water. He's done eating anyway, so I cleaned it.
I ignored it, though in fact I feel weird. It felt weird. I feel happy around Sehun too. I feel crazy feelings. 
I helped him lie down again. He yawned like a tired cat and he interlaced his fingers on my hand, securing it, holding it tightly. "Goodnight babe.," he said.
I looked at him and rested for a while and remained sitting there. Sehun is holding my hand. It's an easy way to know his temperature and For my advantage, I feel calm and happy.
Then, my eyes went heavy. I want to sleep. Yeah, I should now change place with Luhan. I stood up weakly, as I feel really tired and sleepy. It's late though.
I was shocked as his hand suddenly tighten. He pulled me into his bed, I tried to stand up again, but all I knew is that I'm now trapped inside his arms and legs. 
"I said don't go anywhere babe.," he whispered. After awhile he fell asleep again, but his grip on me is surprisingly tight. 
I didn't fight back. I remained there. The feeling is good, even though it is not right. My eyes felt heavy.
"Goodnight babe.," the last thing I remembered. It came from my mouth.
That night I was all alone in our room Jae Mi Unnie is still at Sehun's room taking care of him. How i wish Sehunnie is fine now.
To fight my boredom I decided to check my Facebook for some updates, I was scrolling on my Newsfeed when one post grabbed my attention.  
[RUMOR]   "SM Entertainment to DEBUT a NEW BOY GROUP this YEAR"
"Daebak Fangirls!. Where do they even find this kind of information." I thought to myself.
I was feeling alittle sleepy but I can't sleep alone without someone to accompany me.   After a while I heard a knock on my door.  
"Lisa-ssi! Are you still awake?" a guy said behind the door. I wasn't sure who it was but still I let him come in.
"Luhan Oppa, what are you doing here?" I asked in confusion. But he was just there standing. Weird. "YAH!" I shouted at him and he came back to his senses.  
"I'm sorry, I just want to remember how perfect you are" he said still looking at me. I can feel my heart going crazy the same feeling I feel with Kyungsoo Oppa. "by the way, I came here cause Jae Mi told me to accompany you for tonight while she's taking care of Sehun. Don't worry she'll back and we'll switch places" he added while having this great aura around him likehis really happy seeing me.  
'OMO! YAH LISA STOP THINKING LIKE THAT' I thought to myself.   "Really?. Ok you can sit here beside me." I said to him with all smiles. And there he sit right beside me.
We were talking to each other for awhile now but still no sign of Jae Mi Unnie. I felt really comfortable around Luhan Oppa his different from Kyungsoo Oppa much more sweeter.  
"Oppa I'm really sleepy" I told him after I yawn.  
"Take a sleep now Jae Mi will comeback any minute now." he told me.  
"Can you stay here first?" I asked him I really can't sleep all alone.
  "Yes and I will stay right here I won't leave you I promise" he told be brushing my hair. And there I felt a really hot on my cheeks.   He laid me on my bed and he also laid beside me. He turned me to his direction and there I was facing him. I can feel his warm breathing. His arms were my pillow, I was really close to his chest I can feel his heartbeat beating crazy like mine. I felt really warm in his arms, it's like i'm safe and nothing can hurt me. He was still brushing my hair using his hands and starts to humming a lullaby. That made me more relax and happy in his arms. I tried to escape but he won't let me.  
"Good night my angel" I was really sleepy that time but I managed say something.  
"Good night Oppa" I said to him and ...
there I felt a small kiss on my forehead.
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hkrhee #1
Ahhhh!!! I just finished all of the chapters so far and i LUV the plot
Please keep updating. This story always makes me smile :)
Chapter 3: Daebak..^^
Keep continue it.
I've wondered what happen next..^^