
I Won't Give Up On Us

After telling Onew that she indeed had a crush on him, Sunmi has always been going around following him. She would always find a way to see him and know what he is doing. She just can’t help it. She really started liking Onew that much. Although some other times Onew would just hide away from her or just ask her to not follow him anymore. But Onew pushing her away wasn’t of any help. She still would follow him and do whatever just for Onew to notice her and acknowledge that she likes him a lot. Because she always gets what she wants, she won’t be happy not until Onew notices her.


And today because SHINee doesn’t have any schedules so she went to their dorm again. She always does go there but the boys had been very unwelcoming. Taemin just opened the door but didn’t even greet her. She followed him though and sat beside him.


“Taemin, is Onew oppa still asleep?” She asked Taemin who was still half awake at the moment. Sunmi looked around and didn’t saw Onew. She thought, he maybe avoiding her again.


“As you can see...” Taemin answered and yawned in front of her which she found cute. So she took out her phone at snap a picture of him. She had an idea. She will snap a photo of Onew sleeping.


“This looks cute. I’ll put it up on the internet. You’re fans might want to see this side of you Taemin.” She said happily and looked at Taemin who was now glaring at her and was now totally awake. He took her phone and deleted the picture.


“You’re worse than a sasaeng fan Sunmi.” Taemin mocked at her. But she just smiled at him.


She was still being a nice girl to Taemin though he wasn’t nice at all to her. He is still Onew’s younger brother and he’s SHINee’s Taemin so she has no other choice but to be nice to him.  Then again, the cold Taemin; as much to her surprise decided to just lie at the couch pushing her away, using his feet until she fell down the floor. He laughed at his victory while Sunmi started to cry.


But no one cares about her. Key just checked what happened but when he saw her he get back to his cooking. Jonghyun was busy with his phone taking pictures of himself. Minho was busy reading some book. Taemin already ignored her and watch some shows on TV.


“Why are they so cold? They were too sweet with their fans.” She thought to herself. “And to other girls around.” She sighed in defeat.


Because she had nothing to do with those guys who are ignoring her presence she went to look for Onew instead. She opened the door that she haven’t been onto and found herself on the room full of clothes. It looks like it SHINee’s wardrobe. She realizes that it’s the reason why Key told her it’s a forbidden room. She happily went around and tried looking for Onew’s clothes but it seemed like all of them are wearing all those clothes and exchanging it with one another. She’d seen them wearing it.


“SHINee wears all this clothes?” She blurted out. She looked disappointed somehow but still she took pictures of it.


“Yes, we do wear it at schedules and sometimes at events. But that’s not all our clothes. These clothes are for SHINee’s fashion.” Onew answered her and took some shirt out of the closet. “Stop taking pictures of everything I and SHINee does. Taemin hates it a lot. Please stop.” He gestured to her using his hand.


“You hate it too.” She said and it wasn’t a question. She looked at him as he gets dressed. Like a total fan she still kept taking pictures of him. From half- until he finishes wearing the shirt he took a while ago.


“I hate it a lot so stop it. Please.” He said and took her phone away from her. “And here in Korea, it’s rude to stare at someone else when they are getting dressed.”


“I’m used to it. I’ve even seen guys like you totally .” She jokingly to him.


He smirked at her and went a little closer to her. He cupped her face and move closer to her as if he is going to kiss her. She closed her eyes in excitement. She waited and waited but no lips have touched her. She finally opened her eyes. He was still in front of her face but he was chuckling. His eyes, nowhere to be seen.


“This is Korea Sunmi. Not all guys will fall for that bait you are throwing. For goodness’ sake don’t act like that in front of me. Girls shouldn’t act like that. You are Jihyo’s little sister and not a . Please stop doing those things that might end up hurting you.” He told her. Annoyance and disappointment could be seen in his face.


“I am still just Jihyo unnie’s little sister to you aren’t I?” She asked hurt by what he said. She was not that hurt when he said she’s acting like a . She’s more hurt in the fact that Onew will just see her as her Jihyo unnies little sister.


“You are just Jihyo’s little sister to me. And that wouldn’t change. So just stop liking me. It’s just not right.” Onew finally move away in front of her. He was still looking at her though.


“You will eventually like me. I would make you like me too.” She told him and left the room and SHINee’s dorm.


“I swear you would fall for me, Onew. Unnie will you help me?”

A/N: Hello guys! I'm back! How are you? Sorry for taking so long to update this fic. I might not continue with the other fics I am writing but this one, I think I might finish. The plot still lingers on my mind. Haha.

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Chapter 3: uhh author nnim , please update soon ^^