Chapter Seven - Anger

Sunny Haven

(WARNING: Just to be safe I thought I would warn people that there is slight reference to self harm in this chapter, although I don't think it would be triggering I've put the paragraph in bold if you don't want to read it)

Donghae scrambled to his feet, his gaze flickering between the two doctors. Kyuhyun looked back at him, his mouth gaping and eyes wide with horror; whereas Siwon avoided his stares, looking extremely uncomfortable.

"Wh-what are you doing here?!" Kyuhyun managed to splutter. It was the first time he'd spoken to Donghae in anything other than the calm and clinical he used with patients...and that made him hurt all the more. "It's 4 in the morning!"

Defiance suddenly blazed inside his stomach and Donghae's mouth twisted into a bitter smirk. Kyu thought he had the right to be annoyed with him? He shrugged, steadily maintaining their eye contact.

"I could ask you the same question. But as for me, I couldn't sleep so I came here to look at the water and happened to walk in on this...cozy gathering." He swung the door open again, pausing in the doorway with his back to the pair, "You could have told me the truth, Kyuhyun."

Then he let the door swing shut and jogged across the dewy grass, ignoring the calls of his name that could be heard behind him. With every step he took, his feelings of betrayal and resentment grew. Kyuhyun, the one he'd trusted and considered a friend even if he couldn't be anything more...had been lying to him this whole time.

Siwon had at least seemed to be similar to the way he always acted when he spoke to Donghae and the others, but the jealousy coursing through his veins was enough to counteract that one redeeming factor. They'd let Donghae make an idiot out of himself for months by flirting with a man who was taken! Suddenly a certain person appeared in his thoughts. Hyukjae...he'd been led on and put through this for far longer than Donghae.

When he reached the door didn't immediately open it. Instead he pounded on it with his fist, a snarl escaping his lips when he felt his skin split across his knuckles. Staggering inside to escape the pleading shouts from Kyuhyun and Siwon that drew ever closer, Donghae hurried upstairs, cradling his fist. What he had intended to be a relaxing walk had made him lose his head, and he needed to speak to one person, the only one who would understand his feelings at the moment.

"Hyukjae!" Even though Donghae was pounding frantically on the door with his uninjured hand, he hadn't expected a quick response, which is why he was taken by surprise when the door was almost immediately yanked open. He stumbled forward a little before he scrambled to slam the door shut again, finally taking in his surroundings.

The room was freakishly clean, contrary to what he'd been expecting, with the tangled bed covers being the only blemish. While it was very similar to Donghae's in size and colour, Hyukjae seemed to have added embellishments- the most obvious of which was a large canvas painting of the Paris skyline hanging on one wall. Then, in the middle of it all, an extremely confused and pissed off Hyukjae standing in boxers.

"What the hell is going on?" He hissed, but Donghae urgently pressed his fingers to his lips. He was listening for commotion outside, and he froze when he heard a familiar voice.

"Donghae, please!" Kyuhyun's muffled voice came from the corridor, and there was a faint knocking sound from the door next to this. Of course Kyu would assume he'd go back to his room. Another reason that he had come here instead...the last place anybody would expect him to go. There was suddenly a quiet rattling and Donghae frowned. Were they really going to...? He gasped when he heard a click and Siwon's confused voice.

"He's really not in here. I could have sworn I saw him running up to stairs."

They had unlocked his room? Was that even legal? He supposed it was considering where they were, but still it angered Donghae that they would go to the extent of opening his room against his will just to settle a personal matter that had nothing to do with his treatment. However, before he could think about what they had done any more, a sound distracted him.

A knock on Hyukjae's door. Donghae sprung back, looking about in desperation, his eyes met Hyukjae's questioning ones. With the knocks continuing, all he could do was mouth 'please' and hope the other would understand he didn't want to be found. Hyukjae only raised an eyebrow in response, so Donghae ran past into the bathroom, pressing his back into the wall and breathing heavily.

That defiance he'd felt before had worn off, leaving him only with bleeding knuckles and an irrational fear of speaking to either of them. Considering that they were responsible for his recovery and release from this awful place, it wasn't the best position to be in. His breath shortened, and as much as he tried to calm himself he seemed to be on the verge of some sort of panic attack. He was stuck here.

There was one thing that would make his mind go blank, that would stop all of this, but he couldn't do that...not here, in an 's bathroom in a rehabilitation centre. No. He could be strong. He WOULD be strong and he wouldn't resort to hurting himself for relief anymore. That's what he had promised both himself and his mother when he had entered Sunny Haven.

"Hyukjae," Kyuhyun's voice was his usual calm tone, but Donghae could hear a slight panic in the way he spoke now, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you'd seen Donghae anywhere, or heard anything from next door? We need to speak to him, it's very important."

Donghae dared to peek through a crack in the door at the scene outside. Hyukjae had his black dressing gown on again, and had the door open only enough so that his head and shoulder could be seen. When he spoke his voice sounded husky and irritated, as if they really had woken him up with their knocking.

"Why the would I know, Kyu?" He groaned, scratching the back of his head, "In case you hadn't noticed I was sleeping pretty well until a few seconds ago. Jesus, why are you even looking at him at 4 in the morning? Go to bed.”

Kyuhyun mumbled some kind of excuse or response before fading footsteps could be heard, and Hyukjae closed the door and locked it with a soft click. Slowly Donghae crept out into the main bedroom again, already control of his emotions again when he met Hyukjae's gaze. He couldn't break down. Not here, not in front of him. Their relationship was a battle of wills, and to show weakness was to admit defeat.

"So...want to explain to me what all this is about, now?" Hyukjae sat on his bed, gesturing to Donghae's bleeding knuckles, "And explain what that's about?" He then put his hands behind him to support his body while he leaned back, causing his silky dressing gown to reveal more chest than Donghae cared to see. Far from Hyukjae's casual body language he stood stiffly in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do; and the latter did not offer him a seat or any similar directions. Eventually Donghae sighed and sat down beside him, looking down at his hands and picking at a hangnail nervously.

“Kyuhyun…he, well…Look, before I say anything, promise not to freak out and just hear me out?” Hyukjae narrowed his eyes, obviously confused by the request.

"I'm not promising anything. Besides, you owe me for getting you out of the little mess you were in back then. So just tell me what's going on and don't piss about, ok?"

This wasn't the response Donghae had hoped for, but nevertheless he had no choice. What Hyukjae said was true, he owed him for helping him to hide a minute ago, and couldn't think of any excuses for what had just happened other than the truth. Biting his lip, he began to talk, staring intensely at a small model of a bulldog that sat on Hyukjae's bedside table and being careful not to meet the other man's eyes.

"I had a you know. So I decided to go and get some fresh air, go for a walk. I walked down to the little boathouse by the lake and...Kyuhyun and Siwon were in there acting all cute together." Donghae's fists curled as he continued, "You should have seen Kyu, he acted so different that it was like I didn't even know him."

After daring to glance at Hyukjae, what he saw scared him even more than if he had been angry. A perfect poker face, with dead eyes looking back at him; the only sign he was feeling anything was his prominent jawline shifting as he gritted his teeth.

"And how did they know you were there, that you saw them?" His voice held as much life as his eyes, a simple cold and calculating tone as if they were discussing an investment deal rather than any emotional matter.

"I slipped and burst through the door while they were talking about engagement and-"

"TALKING ABOUT ENGAGEMENT?" Hyukjae stood up, the shouted repetition of his words startling Donghae into slapping a hand over his own mouth. He instinctively scrambled back on the bed at Hyukjae's new state, a juxtaposition from the moment before. Now there was fire blazing in his eyes as he ran a shaking hand across his face.

"Look I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you but-"

"You really think I'd believe that? Fine, if you don't want to tell me then whatever, but come up with something better than that bull."

Donghae opened his mouth in shock, unsure of how to respond. Perhaps it was a little hard to accept...but Hyukjae refusing to even acknowledge it was anything other than a wild story Donghae had made up was not something he'd expected.

"Hyukjae, I’m not lying! Why would I be? Would that make sense? I mean jesus I wouldn’t mess with your emotions like that, I know how much you like Kyuhy-“

“Get the out of here.” The calm visage was back, and Hyukjae pointed at the door with a twisted shadow of a smile on his face, “You better hurry up…I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Please just-“

“Get. Out.”

Seeing he would get nowhere with him like this, Donghae hesitantly made his way to the door, and the other even opened it for him with that sadistic smile like some kind of dark mockery of a gentleman. Somehow, the false civility intimidated him as much as if Hyukjae had actually tried to hurt him, and it made him move even faster out of the door.

The was a harsh push on his back, and without a single parting word the door was slammed, followed by a muffled angry sound somewhere between a roar, a scream and a sob. Donghae quickly realised he didn’t have the key to his room, so he sat down with his back against the door, the crashing sounds from the room next door echoing in his ears.


AN: Hello! I've realised I haven't actually written one of these in a while so I thought I would this time. OH GOD ANGRY HYUKJAE coughs um i i totally don't find that hot as hell (???) Anyway...I have some very~~~~ interesting plans for next chapters heheheh and I'm excited about writing them so hopefully they'll be up quicker than usual! Thank you for waiting for my slow to update and for still reading this, and comments are my favourite thing/make my day/send me on a mad writing spree so it would be great if I got some ;u; ok ok, I'm rambling I'll stop...bye!

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Chapter 9: Just started reading this and it's Awesome! Felt bad for Donghae at Christmas guess his mom didn't care to send him anything and he probably never got any thing if he was home either ..wonder how Hyuk got the drugs or alcohol in the first place since I don't think they are allowed to leave ..Great Story and looking forward to see what will happen next (:
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 9: Ohhhh meeennnn what happen???? how could??? why hyuk end up in there???
Arrrgggghhhh getting curious, can't wait for the next chapter...thanks for the update
Chapter 8: Seems like someone *cough* Hyuk *cough* has a thing for our smexy fishy~ ^-^ I wonder if Hyuk has heard Hae singing too.. If he didn't he probably should soon because I'm pretty sure that Hae would melt Hyuk's cold heart with his voice *and with his beautiful songs♥* Anyways, I'm always looking forward to author-nim :P So feel free to give us some naughty time C:
Chapter 7: what's with them. why all of them have feelings for kyuhyun? is kyuhyun that nice until everyone falls into their knees? D: ugh hope hyukjae wont do anything stupid!! stupid hyukjae why not believing donghae sobs

enjoyed this so far, cannot wait for your update!!♡♥♡♥:))
MeinAltire #5
Chapter 7: feel bad for hyuk and hae...
what is hyuk trying to do inside?? wonkyu has some explanation to do. thanks for the update.
hope to see your next update soon
Chapter 7: I feel bad for Hyuk TT *Kyu is an .. playing with his patient's feelings like that! ><* anyways, I really hope that EunHae will get closer now~ maybe they should build an alliance to take revenge on WonKyu >:D *hehehe*
Chapter 6: kyaaa! they're engaged!! i love u so much xD
MeinAltire #8
Chapter 5: i'm curious about hyuk too...
thanks, can't wait for the next chapter. please update more..,
Chapter 4: I miss this story. Thank you for updating. Can't wait for eunhae and wonkyu to happen.

(Lucky you, I was at SS5 Malaysia, and there was barely any hip ) T Tw √ √