Chapter Three - Lee Hyukjae

Sunny Haven

A man danced to the heavy beat in the middle of the room, his pale skin glazed with sweat and his lean muscles rippling with strength. He didn't show any signs of knowing anyone else was in the room until Sungmin edged towards the sound system and stretched to turn it off.


"Don't." His voice was hard, and when he turned around so was his face. Glaring at Sungmin, he walked towards the sound system and stopped it himself. "What do you want, Ming? You know I hate being disturbed when I'm dancing."


Sungmin nodded and gestured to Donghae who managed to muster a small smile for his new neighbor. The man seemed to register his presence for the first time, their eyes meeting and the others moving up and down his body critically, making Donghae feel uncomfortable.


"I know, I’m sorry…But this is the boy who's going to be moving in next to you. His name's Lee Donghae, I think you'll like him."


He let out a grunt and nodded in Donghae’s direction, then crossed his arms and addressed Sungmin again. Donghae felt a little offended, was that all he deserved? A dismissive grunt?


“Talk to me about it at dinner, I want to finish this routine.” He put a hand on the small of Sungmin’s back leading him to the door, and Donghae quickly followed. Once they were both outside, he slammed the door.


“Sorry about that.” Sungmin looked guilty, “He’s always like that when people interrupt his exercise, I should have known.”


Donghae shook his head distractedly and told Sungmin it was ok, to which the younger boy looked comforted and started to walk back up the stairs to the main building. That was really the boy who’d be living right next to him? He felt a weird conflict of emotions…disappointment at the boy’s apparent lack of interest or even instant dislike, anger at being shooed away so easily, and also the memory of how attractive he’d looked when he was slightly pissed off.


The latter thought was quickly squashed in replace for anger. He decided that’s what he felt. What right did that have to decide he wasn’t worth his time without a single word exchanged? He was going to prove that guy wrong, and he was going to make sure he-


“I bet you’re probably feeling pretty angry right now, am I right?” Sungmin sighed, “The thing is, that was an awful first impression you now have of each other, but it’s my fault. I do know how he gets when he’s dancing.”


Sungmin linked arms with Donghae as they walked through the door.


“My point is, once you get to know him he can be a nice guy. You just have to be careful not to get on the wrong side of him, and he gets edgy when he has cravings or when he’s exercising or if you ask for any of his food or…” Sungmin trailed off, smiling brightly at Donghae, “Well ok, he’s a little bit high maintenance; but he’ll get better once he knows you, I promise!”


They walked back into the lounge where they found that Henry was now awake and playing a game of solitaire. His face was scrunched in concentration as he focused on the game, but as soon as he noticed Sungmin’s presence his expression softened into a little smile that –as much as it was meant to be friendly- seemed to be full of the bitterness that only becomes part of your expression through a hard life. Donghae suddenly realised most people here would have the same bitterness around them…and that it lurked about him too.


After sitting down with him, and after Donghae had admitted he only knew the rules to go fish, they settled into a card game and made their introductions. It turns out Henry was quite open, especially about the reason he was at Sunny Haven, at first admitting his OCD at perfecting things then complaining about the withdrawal symptoms he was still having from some kind of drug. Nevertheless, Donghae was glad to know someone living on his floor was pleasant.


They kept up their conversation, now on more neutral subjects like favorite foods and pets back at home. Meanwhile Donghae was taught how to play Black Jack (Card games were a common hobby at sunny haven he was told, and Henry promised to teach him more) and they played over and over until a shout came from somewhere in the house about food.


“I think you’ll fit in just fine here, Donghae.” Henry said, patting his back in a friendly way. He’d noticed Henry had a strange western accent in his voice, but decided that was a question for another time when he smelt the food and his stomach growled furiously. Henry chuckled in response, directing Donghae to stand in front of him in the line.


He slowly became aware of many pairs of eyes flickering over him, and his muscles tightened up. Donghae disliked people looking at him for long, it made him feel vulnerable and shivery, but there wasn’t much he could do about it when he was a new boy to such a small place. If he lashed out at anybody for staring he’d draw more attention to himself…so he stood, chewing his lip and waiting to get to the hatch where a plump woman handed out plates with a wide grin.


“Hello love!” She said in a sing-song tone, turning round to grab his meal, “Ah, you’re a handsome one…here you go, gave you extra. Thought you might need it, you’ve probably had a long day, hey?” Her tone was warm and genuine, so Donghae couldn’t help but grin in return when he was handed a heaped bowl of delicious smelling noodles with pork and vegetables.


“Donghae!” Sungmin called, waving from a table in a corner. Donghae smiled and began to walk over when he spied the person sitting next to his friend. Hyukjae was hunched over his bowl, shoveling noodles into his already bulging cheeks and frowning at the food with stubborn intensity. Taking a deep breathe he walked over and sat opposite him instead of Sungmin.


“Hello. I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced. My name’s Lee Donghae, I’m going to be staying in the room next to yours.” He stuck out his hand across the table, but slowly retracted it when the other man showed he had no intention of shaking it. Instead he simply eyed Donghae with the same gaze he’d shown in the studio, sending shivers down his spine.


Hyukjae took his time chewing his large mouthful, leaving an awkward silence to hang in the air; hovering over the table like a bad smell. When he finally spoke, it wasn’t worth the wait.


“Sure, we were introduced. Sungmin told me about you in the Studio, remember? Or were you too busy checking me out?” He raised an eyebrow as if challenging Donghae, and Donghae smiled icily in return. He wasn’t going to let this get away with how he’d acted in there and how unapologetic he was, no matter how much Sungmin made excuses for him.


“No, I don’t remember you being particularly responsive, or checking you out. In fact all I seem to recall is you grunting like an ape and slamming the door in our faces.”


Hyukjae looked slightly shocked, his chopsticks hovering in the air for a second before he slammed then onto the table. Then he scoffed, looking at Sungmin in disbelief, his eyes clearly saying: ‘Can you believe this kid?’. When he received what must have been to him an inadequate response he stood up, grabbing his bowl from the table.


“Whatever.” He muttered, “I’m not up for this right now.”


With that he walked out of the room, and Donghae could have sworn he saw the man’s lips turn up into an amused grin just before he disappeared around the corner.

Once he had left Sungmin and Donghae finished the meal in silence, this one more comfortable than the last. Donghae ate until he was stuffed full with warm, good food, and with a cloud of contented sleepiness blurring his thoughts he wondered when the last time he'd had a proper meal like that was. His mother, certainly, had not cooked him one ever since she'd started her new job a couple of years ago.


"Do you think I can leave yet?" Donghae yawned, scratching the back of his neck. Almost in response to his question he felt a large, firm hand rest on his shoulder.


"Hello Donghae." Siwon said, considerably more attentive now he wasn't sprinting along on a running machine. He sat down in the seat Hyukjae had been sitting in, glanced at his bowl and chuckled heartily, "I see you finished your food. Quite a feat, Eunmi usually piles the newbie's plates full of food the first few days."


"Oh, she did." Sungmin smiled. So the kind lady who had given him food must be called Eunmi? At that moment Kyuhyun also came to sit down next to Donghae, tucking his hands under his legs cutely and grinning straight at Donghae. He became very aware of their knees brushing under the table.


"Saw you guys over here and wanted to join the fun!" Kyu reached over and took one of Donghae's hands- leaving him very startled- and looked at him in a serious way, "ok now, I need to know...would you like me to introduce you to everyone now? We want you to feel at home here as quickly as possible, so we want you to know everybody but if that’s uncomfortable for you-“


“It is.” Donghae interrupted, then bit his lip apologetically at his harsh tone, “Sorry, that would be a little uncomfortable for me.”


“It’s ok,” Kyuhyun’s smile was soft and understanding, “Just try to get to know everyone gradually, you really become family with the people here…” He looked at the door Hyukjae had previously stormed out of, “Even if at first it doesn’t seem like it.”


After this both Kyuhyun and Siwon said their goodbyes and left, leaving Sungmin with the instructions to accompany him to his room in case he got lost. As they walked Donghae mustered up his courage to ask a question that had been on his mind ever since he’d walked into the doctor’s office here.


“So…Kyuhyun? What’s up with him, why is he here when he could be out living life you know, having a girlfriend and stuff.” The question Donghae really wanted to ask was ‘so kyuhyun…is he single?’ but of course he could never say that.


“I don’t know about why Kyuhyun is here, I think he just likes helping people. Either that or his parents told him to do it. But, if you’re thinking what I think you are…I’d advise you not to…get feelings for him. He’s got a bit of a history with Siwon, and with Hyukjae too. Things could get a little messy.”


Donghae nodded, but even as he assured Sungmin he’d do his best to stay on a friendly basis with the doctor and no more, crazy thoughts rushed through his head. Kyuhyun was attractive and kind, why should Donghae hold back because of events that had passed?


“You may think Kyuhyun’s a gentle and caring man,” Sungmin laughed, almost talking aloud to himself, “But you should see him when he’s pissed off. Or drunk. He’s funny and sarcastic as hell, no-one could win an argument against him if he sets his mind to it. Maybe the calm doctor exterior is an act.”


Donghae smiled, and they were outside his room by now, so he patted Sungmin’s cheek playfully. He’d never really done that before, random physical affection to his friends, he hadn’t been the type. But with Sungmin it felt natural, so maybe it was time to start.


“Thanks for all the help today Sungmin. I don’t think I would have managed without you.”


“Please,” Sungmin beamed, “Call me Ming. Everyone else does.”


After assuring Sungmin he would and saying goodnight, he walked into his room, yawning loudly. It had really been a long, long day, and he was ready to welcome the blackness of sleep, but he knew it wouldn’t come for a long time as usual. Instead he simply sat against the headboard, wrapped in the crisp sheets, replaying the day’s events in his head over and over.


But when he drifted off to sleep, the image in his head was that fleeting glimpse of a smile that had been on Hyukjae’s face before he’d walked out of the eating hall.


AN- HELLO! I'm so fricking sorry I haven't updated in so long wow, I didn't realise how busy college would be, but I'm hoping to get another update out next week because I have a week off!! Pleeeeeease leave comments, they make me so happy and really do make me think 'wow I should really hurry my up with writing this' haha. I hope you liked it, another chapter soon ok? - Love Jess x

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Chapter 9: Just started reading this and it's Awesome! Felt bad for Donghae at Christmas guess his mom didn't care to send him anything and he probably never got any thing if he was home either ..wonder how Hyuk got the drugs or alcohol in the first place since I don't think they are allowed to leave ..Great Story and looking forward to see what will happen next (:
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 9: Ohhhh meeennnn what happen???? how could??? why hyuk end up in there???
Arrrgggghhhh getting curious, can't wait for the next chapter...thanks for the update
Chapter 8: Seems like someone *cough* Hyuk *cough* has a thing for our smexy fishy~ ^-^ I wonder if Hyuk has heard Hae singing too.. If he didn't he probably should soon because I'm pretty sure that Hae would melt Hyuk's cold heart with his voice *and with his beautiful songs♥* Anyways, I'm always looking forward to author-nim :P So feel free to give us some naughty time C:
Chapter 7: what's with them. why all of them have feelings for kyuhyun? is kyuhyun that nice until everyone falls into their knees? D: ugh hope hyukjae wont do anything stupid!! stupid hyukjae why not believing donghae sobs

enjoyed this so far, cannot wait for your update!!♡♥♡♥:))
MeinAltire #5
Chapter 7: feel bad for hyuk and hae...
what is hyuk trying to do inside?? wonkyu has some explanation to do. thanks for the update.
hope to see your next update soon
Chapter 7: I feel bad for Hyuk TT *Kyu is an .. playing with his patient's feelings like that! ><* anyways, I really hope that EunHae will get closer now~ maybe they should build an alliance to take revenge on WonKyu >:D *hehehe*
Chapter 6: kyaaa! they're engaged!! i love u so much xD
MeinAltire #8
Chapter 5: i'm curious about hyuk too...
thanks, can't wait for the next chapter. please update more..,
Chapter 4: I miss this story. Thank you for updating. Can't wait for eunhae and wonkyu to happen.

(Lucky you, I was at SS5 Malaysia, and there was barely any hip ) T Tw √ √