Chapter Two - Sungmin's Tour

Sunny Haven

The various tests Dr Cho had to do (The usual, he said. Heart rate, responsiveness, a simple psychological test and so on) took about half an hour, until finally he scrawled a couple of last words on his page and put them down on the side, satisfied.


“Sorry about that.” He apologized, smiling as he collapsed into the chair at the side of the bed, “We have to do it with new people and then once a month, it but that’s the way things work I guess. Don’t be afraid to be casual with me by the way. I know I’m the doctor here but, I’m a regular guy, you know?”


Donghae nodded, feeling himself relax at the man’s words. He had been right about him, the doctor had performed all the tests without batting an eyelash, proving his experience. Dare he say it? Maybe this place wasn’t going to be as bad as he had expected.


“I guess you learn quickly that everyone’s a bit like a family here,” Kyuhyun continued, smiling wryly, “Well, quite a dysfunctional family, but we help each other. I’m sure you’ll get settled in no time.”




“Please, call me Kyu.”


Donghae nodded, taken by surprise by how relaxed everything was. He supposed it was meant to be like that.


“So…Kyu. How long do you think I’ll be here for?” He asked carefully. Kyu considered the question, holding a pen between his teeth thoughtfully.


“I’m afraid I can’t answer that question yet Donghae, and if I said I could I’d be deceiving you. We’ve spent half an hour together, I need to see how willing you are to compromise and co-operate for example, but…the average stay lasts around 6 months.”


Donghae, for the countless time in the last hour, nodded. 6 months? He could handle that.


"Anyway," Kyuhyun said,  "I think that's all. Your room is on the second floor, number 9. You could always ask Sungmin to show you around a little more? Did he tell you his room number?"


Donghae said yes and Kyuhyun smiled, gathering the papers he'd spread out over a counter.


"Alright then. I suggest you get settled in your room then go and find Sungmin, he's usually in his room. If not, just knock on this door, I'll be here sorting all this paperwork out. Someone has probably already put your bags in your room while we've been speaking."


The thought of someone else touching his things without his knowledge made Donghae cringe; but he tried his best to appear grateful. Maybe if this doctor liked him he could leave sooner.


"Thank you." He said as he left, letting the door shut behind him before he let his happy face drop.


Looking nervously at the flight of stair which led to the rooms, he walked over and began to climb towards his room. What would it be like, his room for the next few months at least? That was one of many questions spinning dizzingly round his head when he arrived on his floor.


He took the time to look about as he gathered his courage to find out what his room would contain. 2 of the other rooms were taken: One by Henry Lau in Room ~*~ at the end of the corridor, and the other by somebody named Lee Hyukjae, who seemed to be in the room next to him.


"Well, neighbours better be nice." Donghae muttered to himself, before taking a deep breath and twisting the handle of his own door, stepping inside gingerly.


It wasn't too bad. The carpet was an ugly shade of muddy yellow, and he had to admit it was very plain, but Dr Cho (sorry, Kyuhyun, he corrected himself mentally) had told him he was allowed to put personal touches to it if he wanted, as long as they weren't permanent.


The bed sheets were cool and crisp when he sat down there next to his bag, like the hotel bed he'd slept in when he was younger. He took comfort in the feeling of the smooth material under his fingers as he let himself breath and relax for the first time since his mum had told him about this place. It could be ok here. He just had to try and let people in for once.


Donghae had always had trust issues since he was a child, and was protective over his things. His mother had told him once he used to get into trouble a lot in play school because he wouldn't share toys and howled if ever anything was taken off him...the feeling still remained today. He didn't like people touching his belongings. He had never once let anybody close enough to truly hurt him. It was the way he liked it.


A soft knock on the door alerted him to Sungmin peeking his head into the room, the door ajar. Donghae had been so distracted he'd obviously forgotten to close it.


"Hey," Sungmin said, smiling in his ever friendly way, " Was wondering if you wanted me to take you on a tour before or after dinner?"


"We can go now if you like," Donghae said, standing up and stretching, "Haven't got much to do here. Thanks, Sungmin."


Sungmin nodded in acknowledgment then led the way down the corridor to the stairs.


"So, there's not much to see upstairs because it's all rooms really, so downstairs and the underground is all I really have to show you!"


Underground? Donghae was curious. What would that be? They were now in the same little entrance hall he had visited before, turning into another door on the left.


"It's big and confusing at first I know, but you soon get used to it." Sungmin told him distractedly while he opened a door into a lounge area, "This is the lounge, there's books in the corner, a lot of good ones I've read if you want suggestions."


A couple of people were in the room: A pretty girl with long honey coloured hair was curled up in an armchair with a romance novel, and looked up at him with curiosity when they entered, and a boy with asleep on the sofa which was in the corner.


"That's Henry, he lives on your floor," Sungmin said in a low voice, gesturing to the sleeping figure, "And this is Song Qian…but everyone calls her Victoria."


"Hello." Victoria said, smiling softly, "Yeah, please call me Victoria…What's your name?"


"Donghae. Nice to meet you." He replied, managing a strained grin. His mother had always taught him to be polite, and this was no exception. Victoria seemed to appreciate it, nodding.


“You too. I hope you like it here…I’ll probably see you at dinner.” With that see lowered her head back to her book and Donghae took that hint that the conversation was over. Sungmin gestured to follow him again and walked to a window that looked at the field and lake he’d admired when they arrived.


The lake reflected every detail of the sky above, the pinks of the setting sun making it look mystical, and it was surrounded by trees and willows. Tied to the shore, Donghae could see an worn down wooden boat complete with a cute little boat house next to it. He decided quickly this was his favourite thing he’d seen so far; and he doubted he would like anything else in Sunny Haven more than this.


“Not many people go down there now.” Sungmin told him, seeing where he was looking, “One of the people who used to stay here, Kangin, he used to go down every morning to take the boat out…but now I guess no one here fancies it. The boat looks a bit dangerous right? Like it’s going to fall apart or something.”


Sungmin shuddered and started to walk away, but Donghae lingered for a second, fascinated by the lake. He disagreed with Sungmin completely, that boat was probably made out of the same material he and his dad’s fishing boat had been made out of. His mind drifted back to all those happy, pointless afternoons, spent on that tiny ancient boat that never once failed them, waiting for fish that never came. He never did catch any fish with his dad. Never.


“Donghae?” Sungmin was next to him again, and Donghae’s mind was oulled back to the present.


“Are there any fish in that lake?” He asked curiously. Sungmin shook his head and Donghae’s heart sank.


“I don’t think so, but if you like fishing you should go and speak to Siwon. He’s the other doctor here, he loves fishing. Maybe he could organise a day trip out to somewhere?”


Smiling at the younger boy’s kind advice, Donghae agreed that he’d do that later then told him to lead the way to the next room, tearing his eyes off the enchanting lake for now. The next room was a large hall with tables and a couple of little hatches in one wall. He guessed what the room was long before Sungmin told him.


“Obviously, this is our canteen dining room area. It’s my favourite room in the place at Christmas, they have a massive real Christmas tree that makes the whole house smell like pine.” The younger boy sounded so enthusiastic about it that Donghae couldn’t help but feel his heart soften towards him. Perhaps he’d be able to trust someone here after all.


After the canteen he was shown toilets, an arts room, the resident’s kitchen, the other doctor’s – Dr Choi, or Siwon – room, a darkened games room with large tvs and any game you could think of, and even a small room with snooker, table tennis and table football. In each one he met a couple more people, most of them friendly.


He met a shy and quiet man who mumbled that his name was Yesung, a bubbly and beautiful girl called Hyuna, which he recognised from one of the doors he’d walked past, and another grumpy man Sungmin whispered was called Minho, but he didn’t greet him.


Eventually they were walking down the stairs to the mysterious ‘underground’. Sungmin lead the way as always, and as soon as his foot touched the first step Donghae couldn’t hold his curiosity any longer.


“So, are you going to tell me what’s down here yet?”


“A music room and a gym. The gym has a dance studio attached, and…I’m guessing that’s where we’ll find Hyukjae.”


The name rang a bell in Donghae’s head, and he strained to remember why.


“You mean…the one living in the room next to mine?” He asked as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Sungmin turned to face him and nodded, wincing slightly.


“Yeah. Him.”


They went into the music room first, and Donghae was blown away by the variety of instruments laid out. Everything from a classical piano to bass guitars to traditional Korean instruments, they had it, and the was also a sound proof room attached.


“They had this installed a couple of years ago, spent way too much money on it,” Sungmin laughed lightly, “Siwon was talking about musical therapy and how we should all come down here a lot for months afterward. Something to do with soothing the soul.”


“Sungmin…” Donghae began hesitantly. He had been here 2 years ago? “How long have you been here?”


When he heard that question the smile dropped from Sungmin’s face and Donghae immediately regretted asking. Turning away, his voice sounded hopelessly upset when he answered.


“A long time, but I guess not long enough.”


As much as Donghae wanted to comfort him, he decided to let it drop. He’d evidently already done enough harm, and he felt guilty for bringing up such a subject. He made a mental note; Don’t ask anybody here why they were in Sunny Haven, or how long they had been at Sunny Haven.


When they entered the gym, someone else was already there sweating on a treadmill.


“Oh! Siwon!” Sungmin said in surprise, walking over to him and tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention.


“Hello there, Boy.” Siwon grinned, ruffling Sungmin’s hair affectionately while still running. The treadmill was really going quite fast… “What can I do for you?”


“Just wanted to introduce the new guy….this is Lee Donghae.”


“Donghae!” Siwon repeated as if he’d known him for years. He grabbed Donghae’s hand and shook it, which left him fighting the urge to wipe the other man’s sweat off of his own hand, “I suspect I’ll see you at dinner, and we can have a proper chat, ok? I’ll see you both later.”


With Siwon still running at an incredible pace behind them, Sungmin crept towards the door of the dance studio and inched open the door. As soon as it was opened, thumping music could be heard through the crack. Sungmin beckoned him forward and opened the door wider.


So that was what Lee Hyukjae looked like.

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Chapter 9: Just started reading this and it's Awesome! Felt bad for Donghae at Christmas guess his mom didn't care to send him anything and he probably never got any thing if he was home either ..wonder how Hyuk got the drugs or alcohol in the first place since I don't think they are allowed to leave ..Great Story and looking forward to see what will happen next (:
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 9: Ohhhh meeennnn what happen???? how could??? why hyuk end up in there???
Arrrgggghhhh getting curious, can't wait for the next chapter...thanks for the update
Chapter 8: Seems like someone *cough* Hyuk *cough* has a thing for our smexy fishy~ ^-^ I wonder if Hyuk has heard Hae singing too.. If he didn't he probably should soon because I'm pretty sure that Hae would melt Hyuk's cold heart with his voice *and with his beautiful songs♥* Anyways, I'm always looking forward to author-nim :P So feel free to give us some naughty time C:
Chapter 7: what's with them. why all of them have feelings for kyuhyun? is kyuhyun that nice until everyone falls into their knees? D: ugh hope hyukjae wont do anything stupid!! stupid hyukjae why not believing donghae sobs

enjoyed this so far, cannot wait for your update!!♡♥♡♥:))
MeinAltire #5
Chapter 7: feel bad for hyuk and hae...
what is hyuk trying to do inside?? wonkyu has some explanation to do. thanks for the update.
hope to see your next update soon
Chapter 7: I feel bad for Hyuk TT *Kyu is an .. playing with his patient's feelings like that! ><* anyways, I really hope that EunHae will get closer now~ maybe they should build an alliance to take revenge on WonKyu >:D *hehehe*
Chapter 6: kyaaa! they're engaged!! i love u so much xD
MeinAltire #8
Chapter 5: i'm curious about hyuk too...
thanks, can't wait for the next chapter. please update more..,
Chapter 4: I miss this story. Thank you for updating. Can't wait for eunhae and wonkyu to happen.

(Lucky you, I was at SS5 Malaysia, and there was barely any hip ) T Tw √ √