Remember me not [Edited]

Like a breeze [RESTARTED]


Her screams echoed in the almost empty room.

Jumping from wall to wall, reverting, distorting...

They came back to her repeatedly... mocking her pain...

Burning pain destroyed her soul as fast as a wild fire...

Destroyed everything that made her a human.

She looked around, barely registering anything but the smell of blood, hanging in the freezing yet burning hot air.

He was there, right in front of her...

A smirk on his lips...

Eyes invisible behind the shades he was wearing...

The gun still in his hand.

Scattered in his feet lied her mother, father and older brother... her family... her whole world...

Her only protection.

"You were warned, missy... you were warned..."

The words came out husky.

She was not able to utter a word.

Her mind was screaming: 'MONSTER!!!'

But saying it out loud was a mission impossible now.

"You had to stop while you still could. Now, it's your turn."

The gun pointed to her head.

She gulped, though not really able to feel fear.

She was way too overcome by the pain of loosing them.

The gun clicked, signalizing a shot was about to sound off.

"We will never leave you alone, Bri... Just do what you know is right..." Her father's words rang in her ears. Lie.. it was all a lie.

They left her...

She was alone...

She did only what was right...

And she was all alone now... Against him...

Hot tears ran down her face in what she believed were her last seconds.

A shot was heard and she waited for the pain, for death.

Instead, she saw him falling to the ground... bleeding.

Someone came to her help. Someone tried to lift her up and drag her away from there, away from them.

Right then she regained the ability to speak.




An arm supported her back, while another hand was running up and down her back, trying to soothe her.

"Shhhhhh... It's okay... You are safe... It's okay..." 

A dream...

It was that dream again...

She wanted just to forget...

Why wasn't she able to? Why couldn't her memories be erased?


She kept crying on that unidentified shoulder. She didn't care anymore.

She was pretending to be strong for way too long. 


Holding her close, Heechul felt his heart stinging. 

The doctor had said she was in shock and called an ambulance right away. They were in the hospital for two days already and that was the first time she woke up. 

A worried Leeteuk came in, having heard the screams, but Heechul nodded him to go. He was able to handle this right this time. 

Sighing, the leader went to the living room where the other members and Maili were gathered. To their questioning looks he just shook his head.

He had no idea what was going on.

And he felt he didn't want to know.

Some things should better stay burried.


In that case it wouldn't help Brianna.

Heechul was sitting in his car somewhere in the outskirts of Seoul. In front of him was a small two storey house.

The walls had once been white, now the paint was scratched and stained with dirt and mold.

The small garden in western style in front was conquered by thorns and bushes, wild and definitely not welcoming.

The perfect ghost house.

The perfect home for a perfect family.

Once upon a time.

Not anymore.

Not ever since that day.

He made his research about what happened then.

Some articles.

Some connections in the police.

One of his father’s friends had worked on the case before and knew Brianna well.

He gave him the information only after Heechul promised he would use it only to help her.

Like he could want anything else after he saw her breaking like this.

He took out his notes and read them for the n-th time.

Brianna was a computer genius from the very beginning and had stopped several attacks on government web sites and systems.

However those attacks came from a strong criminal organization and with her help many of their leaders were tracked down and caught.

The son of the greatest of them found her and as a revenge kidnapped and killed her family while she was watching and then tried to kill her as well.

Only the fast reaction of the police saved her.

Though he was sure she felt everything but lucky.

He could see it.

She was hopeless.

She was hurt.

She was afraid.

He saw her crying in her office that day.

He saw her crying in his embrace and at her family’s graves.

He looked once again at the abandoned house she had called home years ago and sighed.

Just as he was about to start his car, a shadow creeped towards the entrance of the house and after careful observations, tried to look in.

He started the car and the shadow ran away quickly. Without a trace.

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Story is now restarted and I edited all chapters until now. Some of them were so poorly written, they had to go. Tune up for more soon!


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Chapter 5: i look forward to the next chapter! this story is really good!
Chapter 7: Noooooooooooooooo
I had this fanfic on bookmark for months and just started reading it !!
lulu88 #3
Chapter 7: I wiesh you good luck, don't worroy your happines is the mcust important, but I have to say this:
I will miiiiiiiiiiiiiiss youand your stories .
FIGHTING with your love life: D
lulu88 #4
Chapter 5: please update soon ^_^
lulu88 #5
Chapter 4: Poor Briana T_T
lulu88 #6
Chapter 3: Yaaaay an update , thanks .
so she lost her family oh how sad .
it seems that she's starting to melt down .
lulu88 #7
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next , so please update soon ^_^