The sun and the storm [Edited]

Like a breeze [RESTARTED]

A petite Korean girl was making her way down the aisle between the seats in Pancon's Airbus A380 at JFK. She was in her early 20s with thin black hair and big eyes that always smiled and turned left and right curiously. Right in front of her a toddler was clapping his little puffy hands while waiting for his mom to get their luggage in the compartment, giggling at his own tiny fingers. The girl smiled at him and made a funny face when he looked at her. His mother noticed her then and apologized for being in the way.

"Oh, no problem madam, I will be sitting right next to you anyway. Your son is so cu~te" The girl's smile seemed to make the whole airplane lit up. 

They took their seats and shortly after take-off the boy was playing with his new friend.

"Here!" she shouted excitedly, finding a toy he was trying to hide from her. Instead of getting annoyed at the noise all passengers seemed to enjoy the show those two were making. Soon all of them knew her and called her by name - Maili. She told several of them her name meant "breeze" and she absolutely loved it. It suited her well. Her cheerfulness was like a fresh breeze for all in the long trip.

When asked why she travelled to Seoul, she replied it was to start a new job and some of the younger men tried to get her contacts but with laughter she dismissed them, saying to leave their next meeting to fate.


Several hours later a tall dark haired young woman was going up the elevator in the SM dorms. She was dressed all in black - a tank top, jacket and jeans with leather bracelets. She was carrying two heavy suitcases and a keycard in her hands.

The elevator stopped on the 10th floor and she got off, tugging behind her the suitcases and looking at the numbers of the apartments.

Once she reached 1011 she unlocked the door and went in while looking around. The apartment was nice and well furnitured, but she just paid it a brief look before going to the bedroom on the right and laying her stuff there.

Without bothering to take off her shoes or jacket she opened one of the bags and took out a shiny new laptop, which looked like the monster it was - a developer's machine that could handle the resource-requiring software she was working with. 

She set it up on the desk next to the bed and attached different peripherials to it in order to make it useful for her. In a couple of minutes it was all set and she went to leave her shoes in the hallway in front of the door.

Back to the main part of the apartment she walked in the kitchen and saw a note attached to the fridge.


Miss Brianna Lee,

I hope you have accomodated yourself without any problems and find your new home satisfying. Your new house mate and co-worker will be arriving in the early afternoon. You can start your job on the next Monday, which is in three days.

Please, feel free to turn to me in case you need any assistance.


Lee JiHoon


Brianna left the note back on the fridge and set off for unpacking.


At 2pm someone unlocked the door and she went to check what is going on. It was a cute somewhat short girl with long dark hair and white dress. When she saw her, she bowed down and greeted in Korean.

Brianna knew perfect Korean, but still felt somehow irritated and asked more sternly than she intended to:

"Don't you speak any English?"

The other girl flushed pink and bit her bottom lip.

"Oh, sorry, you do look like a Korean."

Brianna rolled her eyes.

"I am a Korean." Ignoring the confused stare the girl gave her she introduced herself. "By the way, the bedroom to the right is mine and I prefer not to be disturbed while working."

The girl blinked her eyes a few times before replying:

"Oh, I loved the left bedroom. It's so sunny and pretty! Pleased to meet you , I am Ma-."

The dark haired girl just nodded without letting her finish and went in her bedroom. When she got out in the evening she saw her housemate cooking and humming in the kitchen. 

Brianna blinked fast several times as if to chase away a slight annoyance and went to the fridge, where she has left her sandwich earlier that day. 

Maili turned with a huge smile on her face.

"Could you wait a few minutes more? The soup is almost ready."

"No thanks, I have food." Seeing the girl's disappointment and not willing to seem rude, Brianna added. "I don't want mine to go bad by tomorrow. Thanks anyway." Maili was still stunned at her dead flat tone, but managed to call her again when she turned back to go to the bedroom again.

"Er... Sorry, but I don't know your name yet. I am Maili and I'be stepping in as assistant manager for one of the idol groups."

Brianna squinted her eyes a bit and Maili went on fast, predicting the obvious question.

"I've done that job before, my family's in the entertainment business for decades. Plus", she added with a wink, "Celebrities don't really impress me, I've been around them for too long." Her laugh faded in the silent room. The girl in black was still expressionless, but after few more fast blinks said:

"Briana, 25 year old, I'll handle the virtual security" Then went to her room, leaving the other girl still standing with mouth wide open.



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Story is now restarted and I edited all chapters until now. Some of them were so poorly written, they had to go. Tune up for more soon!


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Chapter 5: i look forward to the next chapter! this story is really good!
Chapter 7: Noooooooooooooooo
I had this fanfic on bookmark for months and just started reading it !!
lulu88 #3
Chapter 7: I wiesh you good luck, don't worroy your happines is the mcust important, but I have to say this:
I will miiiiiiiiiiiiiiss youand your stories .
FIGHTING with your love life: D
lulu88 #4
Chapter 5: please update soon ^_^
lulu88 #5
Chapter 4: Poor Briana T_T
lulu88 #6
Chapter 3: Yaaaay an update , thanks .
so she lost her family oh how sad .
it seems that she's starting to melt down .
lulu88 #7
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next , so please update soon ^_^