Chapter 16

Ice Cream Love

A big thanks to ColourlessRainbow for the upvote, Aliiioooo, xueqi_key23, ymaknaehayoung, bagstans and ColourlessRainbow for the comments =D


“Where are you dragging me to?” Soomi complained as L.Joe ignored her and continued to lead her to the back of the school.

She got her answer when they finally stopped in front of T.O.P High’s resident kingka group, Teen Top. The five boys had been talking and laughing amongst themselves but stopped when the blonde showed up with Soomi.

“Oh, L.Joe!” Chunji who was the first to notice them called out.

“’Sup guys,” L.Joe nodded coolly to his friends then gestured to the brunette beside him. “I’d like you to meet Park Soomi, my new friend.” The blonde swung his arm around the girl’s shoulders and grinned cheekily.

Soomi frowned and knocked his arm off before lightly bowing her head in greeting. “Annyeonghaseyo, Park Soomi imnida.”

“Oh, noona, we know all about you!” Ricky grinned.

“You’re kinda famous for having the guts to stand up to L.Joe hyung over there,” Changjo nodded towards the blonde.

Soomi looked at L.Joe who was glaring at the maknae before shrugging lightly, “I don’t see what the big deal is, and he’s not very intimidating, you know…”

L.Joe gaped while the rest of Teen Top snickered. “Yah, I am very intimidating!” he pouted causing Soomi to roll her eyes.

“Anyway, if you’re done, I’m leaving. It was nice meeting you.” Soomi nodded towards Teen Top then her heel to go home.

“Wait! Where are you going?” L.Joe called after her.

“Home…?” Soomi trialed off in confusion.

“But I wanted you to hang out with us today.” L.Joe nodded towards his friends.

Soomi frowned. She wasn’t very comfortable around Teen Top yet since they hadn’t left a very good first impression on her but L.Joe had been bugging her ever since the day she’d said she’d give him a chance. He’d done everything he could think of to prove to her that he really had changed and genuinely wanted to be friends with her. Many, many attempts later, he’d succeeded to change Soomi’s mind a little - well, at least now she held decent conversations with him…

“Noona, don’t leave so soon.” The two youngest members pouted.

“Come on, Soomi, it’ll be fun.” Chunji prodded too.

Soomi hesitantly glanced back and forth but once her eyes set on Ricky’s sad puppy dog face, she was defeated.

“Fine,” she sighed.

“Yes!” Niel cheered, hooking his arm with hers and leading her towards the school gates. “Let’s go to the arcade then noona.” He grinned widely at Soomi.

“Y-Yah, Ahn Daniel!” L.Joe called after the brunette, annoyed that he’d just dragged Soomi away with him.

L.Joe rushed after the two while the other four members of Teen Top leisurely followed.




“Take that and that, stupid alien mutant freak!” Niel cried while skillfully shooting the monsters in the video game.

“Wow,” Soomi stared wide eyed as Niel managed to complete the level in less than a minute.

“That’s nothing noona, wait till you see me play, I’m the gaming champion in Teen Top.” Ricky bragged causing C.A.P and Changjo, who were avid gamers themselves, to shoot the bubbly boy annoyed glares.

“Yah, stop showing off.” L.Joe scoffed as Niel continued blasting aliens in his game.

“Noona, let’s play that game!” Changjo grabbed Soomi’s hand and dragged her towards a claw machine. “Which one do you want noona? I’ll win it for you.” The maknae grinned.

Soomi chuckled before looking into the glass box. Her eyes zeroed in onto a cute panda plushie and she pointed it out, “That one.” she said.

“Okay,” Changjo nodded, put a coin into the slot and proceeded to try and get the plushie for her.

Unfortunately, the claw came up empty causing L.Joe, who’d wandered over to the two, to burst into laughter. Changjo scowled at the blonde but pouted towards Soomi.

“Mianhae, noona.” He frowned.

“It’s okay,” Soomi assured the boy. “You tried your best. Come on, let’s play some other game.” She patted the sad maknae’s back and began leading him towards the air hockey table.

L.Joe made to follow after them before pausing and glancing back at the claw machine. The panda plushie looked back at him with it beady black eyes. L.Joe smirked.



 Soomi pouted as she lost her fifth consecutive game of air hokey against Changjo. She’d thought she was quite good at air hokey before but after being ruthlessly defeated by Teen Top’s youngest, she began doubting her game skills.

Her eyes landed on the watch around her wrist and a tiny gasp escaped her lips as she noticed the time. She’d been with Teen Top at the arcade for nearly three hours.

It was already eight at night and she was sure her mother was worrying about where she was. Mentally scolding herself for losing track of time, Soomi excused herself from Changjo and proceeded to a quiet corner of the arcade.

Digging her cell phone out from her pocket, Soomi dialed her mom’s number and explained that she was at an arcade with her friends and would be home within half an hour.

Changjo meanwhile, had gathered all members of Teen Top, ready to leave the arcade. Well, all except one blonde…

“How long do you plan on playing that stupid game?” C.A.P scowled.

“How much money have you wasted on this thing? Is this the only game you’ve been playing for the past three hours?” Niel fired off.

Each question caused L.Joe’s cheeks to turn redder and redder. It was true, he’d been playing at the claw machine the entire three hours, spending God knew how much money to get the tiny panda plushie.



Soomi made her way back to where Teen Top were standing. There was something about their smiles that made Soomi feel odd, almost as if they had planned something.

Shaking off the feeling of foreboding, Soomi cast a small smile towards them. “Well, I’d better get going. It was fun hanging out with you guys.”

Ricky and Changjo grinned back, “We had fun too noona.”

“I’ll walk you home.” L.Joe spoke up, looking away when Soomi turned to meet his gaze.

“It’s okay, I can go on my own--”

Soomi was interrupted by C.A.P who shook his head. “It’s not safe for girls to be out so late.”

Soomi frowned. It sounded like an extremely ist remark to her but she kept her tongue in check as she realized Teen Top was only concerned about her.

“Fine,” Soomi agreed, nodding at L.Joe and leading the way out of the arcade.




The walk to Soomi house was filled with silence. Soomi was surprised, she had expected L.Joe to annoy her like he usually did, but she still enjoyed the quiet.

When they finally reached her doorstep, Soomi shot L.Joe a small shy smile. “Thanks for taking me home.”

L.Joe smiled back too. It was a genuine smile, unlike his usual arrogant smirks or cocky grins. “You’re welcome.” His grip on his backpack tightened and he tensed up slightly.

Soomi, oblivious to his actions, simply smiled again before turning to enter her house.

L.Joe panicked. “W-Wait!” His hand shot out and grabbed her arm causing Soomi to spin around with wide eyes.

L.Joe quickly let go and shyly averted his eyes. “I-umm…”

Soomi watched with slight amusement as L.Joe’s pale cheeks colored red.

“J-Just take this!” He a plastic bag into her hand, stammered a goodbye then ran off.

Soomi giggled as she watched the usually cool and suave kingka of her school run away like a kid.

Slowly, she peeked into the plastic bag and gasped. The cute panda plushie stared back at her with its beady black eyes.




“Aish!” L.Joe angrily ruffled his hair as he made his way back home. “You are such a fool, L.Joe” He muttered to himself.

He remembered Soomi’s wide eyes when she’d spun around, his hand wrapped around her slender wrist, her expression when he was stammering like a fool, her barely suppressed giggles.

L.Joe groaned again. ‘How am I ever going to face her again?!


Phew! There; the longest chapter I have ever written. So... what did you think? Do you like the longer chapters rather than the shorter ones?

Personally, I feel like I dragged the chapter on a little... Anyway, let me know what you think and whether you'd like me to continue with long chapters ^_^

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Can't help but notice we're 2 comments short of reaching 200 :P


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Chapter 45: 💖💖💙💙
Chapter 45: Such a sweet story !!! I enjoyed it thank you author !!!
ididnotwantthis #3
cash me outside
Chapter 46: Finally happy ending...lhoe is so sweet and corny the similes that both of them made. Love is like is cream ^^
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 45: chappie 45: hahhaha..
i can't imagined how l.joe will respon to the brain freeze.....
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 44: chappie 44: hahahaha....
it's really an ice cream love....
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 41: chappie 41: so....
hoya is in a gang, huh??.........
hope that l.joe is okay...
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 39: chappie 39: hmmm....
i guess there's no safely saving person without a fight, huh ??.....
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 38: chappie 38: hope that l.joe get to save soomi safely....
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 32: chappie 32: glad......
i'm glad that soomi didn't get affected too much by what l.joe's mum and the fortuneteller had said.....