Confession .

On My Mind .

Baro's POV

We hung out the next day. Just the two of us. Lucky! You don't know how elated I am!  We went to some amusement park. Some thing called... Something studio.. Its kind of long. Whatever but it sure was fun! Soomi was fun to be with.

But things were not going well.  She's a girl and I'm a boy. Usually, the girl would be the one riding on scary rides. But this is the opposite. She was basically dragging me along with her! And it made me look stupid. Other people was staring and laughing at me. 

'Baro-ssi? Gwenchana?'  I replied her saying that I was alright and we should continue. She frowned.  'Let's rest for a while. You look like you're gonna faint anytime now.' She chuckled. 

She's cute.  We rest at a sheltered area. She went to buy drinks. I feel useless because in this situation, the girl is buying the drinks. I fail.  It was supposed to be a date! The guy should be the one buying it! 

'Baro-ssi? Here you go.' She handed me my drink and sat down. 'Sorry...'  I looked at her, 'Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong!'  'I was too excited and got carried away. I didn't think about your feelings at all. You should say something at least! If we got on another ride, you'll be going to a hospital!' Soomi explained. I smiled, 'Its okay. I just don't sant to spoil the mood seeing you all so happy.' I could see her face turned red. 

It was evening and the last ride to enjoy was the ferris wheel. My favourite.  This is it. It's now or never. Confess to her. 

Once we got on the ferris wheel, I didn't know what to do. I looked at her angelic face so fascinated with the view. Her eyes were sparkling.  She was about to tell me something but decided not to. Maybe because I was staring at her.... -.- 

The awkward silence came... 

'Ermm... I've got something to tell you. I know we just met but I fell for you the first time we met at the showcase. You were on my mind every second. This may be rude but, can you be mu girlfriend?' I asked, expecting the worst to come. 

I peeked at her and saw her jaw dropped. Her eyes widened. 

'A-are you serious? Woah~ You serious?  ! I mean, you don't know me that well. But seriously?!' 

'Is that a no?' I asked a little disappointed. 

'WHAT?! NO! I'd love to go out with you! Ive always wanted to. Whenever I see you, my heart starts to beat a lot faster. But, we'll be having a long-distance relationship. And long-distance relationship don't always work out....' Soomi explained.

'Its okay. I'll love you only. There'll only be you in my heart. Even if there's other pretty girls around, I'll still look at you because you're the prettiest.' I kissed her nose. 

After our date, I sent her home and placed a kiss on her small lips. 

I never thought that I'll find my other half here... 

Soomi's POV

It was school the next day and that means Baro has gone home. I won't see him again... Until the next time.

Hyunmin, who likes me, approached me again. He kept on asking me to be his girlfriend. 

'Please! I'll give you anything you want!' He pleaded. 

'For the last time, no.' I puffed my cheeks and stomped away. 

'Do you have a boyfriend?!' He shouted.

I stopped in my track.  I spin around and face him, 'Yes. He's in Korea and working. Now, if you'll excuse me....' 

'Not with you stupid K-Pop wishful thinking again! Seriously!' Hyunmin sighed in annoyance.  I stuck out my tongue at him. 

My boyfriend is in Korea and working. It's up to you to believe me.  

I felt my phone vibrated from my pocket. I took it out and saw that it was my boyfriend. 


To: Her.

From: Him.   

Ya, you're not meeting anyone else right?

If I found out, that guy will fie in my hands! >.<


I chuckled. 


To: Him.

From: Her.

Who knows? :p


I pressed the send button and skipped my way to class with a big smile plastered on my face.

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whaaa, so lovey dovey!!! daebak!
XxharumixX #2
Update please:D