In The Shopping Mall .

On My Mind .

Soomi's POV

Oh great. I'm such a softie. Why wasn't I born to be a cold-hearted person? Grrr... Why? I can't possibly turned down her again? Even if I turned her down, she's probably gonna bribe me.

I didn't want to go out today but Bomi was bugging me all day. She was saying something about buying a birthday present for someone which I don't know of. But I'm certain it's none of B1A4s' members. 100% sure. 

We met at around 2 near the MRT interchange at City Hall. I wore something normal. A black t-shirt and a skinny jeans. I tied up my hair into a ponytail as it was a freaking hot day.  We met and went shopping at ION. I really didn't want to go there as there were many things I want to buy. But u can't because it's expensive.


But I didn't have a choice. I was dragged by her. She was going into every shop there! And I had to follow her around because I have a bad sense of direction, sadly. There were so many people there and I was being squashed by disgusting, sweaty people!!!

When we finally got out of the crowd. I saw a group of people with face masks over them and were wearing shades.  For some weird reason, it's like as if I know them. They give off that kind of vibe.  I was racking my brain to find out who they were. I was clueless. 

They suddenly stopped in their tracks. One guy turned around and look straight at me. I was taken aback and look away, acting casually. I can't believe he saw me! Urghh! I must be so stupid to look at a random stranger! Gosh, kill me now.

That guy turned me around and looked at me. I didn't know what to do so I looked at the wall behind him. 

'W-what are you doing? R-release me now!' I pushed him but he was too strong for me. I started to panic.

What if he kidnap me? Oh no...

Thankfully, Bomi came to my rescue and push him away. I hid behind her. I am so lucky to have her as my friend. 

'What are you doing to my friend? I could sue you for touching her like that!  This is ual harassment! You ert ! Shameless piece of s*it!' Bomi turned around and grab my wrist. 'Come on let's go, Soomi! This guy us making my blood boil!'  I looked at him for the last time and he really didn't look bad... He looked like he didn't understand. His other 4 friends came to him. I could hear them talking in Korean but I couldn't hear. Maybe maybe that's why he didn't understand because Bomi was talking in English.

Bomi stomped her way. She was furious. I was kind of glad to have her. I tapped her shoulders and smiled. 

'Its okay already. Nothing serious happened right?'

Bomi gave me a smile. She returned to her usual self being hyper and all. But all that was on my mind was that 'ert'. We were shopping when suddenly a hand covered my mouth. He dragged me to the emergency door. They also dragged Bomi.  I was frightened. I knew I was going to get killed. I wouldn't be able to come out alive.  I was going to be . I'm going to be made a slave.

Oh dear.  Mom and dad, I love you. Please take care of your health. Please lead a long live. 

Ok. Those are my last words. Now, I'm facing hell. They took us to a van, I guess. I was trying to shout but that guy covered my mouth. Hard. I couldn't even move! They were strong! They shut the van door and locked it.

 They released us and as soon as I found Bomi, I hugged her tightly. I hold her hand, feeling scared.  Each of them took out their masks and shades. And smiled at us. 

My jaw dropped.

My mind was blank.

My eyes widened.

My everything stopped.


They were right in front of my eyes.

They were the kidnappers. Bomi looked at me and I looked at her. We couldn't talk at all. We looked at every single of them but didn't say a word. I guess they were feeling uncomfortable. 

'Ermm.. So.. Introduction?' CNU spoke. 'Oh. Err. Yea. Ermm, I'm Soomi. Park Soomi. Err, nice to meet you all..' I played with my fingers.

This is so embarrassing.

'Hi. I'm Bomi. Yoon Bomi. Nice to meet you! Oh and I love B1A4 to the max!' Bomi smiled. 

Urgh. Bomi is so brave. I can't even speak properly!

'You guys don't need to introduce yourselves. We know.' Bomi nudged me. I shrugged her away. 

'So, Soomi-ssi'  'Call me Soomi please.' I blurted out. 'Okay, so Soomi, who's your bias?' Sandeul asked. 

'Oh is err... It's kind if hot don't you think?' I said, fanning myself. I didn't really want to answer it because its too... Embarrassing...

'No its not. The air-con is . So who?' Baro asked.

Okay. Now I'm panicking! He's asking me! God! 

'Errr.... ' 'If you don't say it, I'll say instead.' Bomi threatened. I gulped an took a deep breath. I slowly pointed to Baro with my head down. I can't really show my red face! 

'M-me?' Baro pointed to himself, Shocked.

'Err, yeah?'  'Oh.. Thanks..' He bowed slightly, scratching his neck in embarassment.

Damn. Stop doing that! Cuteness overload

We talked about several things and asked them questions and stuff. I didn't really say much because I had no idea what to talk about.  It wad getting late and we had to go or we'll get punished. I didn't want to go. It's like a dream and I don't want to wake up.  We stepped out if the van. We said our goodbyes. Sadly. 

To my surprise, Baro called out to me and I stopped in my tracks. I turned around, gulping. 'Y-yea?' 

He walked towards me, 'Ermm, let's say if I want to meet you again. Is it okay?' 

'W-what?! Y-you want to m-meet me?' I shouted. 

'I-is it okay? It's okay if you don't want to. I'm just asking.' 

'No! I mean yes! Let's meet up someday!' I immediately replied.  He giggled.

Damn. How cute was that...

'So, can I get your number?' Baro asked, playing with his hair.  I chuckled softly, 'Sure!' 

We exchanged phone numbers. I put my name in his contacts as 'Soomi[No.1 fan]. Being the playful guy he is, he put his name in contacts as 'Baro <3' . I was smiling all the way home. I'm for certain now. This love I feel for him isn't a fangirl love but a love between a girl and a boy. And I'm lucky to have him as my first love.  

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whaaa, so lovey dovey!!! daebak!
XxharumixX #2
Update please:D