The Hospital

Living The K-Pop Life

                They had arrived at the hospital and went straight Emergency Room. After being observed and tested for a few hours, they figured out that SooChan had a small concussion. Nothing severe, so SooChan began to relax. After around 20 minutes, the FT Island boys came barging into the hospital room with worried expressions plastered on their faces. They told her about how they had gotten a phone call and were told what happened.

                “Oh, SooChan-ah, I was so worried about you!” yelled JaeJin. SooChan giggled.

                “Yah! SOOCHAN! ARE YOU SERIOUSLY LAUGHING AT ME RIGHT NOW?! I’m damn near in tears here *voices starts cracking* and y-yo…*takes a deep breath* you’re laughing…” whimpered the emotionally hurt boy.

                “Aww, I’m so sorry, JaeJin! I just thought that it was really cute how you care so much.” SooChan smiled apologetically.  Then, the other boys became very jealous. They started screaming things like “HEY! I care too!” and “I care more!!” Then it just became a full blown argument, while JaeJin just sat on the sidelines watching the show with that little smirk on his face.

                The boys stayed at the hospital all day even though they knew that they had a full schedule which is why JaeJin called their manager. He said in the cutest baby voice possible, “Manager Hyung, can you please cancel our schedule for today and maybe tomorrow too? We really need to be here for SooChan.”

                “The manager quickly agreed and called any of the public-access TV shows to tell them that something came up with FT Island and they wouldn’t be able to come. When the other worried FT Island boys found out that the manager cancelled their appearances, they all high-fived the successful boy and patted him on the back. SooChan giggled at the sight.

                “We’re staying, SooChan!!!” chorused SeungHyun and JongHun.  The 2 glared at each other and SooChan noticed that JongHun was clenching and rubbing his teeth together angrily. SooChan’s mind was put at ease whenever the happy and excited boy, MinHwan, wanted a huge group hug with everyone in it, so that SooChan would be happy. Everyone gathered around SooChan’s hospital bed and hugged. About 30 minutes after that, the boys brought some food for SooChan and themselves like Naeng-Myun and Kim Bap. Then, the doctor came into the room with a clipboard in hands.

                “Bae SooChan?” She looked up and met eyes with Dr. Lee YunDo. He checked and observed SooChan’s head and realizes that she’s a VERY fast healer. 

                “Wow, SooChan, you are making a really fast recovery! You might even get to leave and go home TONIGHT!!”  The overexcited doctor shouted.

“That’s great, thank you so much.” Thanked SooChan. She leaned up against the pillow and began to rest. SeungHyun noticed that and pulled her blanket higher on her body.

~30 minutes later~

                SooChan stirred in her sleep and slowly woke up. The boys were still there, waiting for her to wake up. JaeJin was playing StarCraft on his laptop, cursing at the computer since he just lost to KyuHyun of Super Junior for the 17thtime straight.  MinHwan was reading SHINee fan fiction on his red DELL laptop (he’s obsessed). HongKi was watching Ninja Assassin on his portable DVD player, muttering that he could’ve done a wayyy better job than Rain.  JongHun was drifting in and out of restless sleep and SeungHyun relaxing while checking on SooChan every now and then.

                Once the guys realized that SooChan was awake, JongHun called a nurse to the room. Nurse TaeMi came in, unwrapped and rewrapped her head, and told her that she could change back into her regular clothes; she just needed to take it easy and be careful for the next few days.  So, after SooChan had gone to the restroom and changed back into her clothes, the boys walked her to the car and called the manager to tell him that they were on their way home.

                On the ride home in the large van, JaeJin was contemplating on what the boys should do to make SooChan happy. He decided that they would have a movie night and invite some people over. It was only 6:30pm. So, he texted the other FT Island members the plan, but told them to keep SooChan out of the loop. He also texted JiHoon and BEGGED for him to ring SooChan’s iPod with him.

                He thought about whom he would invite and one word popped into his broad mind. EVERYBODY!!!!!  It could be a party for SooChan’s quick recovery and it would make her happy if she got to meet some really popular celebrities. So, he texted one long message and sent it to all of his contacts besides SooChan, explaining that it’s a party for SooChan. JaeJin immediately received messages from people saying that they would come.

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nice story!! ^^
mirjoona #2
haha thank you!! Alright, I will. I've just gotten a little bit lazy with this story. Sorry... <br />
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P.S. everyone claims SeungHyun. There's nothing wrong with wanting a 16 dimension boyfriend :) THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING!!
ROAR~ SEUNGHYUNNIE IS MINE~!! jkjk, :D luv it so far~ update soon 'kays?