Junhyung love his Hyunseung.
     That a reality. But, to own Hyunseung `s heart is not easy. Hyunseung is the type that allow his heart open to only certain type of people. Very special people. Like his so-called hyung, G-Dragon. Junhyung understand very well that those two shared some kind of special bond ever since before Junhyung even know who Jang Hyunseung is. So,when Junhyung confessed   to Hyunseung two years ago, Junhyung do not surprised when Hyunseung said that he want to ask for GD`s advice before giving him any decision. What Junhyung don`t understand a bit till now is why GD strongly  disapproved Junhyung to be together with Hyunseung. At first inner Junhyung was like,
"WTF!!,His not your real little brother anyway."
    And then that  Big Bang leader kept saying things to Hyunseung like  "He only wants your body"and "You the one who told me before that he was a player,right?" and other stuffs that Junhyung do not want to remember.Seriously,every time he remember what GD said to him that day,he will stand in front of his big tall mirror,looking at his reflection and keep saying " Am I  that bad?" .At that time his inner self will replied by saying "No,of course not.You`re good as hell.It just that stupid man do not want to face the reality that his Hyunseung had grow up and finally have something that he desired to be with other than him".Em, that make sense.
   Luckily enough for Junhyung,after a week not be able to see Hyunseung (GD took Hyunseung to his apartment after know about the confession)TOP had played his part as the eldest in BB by encouraged Hyunseung to accept Junhyung. GD of course against it but then,TOP said that they should let Hyunseung do his own decision and listen to what his heart tell him. Hyunseung are old enough to know what his heart what.Or something like that.Hyunseung told him about this anyway.
   If Junhyung not mistaken,this will be the 23th time he will propose to his Hyunseung. Now,to think  of it, Junhyung wonder why that doe-eyed boy even barely gave any positive response to his romantic and sincere proposals?
 (Inner Junhyung :Romantic? Sincere? Are you kidding yourself?)
(Inner Junhyung : You asked me what? Your so-called proposals are the same as "Hey,let`s get something to eat?"You even asked him empty-handed! And then, you expect him to accept it straight away??? Humphh..Hey,you can do better than that,my friend )
Ok,ok.You have got me there.
Junhyung  conceded that it was very improper. But,come on!Every time he finally have the guts to ask Hyunseung`s hand for a marriage, it happen at the very  inappropriate time. Very. Like for instance, there  was a time when they were all getting prepared backstage before being announced by the MC for their performance. At that  particular time, he don`t know why, but his Hyunseung,(Yes.His.They have been dating for 5 months,2 weeks and 6 days at that time) looked extremely and ridiculously beautiful. Junhyung blame it on the event the night before when they actually have their first kiss ever.Yea, finally.Pretty late,huh? Charged it on Kwon Jiyong.
Then,Hyunseung hold his hand firmly and said that he was  nervous because it was the first time they gonna perform their new song live other than their comeback stages. 
"So,how about marry me after this?"
Out of many consolations sentences lingering in Junhyung`mind at that time, Junhyung still can`t believe himself that he was actually said that.Lucky enough the other members are quite far from them.He actually believed some evil spirit have taken his body at that two seconds moment ,trying to boss around him.
Junhyung blinked. That was something. He not even imagined Hyunseung could be so happy and excited to hear his proposal.Yippe!!!Maybe this time ,they will finally...
"That was a good one,Junnie. Seriously. Now I think that 'Joker' name seems suited you.I felt soo much better.Thanks",he said before continue to giggling.
What the...
Before Junhyung could explain anything , Yoon leader called them said that they should go because the MC will announce about their show anytime soon.
"Come,let`s go,Junnie",said Hyunseung before grabbing his hand only to be stopped by Junhyung stiff body.The younger do not move an inch.Junhyung showed an expressionless face.
"Hey,what happen?".Junhyung just stared at Hyunseung,disbelieve.Then,Hyunseung`s eyes grew bigger.
"Oh God! Don`t tell me you..."Junhyung quickly took Hyunseung out from their waiting room.
"Nothing.You`re right.I was just joking"(Inner Junhyung : I love you 4-Dness ,babe.Really.But,this is cruel.Buhuhu..)
And that`s how his 18th proposal end.Dead end.
Three month after that, he told Dujun about the case only to get hit on the head.
"Ouch.What was that for?"
"Are you cracked in the head or something??!!Get yourself a nice f*****g weeding ring,will ya?"Dujun face turned red.Seriously,this guy can be the dorkiest man in the planet if it come to something like this..Arghh!!! Dujun don`t know he should pitied Hyunseung to have Junhyung  as a boyfriend or pitied Junhyung to become so slow.
"What? I think sincerity are the only thing needed.I do meant what I said,Dujunie.I want to married him."Junhyung sat on one of the white fluffy couch. He was at Dujun house at that time since Hyunseung pay a visit at his senior`s house,Se7en.
Dujun went to his mini bar.Looking for some soda to help his shook mind recovering after learning about B2ST main rapper `s "How I propose my boyfriend" story.And maybe some coke to kick out whatever exist in Junhyung`s mind right now.Dujun was not a good drinker, and he never will be.So,instead of wine and beer,his mini bar filled with soda,coke and variety of energy and vitamin drinks.
He tossed two cans of Coca Cola to Junhyung before sat in front of his friend. His friend who he felt responsible to help.Not just as a B2ST leader but as a brother.
"I know that your feeling toward Hyunseung was pure.But,we talking about marriage here.You must show how much you love him and how much to you meant what you say.But,what have you done? Saying something like 'How about marry me after this?' in the middle of that kind of situation,out of nowhere,I think you were worse than crazy."
"Aww,that hurt,Dujun"Junhyung mumbled,but Dujun heard him.
"It supposed to.I want you to.By that way,you will learn your lesson.Your action make Hyunseung look cheap,you know that.You should be thankful Yoseobie was not at here.If not,I think he will ask you to break up with Seungie straight away"
Junhyung shivered at that one.Yoseop was Hyunseung`s cousin,and pretty close one.Junhyung did not even dare to imagine what that baby-faced boy will do.Probably worse than what GD will do.Yoseob was also the other reason why his progress with Hyunseung to take their relationship to the next level was pretty slow. Every time when he want to be in the same hotel room as Hyunseung whenever B2ST have overseas activities,Yoseob will grab him first. He even don`t bother to be with Dujun,saying that he have enough at home.Can you believe that?Why God make him  fell in love in a man that been protected by so many over-reacting guys.That do not include Dongwoon and Gikwang.
So,that`s how Junhyung then decided to get his princess a wedding ring(Inner Junhyung : Lemme tell this,a special,unique one) before propose to him....again.The truth is,he want to do it last night,after both of them have dinner (pizza and coke.Dinner?) while watching MBLAQ comeback at Music Bank. But then,when he was sarcastically searching for the box in his stripped pajama` s pocket , Hyunseung suddenly kiss him and they next things he know, Hyunseung was laying on his bed,with Junhyung atop him.Both and covered with sweat.
Junhyung blushed. Hyunseung are the new thing he love now.He wish he could.....ok,enough,Yong Junhyung . This is not the right timing for your erted thought.Dujun,Gikwang,Yoseob and Dongwoon  probably have  arrived at Blue Star Club right now.Junhyung continue searching the ring he put in a black box in his closet.After that unforgettable turn over moment last night, Junhyung want to rearranged his proposal strategy.Maybe next week.His mind could not think anything else right now except for "Hyunseung and I have become one.Hyunseung and I have become one.Hyunseung and I have become one...."continously.
Now,I think I put it somewhere...
"Junnie,what is this box for?"
Junhyung turned his head only to see the small box he been searching for since last night was placed in front of Hyunseung.Not to mention Hyunseung was the one who found it.Junhyung blinked.
Dujun,help me.
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Yeah, me too.
AzLea3 #2
4everjxsyxj #3
it was cute~~~~ yeah! sequel sequel yai!
I love this... Please post a sequel here...
waa!! it was cute, I love his singing at the end XD<br />
and, LOL, yeah Junie you have really bad luck since Hyunseung is protected by so many guys XD<br />
yah! y Junie, LOL, <br />
and LOL at "Dujun, help me!" XD <br />
hey, I love it. :D update soon!
I already read this story at your LJ ~ I love this story and waiting for your next update at LJ ~ I don't mind to read again because I love this story !