A sound of bird chirping played in Hyunseung `s ears as his skin felt the warmness that penetrated the golden colored curtains. The sunlight now lighted the red-walled room that only occupied with a big king-sized bed, a huge tall mirror, and a nice wooden closet. The doe-eyed boy know he should wake up by now. It is B2ST anniversary day anyway. Half-awaken Hyunseung recalled hoe Dujun continuously remind him about their special outing today. still, his eyes are still close and his bodies do not move an inch from his current sleeping position.

  But, then, with the feel of lack of warmness beside him and the sound of water splashing from the bathroom, he acknowledges that Junhyung was already got up, get ready for the gathering. Hyunseung change his position and turn right, faced the wall.  To Hyunseung, the bird singings are like a lullaby to him. Hyunseung almost gone to his own Wonderland again when he felt someone climbed into the bed and the next thing Hyunseung know, something cold yet warm landed on his exposed neck. The same thing then goes to several spots of his shoulder and cheeks. Junhyung love to wake him up by this method and Hyunseung like it. He like it very much. Junhyung will do that whenever he sleep over at the rapper house.Not that they have anyway. But, this time it`s different. And Hyunseung want more than the kisses. So, he remain silent Junhyung stop his kisses when Hyunseung do not give any responses.

   "Hey beautiful, It`s time to wake up. I don`t want the other to have to wait for us",That soft voice whispered into Hyunseung`s ears from the back. Oh,how Hyunseung love those voices. So, he slowly opens his eyes and moves his body to face his lover when suddenly he remembered something. Yes, that very important something. Hyunseung remembered how last night he lost his vir.....Hyunseung blushed. And he lost it to Junhyung, the person that now behind him, freshly after bath and probably a towel is the only thing that attached  around his hot body. Oh,great.Now how Hyunseung got to face up Junhyung? Unable to hide his shyness, Hyunseung quickly shut his eyes back and lifted his thick polka-dotted blanket, covering his face. Junhyung chuckled. His hand starts to crawl under the cover.
   "Since when you are so shy to me. We already done it,remember?"Junhyung laughed on his own words.He bet Hyunseung`s cheeks are turned red by now.When Hyunseung continue to be unresponsive, his hand play their parts by tickle Hyunseung `s slim waist, knowing his sensitive spots. And it`s works Hyunseung suddenly jerked up his position. Junhyung `s laugh become louder.
   "You`re are such are teaser, you know that?" Hyunseung pouted.
   "I only teased the one I love , and unluckily for you, you are the one,"Junhyung replied before kiss Hyunseung `s lip sofly."You are ok right? Do you feel any pains?
   Hyunseung blushed hardly on that question. Deep in his heart, he felt thankful because Junhyung not too hard on his first time last night. He himself surprised on how a man like Junhyung can be so gentle know what. (Inner Hyunseung : Don`t make me say something embarrassing! Junhyung, you`re so naughty! )

  Junhyung smile when he caressed his for now two years lover `s pinky cheeks. Come to think of it,they started dating quite sometimes, and for Junhyung a.k.a the ex-player, two years are very long for them to finally step up into this level of relationship. Not that Hyunseung do not trust him, but he takes some times to adjust himself with Junhyung in his very personal life. And now that Junhyung finally marked Hyunseung as his own last night, body and soul (Inner Junhyung: Hehehe...), he do not want to waste any time longer. He wants to propose to Hyunseung.........again actually. If this time was a success, it will be the.... (Inner Junhyung: Wait,let me count first..)

 " it`s time for you to get ready. You do want to hear Yoseob scold us for being late,right?"said Junhyung, tried to hide the nervousness from thinking about his proposal plan. Junhyung get  up fro the bed and walk to his big closet, began to dress him selves while Hyunseung shifted the blanket. Hyunseung take some times to stretching his arms. His foots already on the floors and he began to slip into Junhyung`s bunny slippers when his eyes caught something on the black drawer next to the bed. It`s hard to notice it at first because the black thing have the same color as the drawer. His hands unconsciously took the square-shaped object for a closer look.

   Hyunseung turned his head to Junhyung that currently looking for something on the closet. Maybe a belt to match it with what he wearing right now. Junhyung dressed into a grey jeans and a  dark purple t-shirt together  with a old-looking denim jacket. But, that`s not Hyunseung care for right now.

   Inhale his breath deeply, Hyunseung placed the black object on the bed.

   "Junnie, what is this box for?"


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Yeah, me too.
AzLea3 #2
4everjxsyxj #3
it was cute~~~~ yeah! sequel sequel yai!
I love this... Please post a sequel here...
waa!! it was cute, I love his singing at the end XD<br />
and, LOL, yeah Junie you have really bad luck since Hyunseung is protected by so many guys XD<br />
yah! y Junie, LOL, <br />
and LOL at "Dujun, help me!" XD <br />
hey, I love it. :D update soon!
I already read this story at your LJ ~ I love this story and waiting for your next update at LJ ~ I don't mind to read again because I love this story !