
Carving for The Truth

    "Kyungsoo-ah! I'm back~" Jongin shout out his boyfriend name and run towards the dinner room as he sniffed the pleasant smells, "Hmm~ what a pleasant smells! Jagi-ah was you made my favorites food? It smells very good~" Jongin stopped his movement at the dining table with a puzzled face. "Jagi? Kyungsoo-ah!? Uhhm.. Where could he been? I thought he was here" Jongin pull the chair out while put his bag on the other chair and sit facing the chicken chop that are getting cold as it was leave exposed to the air; Jongin take a bite while progressing his mind to where to search for Kyungsoo in this house.

    Tears keep watering Kyungsoo puffy cheeks while he is sitting on the ground in the dark, weird room. "Go..." wind blew right into Kyungsoo face while the whisper keep waving in Kyungsoo ears, "W..ho...Who are you!?!" the fears filled up in Kyungsoo, "Please leave this house..." without answering Kyungsoo question the whisper keeps telling him to go, "But why?! We just move here!!" Kyungsoo feel calm as the whisper stopped and leave him in a silent.

    "Hello~! Anybody home? I'm hungry~" Kris enter the main door; then, he walks towards Jongin who is sitting at the couch, "What happens to you? You look very tired; have you taken a bath?" Kris throwing many question to Jongin whose now looks completely weird, "Kyung..so... Kyungsoo has gone.." Kris eyes bulging as Jongin open his mouth and let out his feeling, "What do you mean by gone? Did he dead?!" Kris can't control himself for getting calm, "No! He's not at home since afternoon!" tears start falling from Jongin eyes.

   "Wait! Who is that?!" Kris pointing his finger at the door under the stairs as the door swinging open brought the windy cold air enters the house, "Kyungsoo-ah!!" Jongin runs toward a wet guy who is bathing with the rain outside the house; Kyungsoo, "Where were you going?! I though you lost or something!! Ohh~ god, you have still here!" Jongin hug Kyungsoo to keep the boy warms.

    "Guys! Let's eat I have make some warm foods for our prince here~ Come, sit here!" Kris pull out a chair for Kyungsoo who just done taking his bath with Jongin just now; both Jongin and Kris taking their sit, "So, Kyungsoo-ah would you mind to tell me where were you gone? I'm really worried about you, you know?" Jongin peeked his boyfriend cheek while keeps himself smiling, "You really want to know? I guess you don't want to believe me if I tell you.." Kyungsoo keeps eating his food without looking at Jongin face cause he know that the things will make the situation becomes like before, when Kyungsoo told them about the baby, "Just tell me~" one of Jongin's hand holds Kyungsoo's hand while the other one softly caressing Kyungsoo face, "If you say so~" Kyungsoo flashing a smile at Jongin before he begin with the poison of his life, "Okay, I decided to take a walk at the beach behind the house through the door under the stairs after I'm done cooking. Yeah, I did go to take a sea breeze but it turns not like it should goes, I go towards a narrow path that heading in the forest beside of our house when I'm walk down through the stairs. I keep follow the path until I found a weird door; I open it to look what it have inside, the room was dark so I took out my phone and flashing the lights from the screen so I can see. But without I'm notice I'm getting deep in that room and I don't how it happened but the room door closed itself and because of the bang, my phone dropped from my hand and has broken; the room was dark and I don't know what to do, I tried to open the door but it can't be open. Jongin-shi, do you really want me to continue?" Kyungsoo looks at Jongin who is now listening to his story, "Yeah, please continue" Kyungsoo take a deep breath before he's start again.

    "While I'm in that room I heard some whisper that told me to... Leave from this house" the atmosphere getting silent and as Kyungsoo predicted Jongin stand up from his chair, "I don't want to listen any of those weird things you keep making it, Kyungsoo-ah!!" Jongin put down his cutlery and heading out from the dining room, "I will comfort him, don't worry Kyungsoo-ah~" Kris followed Jongin who is now walk towards to Kris room. All of the cheers, sweets, love and passion that filled in the dining room before was now poisoned with all of those words that Kyungsoo said; tears started falling from Kyungsoo eyes, he was expected that this things will happens if he continue with the story, "but.. The whisper said that we need to move out from here the day after tomorrow" Kyungsoo wiped his tears at his face with a piece of tissue paper and he stands up from his chair, heading towards to his room, "Trust me...".

    "hey, Jongin-shi" Kris enters his room and see Jongin who is now lying on the bed looking up to the ceiling, "You should hear what Kyungsoo want to say, maybe it's true" Kris sit at the edge of the bed while Jongin change his position and lying his head on Kris hips, "But he's never like that before, he's weird now" this time it's Jongin turns to speak, "Because he's not like before, you must trust him" Jongin stand up from the bed and heading to the bathroom; he seemed like he was ignoring all of the Kris words.

    Kyungsoo land his head on a soft pillow and lets the pillows here protect his heart. The things that had happened make Kyungsoo in a hard situation; either he must to believe or not with the whisper words. "Why Jongin hardly to believes in me?" all of this words keep repeating in Kyungsoo mind, he can't accept that he was the only one who can heard the whisper. He takes a pillow and closes his face; let himself swing into the silent night alone.


"Kyungsoo, I'm here to save you son. Omma wants you to save, please leave the house! Please, don't stay there!"


    "Omma!!" Kyungsoo breath wildly when he woke up from his sleep sit on the bed with a sweating body, "Was these a nighmare or..? But, why? Aarrgh!!" Kyungsoo throw the pillow to the wide window, releasing all of his anger, "I hope I can be like a moon, just stay there while not doing anything or facing some hard situation" Kyungsoo keeps gazing at the full moon.

    Within, a few minutes later he stands from his bed and walk towards the bathroom door, ready for a warm bath. He take off all of his cloth, then put it properly at the hanger while open the tap let the water come out full the bathtub, after that he comes slowly to the in front of the wide mirror; good body shapes, cute face, milky skin and courage all of the things that he can describe looking at the other person in the mirror but it's opposite with him, weak, horrible and coward were all the one he can feel in himself. The drops of water that slowly flooding the bathroom floors make Kyungsoo came to himself, he runs to the bathtub and turn of the tap; slowly he put himself in the bathtub. The warm feels hugging his body protectively while all of the stress and anger slowly walk away from him let his mind empty; Kyungsoo put his head on the leather pillow and clear his mind.

    Birds singing harmonically while Sun shine brightly; Kyungsoo wake up from his sleep, his body cool as the hot water has turn cold. He hurriedly gets out from the bathtub and grabs the bathrobe at the hanger. "Ahh! It’s a great morning~" Kyungsoo stretching his body at the balcony in his room; the view of the waving sea make him calm even more. Even though, the morning seem great as the heaven but Kyungsoo know if he steps out from his room everything will change, his life was not like he's expected before when they came to this house, it's complicated. When Kyungsoo about to get into his room, he see someone at the another balcony, sit on the ground like he's regret of something and it is Jongin. Kyungsoo cheeks getting wet as tears falling from his eyes; he can't be strong anymore, their relationship getting worst and worst; Kyungsoo wants the old Jongin who is caring about him, lovely and he never mad at him like he does the past days it's really make him heartbroken.

Okay.. Sorry for the late update! Dear readers! Mianhae! ^^ So I have a trailer for this story! Yeay! Please check them out at the foreword~ And about this chapter.. Hmm.. I don't think I'm good at horror story T.T By the way, thanks for reading! Bye! :3

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Minron95 #1
Chapter 4: Poor Kyungsoo, why everybody was so mean to him? Just give him some chance! T.T

You've author-nim! I miss you! *hug you tighly* This chapter is good :) no need to worry, I think you're good with the horror story~ Fighting! :D
Minron95 #2
Wow! The trailer was so damn GOOD!! I like the Pandamonium one! It's amazing! O.o
duviet #3
Chapter 3: oh my god o.o~ (oppa) , this Story is soo cool >.<~ update soon !! ><
commentperson #4
Chapter 3: please update soon i really wanna know whats gonna happen to D.O. :))
Minron95 #5
Chapter 3: Short update! T.T I'll wait for your next update! Good luck with your exam! ^^
Chapter 3: What was that place? Poor Kyungsoo did he will stay in there forever? Btw when you finish your exam please update with a long chapter! I'll miss your update! XD
Chapter 3: Aw poor kyungsoo! What happen? Don't worry, we'll stay with your story till you come back. Fighting! ^^
nya049 #8
Chapter 2: whoaa it's been a long time i've read a fic with horror themes,
and it's interesting ^^
heyitsDibo #9
Chapter 2: Oh hey I've read it again ^^ oke now i understand. ertic kris, tsktsktsk. the house is haunted isnt it? someone died & im guessing the baby tht kyungsoo "stepped" on.