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[A/N: Guys, let me just take this opportunity to thank all of you for supporting my fifth fanfic: EXO SERIES: Romanticizing Park Chanyeol. I can't believe the fic reached 200 subs in less than 24 hours ;A;;;;;; I'll be forever grateful to all of you, and as I'm nearing the finale of I'm Byun Baekhyun's Traitor, I just can't put into words my gratefulness.Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. And yes, let's do this: Second to the last chap of #seulhyun]

>>>SEUL MIN'S POV<<< Promise by EXO

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I used to laugh at my Physics books in Senior High, but I didn't know that universal laws can simply slap me with the cold, cruel reality that despite Baekhyun forgiving me, he no longer wanted to continue the relationship that blossomed between us.

I betrayed him, therefore his trust was broken. And to add insult to the injury, I did not tell him about my mother's illness; I made him look unreliable.

Well, a big eff you, Kim Seul Min. Congratulations, you just lost the love of your life.

The night that my mother died, Baekhyun found out the truth, and unsurprisingly, he did not take it well. What was surprising was the fact that he came running back to me a few minutes after he walked out.

His comforting embrace did not feel like home.

It was home.

But I knew that there was no more to that hug than mere friendship. I was utterly right. 

"You're forgiven now. I'm going back to Seoul in a while. I don't really intend to stay over. I'm sorry for your loss, Seul Min." Baekhyun said that night, after my mother died.

He was distant, despite the forgiveness. 

"I'm sorry. Please forget me." I begged shamelessly. It was the only way to lighten the burden from Baekhyun's shoulders.

And again, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Baekhyun smiled coldly and nodded his head. "Alright then. It was nice meeting you, Kim Seul Min." 

So this is how a real breakup works. I didn't know it hurt like this. 

My heart shattered into pieces, but to be honest, I felt like a disgrace. I did not deserve a heart. I left Baekhyun for money. No matter how many times I turn the world upside down, I had betrayed Byun Baekhyun. 

I was nothing to him but a traitor.

Now do not ask how I survived that night when my mother passed away. I killed two birds with one stone, but they were not positive birds. 

My mother died. Baekhyun left me. Can't life get any better?

Do not ask how I cried myself to sleep, because even after a month, not a day passed by without me crying to sleep. 

And do not dare ask how I successfully cleaned our mother's room without her belongings tugging at my emotional restraint. I do not even want to remember nor acknowledge my brother's grief when he was trying to cook for the two of us.

Just don't. Not when I feel lifeless as well.

"Seul Min, we will go back to Seoul. I don't want to stay in this damned place where mother died." My brother decided, obviously referring to the countryside.

Great, another mile closer to Byun Baekhyun.

Oh I forgot. I no longer existed in his memory.

Moving back to Seoul with Seo Jun oppa was my only choice.

I counted the days since my mother's death. 

Ninety one days since I lost my beloved mother,

ninety one days since I let go of Byun Baekhyun.

Three months, to be exact.

EXO seemed to be stronger, even with Tao's absence. Unemployed and grieving, I would always see EXO's Love Me Right promotional buses along Gangnam. Baekhyun and Chanyeol seemed to reconcile again because I would often go through instagram to check Baekhyun's posts and sulk in a corner after.

He has a dog now! Baekhyun posted a video of Chanyeol playing the piano! How splendid!

Baekhyun seemed to be doing fine. I wouldn't be surprised if he's started clubbing again. Yup. serves you right, Kim Seul Min.

I refused to pass by SM because there was this lingering probability that I'd cross paths with Byun Baekhyun. I did not want that to happen.

Actually, I did. A part of me secretly wished that Baekhyun and I would run into each other and kiss and makeup and live happily ever after.

But no. Fairy tales did not exist in this cruel mentor called Life.

When I started to doubt my sanity, Seo Jun oppa went through all lengths and landed a job at The Coffee Club. Initially, I was hesitant, but because I was penniless, I started working at The Coffee Club again.

New architecture.

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1977 streak #1
Chapter 12: drown? chanyeol whaftt
1977 streak #2
Chapter 11: lmao chanyeol you little- he first asked baekhyun to keep an eye on seul min and now he's asking his ex-gf keep an eye, cross that, seduce his bff i'm- he's indirectly matchmaking them, bruh -
1977 streak #3
Chapter 10: so chanyeol wants her to work only for him huh? ;)
1977 streak #4
Chapter 9: awww, she at least opened up a little to a stranger aka baekhyun that might help her lifting off at least a small amount of the extreme sadness she's been carrying all along :(
and a kiss to shut her up sjsjs i luv it ^^
1977 streak #5
Chapter 8: but baekhyun is a package indeed ;)
1977 streak #6
Chapter 7: lmao she lied ㅋㅋㅋ
1977 streak #7
Chapter 6: baekhyun caught her omg sjsj
1977 streak #8
Chapter 5: this story is so funny and cute why did i find it only now sjsj ㅠㅠ i'm seriously enjoying this story so far!! that "baekhyun is prettier" part had me wheezing fgs ㅋㅋ and the ending wow, seul min is something else *claps* also whenever i read or type "seulmin" i get reminded of seulgi and taemin's ship name hehe^^
1977 streak #9
Chapter 3: what if seul min ends up being chanyeol's pretend wife?? interesting sjsjs
1977 streak #10
Chapter 2: sjsjsj i knew it when i read the 'dances so off' part i guessed the ex-bf would be chanyeol lmao ㅋㅋㅋ but baby boy be dancing better than me tho *insert heart eyes emoji*