Chapter 2

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!

Hey peeps! I just want to say…I HATE HOW WINGLIN IS ALWAYS DOWN. But as a wingliner I must accept it. X) but I also hate how asianfanfic is double spaced. I’m so confused when I update ==

@icemochi18 HAHAH yesss they’d better, and they will…BRACE YOURSELF FOR THE MEETING OF SUGAR AND SHINEE X)

@stephsuziee aww thanks for the compliment and for subscribing :D

@Cuppiecakes22 hahahah spot on ;)

@chaoticpanda hahaha thank you :P I just can’t leave out big bang in anything :D
@xxeveryheartxx LOL me too………. THEY’RE ON FIRE. XD

@Supriya hahah thank youu, here’s the update! :)

@Guavamann HAHHAHAHA THANK YOU. LOL ‘but that would be creepy’ ial. Winglin goes down at the WORST times…it’s like oh! Today I wanna update and then ‘winglin is not located’ or some thing like that and I’m like seriously? LOL OKAY HERE’S YOUR UPDATE :D

@Look! A butterfly! HAHAHAH yes it wasssss that’s why it took so long to update too :P

@EyesofDeath HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YESSSSSSSSSS. I missed you like crazy too! X) Me? I’ve been good, summer is already over,…BACK TO SCHOOL. New classes, all that, I’m not used to my new class though, YET X) and my teacher is a (I heard) and watched on his computer O.O I can tell its gonna be a loooonnnnggg year. XD HAHAHHAAH YES. THAT’S MY DREAM DREAM (if you get what I mean) HAHHAHAHAHA I LOVE YOUR DREAM, I wanna have that X) I’m guessing your bias frm shinee is jjong? ;) I had a dream, I went to korea and MET SHINEE, then we took a picture, and then they were eating apples…and and I talked to Onew…and he’s not even my bias…though I love him so much too X) yea. I HATE HOW DREAMS GO OFF TOPIC AND THEY ARE SO RANDOM SOMETIMES, and when it gets to the good part, you either WAKE UP or YOU GET TRANSFERRED SOMEWHERE ELSE IN DREAMLAND FOR NO REASON. Ughhh. ANYWAYS HAHAHA OMG. You tried that before??? Omg. You are so, damn, COOL. AHAHAHAHA. Yes. And year and a half with shinee :) HERE’S THE UPDATE :DD P.S life overall is getting back to boring mode…wait…when has it ever been exciting?? X) anything interesting happened to you recently?

here goes…

music while writing this: Stand by Me- SHINee


Saturday and Sunday passed, and Monday quickly approached. Soon, it was Tuesday, the day to leave for camp. I had called Eunmi to come to my house to bid me goodbye. Sadly she said she won’t come because she’ll cry waterfalls to see me go. Ah well.

“I’m going to miss you so much!” My mom swept me up in a bear hug and sobbed on my shoulder.

“Mom, you sent me to this camp…but I’m gonna miss you too” I smiled and hugged her back.

“15 MORE MINUTES AND YOU WILL BOARD THE BUS! oh how will I manage…I’m going to make a…sandwich…” My mom wailed, patted my head, stood up, and left my room. I sighed, and bounced up and down on my suitcase, in which I was sitting on and sighed a deep sigh, while scanning my room.

My closet was empty except for a few pieces of unwanted clothing. They were just hanging there. Sad. I moved my focus to the desk near the window, I don’t usually use it, because I do everything on my bed, including my homework from teacher Mong. I scanned the empty surface of the- wait, it isn’t empty…I stood up and walked over to look closer. On the table that I always thought was empty stood a tiny little picture frame, inside held a laminated picture of me with my mom and Carrie. We stood in front of a bunch of trees, all grinning wildly. The photo was kind of blurred, I guess my dad took this. He has terrible photography skills…even Carrie could take better pictures than him, just sayin’.

Judging from how chubby I looked, and how Carrie looked like a toddler, I think this was when I was around Carrie’s current age. I picked up the frame, took out the picture, and walked to my bed where my blue shoulder bag was laying. I rummaged around and pulled out my wallet, then slipped the picture inside, and dropped it back into my bag which also carried my cellphone, camera, tissues.

I went to kneel in front of my luggage. It wasn’t zipped up yet, so a sleeve of a jacket I had packed kept slipping out. I stuffed it in, yet it fell back out again, I groaned loudly in frustration.

“Big sis, mom tells you to bring down your luggage to the front door…do you need help with that?” Carrie appeared at the doorway behind me. I turned to look at her.

I sighed, “I guess…come, just sit on the suitcase while I zip it up”

Carrie plopped onto the luggage.

“Are you scared?” She asked me as I started zipping it up.

“I guess…” The zipper got caught and I yanked it a few times before it started working again, “…it feels like I’m going to college now, considering the time period the so called camp lasts”

Finally, the zipper reached the other end and Carrie handed me the lock and key to secure my luggage. I stood up and smoothed down my tee, while Carrie stared at me.

“What’re you looking at?” I asked her.

“I think I’m gonna miss you” Carrie cocked her head to the side.

“Me too…aw shucks, come here” Carrie leapt into my open arms and I hugged her tightly, I can feel tears pricking my eyes.

“CARRIE, SUGAR, COME DOWN” Our mom yelled up to us. I patted Carrie’s head and we both hauled my suitcase out of my room.


“Bye, mom, bye, Carrie” I called out of the window to my sobbing mom and my little sister who had a sad smile on her face, both waving. The bus rocked a bit as the bus driver threw (yes, threw, judging from the huge bang that sounded as the bus rocked) my luggage into the compartment on the side of the bus.

Since I was the first “camper” to be picked up, the bus was empty. I sat by myself at the very last row of the bus. I continued waving and saw the driver slide the door to the compartment shut and walked around the bus and got into the front seat. The bus rumbled to life.

I felt a lump in my throat. This was it, I never thought of it, but I wouldn’t see my family for a year and a half. I wanted to stop time and run out of the bus to hug them once more...wait. What is that I hear?

“Sugar! Wait!” I heard a familiar voice calling from the distance, the shouts were getting louder and louder. Mom and Carrie had turned their heads to look, a shocked expression on both of their faces.

The bus started moving, I stuck my head out to look, It was Eunmi! And…who’s that behind her? Thunder?? Why is he here? And I thought she wasn’t coming!

. What am I waiting for, I gotta stop the bus!

I threw my bag off my lap and clumsily ran to the front of the bus, shaking the driver’s shoulder.

“Ahjussi! Please let me get off for a while! I’ve got to say goodbye to my best friend!” I pleaded desperately. Eunmi and Thunder’s figures in the rearview window was getting smaller and smaller. The driver looked at me, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

Suddenly, The bus came to a violent halt, I grabbed a nearby handlebar just in time to keep myself from falling.

“Oh, alright, we’re 5 minutes early to the time promised for the next student to be picked up anyways…” The bus driver opened the bus door “…Go say goodbye”

“Thank you thank you thank you, so much!” I hugged the bus driver and flew out of the bus, running straight into Eunmi’s open arms. Sure enough, she was bawling her eyes out, Thunder jogging up from behind her breathlessly.

“I’m going to *sniff* miss you so *sniff* much!” She cried into my shoulder. I let my tears fall freely from my eyes.

“Me too” My voice wobbled.

As we pulled away, I turned to Thunder. He had his arms held out, a cute pout on his face. I hugged him awkwardly, but hey, it was still a hug, right?

“I’m going miss seeing you girls together” He smiled softly.

“Ah, speaking of that, Eunmi, do NOT get another BFF, especially that Rana girl I see sometimes, she looks y…Thunder, watch out for me will you?” Thunder nodded at my request.

“Sugar, you can’t expect me to be a loner at school…I’ll have friends…but just remember that nobody can replace you, kay?” Eunmi hiccupped. Aww…I have such a great friend. I nodded and squeezed her one last time.

“Then, I’ll be officially going…see you guys…” I waved.

“In a year and a half” Thunder joked badly, but I smiled for the sake of it.

“Bye…LOVE YOU! TEXT ME!” Eunmi yelled and blew kisses at me.

“LOVE YOU TOO! And I WILL DO THAT FOR SURE” I blew kisses back at her and boarded the bus, walking back to my seat. I waved at them from the window as the driver started the engine again.

The bus started moving. This time, I knew I wasn’t going to stop it. I knelt in my seat backwards waving until my mom and Carrie’s figures disappeared from view, Eunmi and Thunder’s becoming tiny dots in the horizon.


I was listening to my Big Bang playlist until the loud occasional screams of the other students aboard the crowded bus got kind of annoying. I yanked off my earphones, only to cringe because apparently the girl next me chose to scream this piercing scream right when I take off my earphones.

There were so many screams and shouts that I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I listened intently for a minute. They seemed to be chanting those chants the audience at Music Core chant while the idol(s) perform. But I still couldn’t make out what they were saying. I tapped the girl sitting next to me.

“Uhh…what are you guys chanting?” I asked.

“SHINee’s chant…duh” She rolled her eyes and continued to chant.

SHINee, huh? Who? But me not knowing them is not really a surprise. I tapped the girl next to me once again.

She looked at me like she was annoyed or something.

“Last question, why exactly are you chanting their chant?”

“Cuz their coming to the camp, duh” She replied. What is up with her and ‘duh’s right. I’m going to call her duh-girl from now on.


We got off the bus, only to need to ride a boat to an island, I’m guessing where the camp is located, and then ride another bus waiting for us there. But the girl’s chant for this “SHINee” person never stopped, I can almost memorize it by now.


I dizzily stepped out of the bus. We were finally (emphasis on finally) here. In front of us was a big sign made of wood, with the words “WELCOME TO CAMP FIREFLY” carved onto it. My suitcase was the first one on the bus, which meant it was the one on the very inside of the compartment, so I had to wait for all the other girls to get their luggage before I could get mine.

I walked to the end of the bus and inspected my surrounding. Other than a narrow bumpy dirt road that led to the “carpark” of the camp grounds, there were trees, trees…and surprise, surprise! More trees!

To describe the surroundings movie-wise, it was like Jurassic Park, with nothing but a huge dense jungle…except there were no dinosaurs here (positive) and there was a boarding camp built here called “Camp Firefly”.

I peeked around the bus. There was noone but the driver who was wiping mud off the side of the bus in sight. Meaning everyone had gone into the camp already.

I walked around and bent down to find my suitcase. Bingo! There it was!...That’s because there was only my suitcase left in the compartment. I had to crawl in to reach it, while crawling in, I heard the sound of a car coming into the car park, then there was the sliding of a car door, jumping sounds, then some boy’s voices sounded, they were laughing and joking around. I ignored them, and tried pushing my luggage out, straightening my already sore back, only to bump my head on the low ceiling of the compartment.

“OW!” I cried, and held my head in pain.

“Do you need help?” A pair of legs wearing skinny jeans appeared in front of the compartment door. It was a male’s voice, and then the person bent down to look in at me, revealing his face.

OMG. WHO’S THAT PERSON IN SKINNY JEANS, I WONDER >:) I know I said she would meet shinee here…but she didn’t. and only saw some person’s skinny jeans…but FOR SURE SHINee is gonna meet Sugar in the next chapter…so don’t kill me :P

Sorry for updating so late again.MY GOSH. I’M SUCH A HORRIBLE AUTHOR. I promised myself that I MUST post today…and so I did…hope you like this chapter…


Comments make my day :D byebye!

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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)