Chapter 11

Sugar! ah Honey, Honey!

[music; Muzik – 4Minute
[eating; dinner


! We’re late! I dragged a panicking Taeyeon out of the door and…

! It’s cold! I let go of her wrist and ran back in, grabbing a sweater from my suitcase and rushed outside again, putting it on, at the same time running after Taeyeon, who cold heartedly ran off by herself.

The reason we were late was because we fell right back into bed again after morning call. The reason we were so tired was because the boys stayed in our dorm last night, playing around until midnight, causing us to not have enough sleep. Yes, it was nice that there was nothing kept between us anymore, but I really hope I don’t miss breakfast…

My legs felt like they were on fire as we reached the food hall. We both dashed in and quickly found the table where the boys were sitting, they greeted us good mornings. Becky was in the midst of morning announcements.

NOOOOOO. The food bar was already closed! I turned to look at the boys in panic, only Jonghyun was looking though, and he tilted his half bitten sandwich at me, gesturing for me to take it.

To take or not to take, that is the question. After pondering a while, I took it, and bit in to it without hesitation.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of eyes watching me. No, it wasn’t Jonghyun’s, he just turned and resumed listening to Becky after I took the sandwich, it was actually Mu- ARGH. I mean Key. I snapped my head around to stare straight back at Key, only my mouth moved as I chewed my food. He only rolled his eyes and diverted his eyes back to the stage. He’s so diva. I finished up the last of Jonghyun’s sandwich. Taeyeon just realized I was eating and held out her hands at me like I could magically make a sandwich appear, I opened my mouth, revealing the chewed up contents of the sandwich in reply. Taeyeon immediately turned away, disgust written all over her face.

I giggled.

Suddenly, everyone stood up and started chattering again. Becky had stopped talking, we were probably dismissed for our activities.

“Sugar, I really don’t need a close up view of your chewed up food, plus, you know how hungry I am.” Taeyeon wagged a finger.

“So, what activities do you want to do today?” Key asked as we walked to the bear rock.

“How bout’ rock climbing? I heard the rock climbing wall here is quite big…” Jonghyun moved his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

“Okay!” Taeyeon clapped her hands together gleefully.

“Then we’d better run before all the spaces are filled!” Minho yelled and took off running, we followed and screamed like maniacs for no actual particular reason until reaching the bear rock.


“St…ART!” The instructor blew his whistle and up we went, clamoring and scaling the wall like never before. We decided to race each other, so all of us went up at the same time, the first person who rings the bell at the top wins.

I started off alright, but as I advanced higher and higher, I felt that the distance between each of the rocks became further and further apart. Not only that, but they also became smaller and smaller in size! I panicked. Even with the safety belts on, I felt like I could drop down and meet my death only be slipping on one stone.

In the midst of panicking, I unintelligently looked down.

Holy Shisus! That was a long way down! I froze on the wall, no longer moving.

“Taeyeon! Help!” I yelled up at Taeyeon after spotting her.

“Don’t look down, Sugar! Just keep going!” She replied.

“But I DID look down and that’s the problem!”

“Just…I…You…ARGH! Just try!” She sounded like she was getting frustrated.

“Fine! Be that way!” I pretended to be mad. No reply from her except loud grunts as she tried to hoist herself on a teeny rock.

Try. Okay, fine, I’ll try.

I cautiously felt my foot around, not turning my head around in case I get a panic attack again. Ah! Felt a rock, now all I have to do it put my foot on it.

But then, I lost my footing. I slipped. My other foot slipped as well and I felt something brush my other leg, probably just a stone. This left only my hands to connect me to the wall, my lower half was just hanging there midair.

“You, girl, there! Are you alright?” I heard the instructor asked me. Apparently, I was the ‘You, girl, there!’ person he was speaking to.

“NO!” I squeezed my eyes shut as my hands got sweatier and sweatier every minute, making the stones impossibly hard to grip onto.

“Okay, let go of the rocks! I’ll lower you down!” He yelled. I could only nod my head slightly, which I was doubtful whether he saw it or not. Nonetheless, I felt my safety strap start tugging me down, and I let go off the rocks and the ropes pulled me back down on to the to safety.

“Are you hurt?” The instructor asked. I checked. Nothing on my hands, nothing on my arms, nothing hurt on my torso…HOLY CRAP a huge gash on my knee! How could I not have felt it just now? Stupid.

“Aish…you’d better get to the nurse…” He muttered. Just then, the bell rang. I looked up to see Taeyeon, victoriously standing on the top of the wall, grinning like a madwoman.

“Alright! Good work!” The instructor clapped and left my side to help my friends down.

Jonghyun came down first.

“Omo! Your leg is bleeding!” He exclaimed as he walked over to me, eyes widening when he saw my gash.

“I know…” I puffed out my cheeks.

“Do you want me to take you to the nurse?” He asked.

“Okay!” I nodded, I hope I didn’t seem too eager though. Soon, everyone was gathered around me.

“Sugar! Do you want me to go to the nurse with you?” Onew asked me with furrowed eyebrows, not knowing that Jonghyun just asked me the same thing moments ago. Before I could even open my mouth, Jonghyun butted in.

“Hyung, I’m going with her already…” He said.

“No, I can go with her!” Onew insisted.

“No I’ll go! I was first!”

I felt like I was watching a ping-pong match.

“Shut up! I’ll go with her, okay?” Key came in between Jonghyun and Onew.

Both males fell silent.

“Fine…” The two boys grumbled and walked away.

“C’mon, let’s go to the nurse…” Key grabbed my wrist and pulled me after him.


“Okay, it’s just a minor injury, nothing big. It’s good you came here immediately though, because the gash may get infected and it might end up not being a very minor injury anymore.” The nurse smiled sweetly at me. I nodded as she tenderly wrapped a white cloth around my leg.

“Don’t touch it too much and I’m sure it would heal soon, come back to me in five days so I can help you unwrap the cloth alright?” She patted my back and reached under her desk to pull open a drawer, taking a piece of candy out for me. I gratefully took it.

How I miss being treated like a kid!

“Thank you!” I popped the candy in my mouth and left the nurse’s office. Key stood up as soon as he saw me.

“You’re done?” He asked.

“Yea, it’s only a minor injury.” I shrugged, repeating the nurse’s words.

“I see…Hey…” He cocked his head.

“Yea?” I cocked my head the same direction as him teasingly and smiling slightly.

“Do…Do you like Jonghyun?” He furrowed his eyebrows. My eyes widened. Was I that obvious?

“How did you kn- I mean, what in the world are-“ I started but was cut off as Key’s face clouded over and he gruffly muttered ‘gotta go’, then he pushed past me.

What just happened? He probably heard the first part of my sentence and took that as a yes, but why was he so mad?

Me and my big mouth. Or, I could blame that Key is actually bi-polar…I don’t know…I guess that would just remain a mystery for me.

I started walking through the empty hallways of the main office, looking down at the colorful patterns of the carpet as I did so until…

“Oof!” I bumped my shoulders with someone else’s. I looked up to see…is that a guy or a girl?


LOL I THINK YOU CAN GUESS WHO THE PERSON IS BY NOW, and sorry about the last sentence, but I think it’s true, even though I love her XP (yes, it’s a her, keep guessing who you think it is…)

Also, I’ve been told I don’t update as often. I know that for a fact that I don’t update everyday like I used to for ‘Gimme Five’ but I really try my best, I have tons of school work and projects… :( but I’ll try even harder to update faster now, okay? I don’t want to lose readers…T_T :)

I have a long weekend this week…so I WILL UPDATE ON SAT/SUN (or even Friday :O) :D


@Lily Thank you for being so honest. I do try to update fast but it’s hard, you know (school, personal life…all that) ? >_< but I will try even harder :) and I hope you’re right that I’ll get more comments this way…:)

@Supriya hahahah yesss (do you like drama? :P) ahh~ yes, I’ve been mean to Taemin…

Me: Taemin! *taemin comes running over*
Taemin: Nae?
Me: introduce yourself!
Me: Yes, just for the sake of my friend Supriya…*laughs*
Taemin: Okay. Annyonghasayo~ Taemin imida, please take care of me well *bows*
Me: Good boy, now run along *Taemin runs, his somewhat mushroom hair bouncing*

HAHAHAHHA DID THAT MAKE UP FOR IT?? XD anyways…YESSSS LET THE ROMANCE AND CRAP START!! Plus, don’t worry, I’m a (EXTREME) Locket too! ;) I hope you know what that means…:) here’s the update!

@LuvZhuLing Can you guess, now? I put a bit of a hint on the last sentence ;)



I won’t force or suggest for you guys to comment anymore…but I’ll be glad if you do :P okay. I just did it. *slaps self*

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cactus28 #1
I know you're discontinuing this, but i'm still subscribing to it because I think it's an awesome story! Also, for the off chance that you might continue it... ^^
noooooooooooooo I waited soooooooooo long for an update because I really liked the fic so far. T.T why? sniff sniff but I will keep supporting you
*gasp* D: That's very unfortunate! ;( <br />
I REALLY liked this story! T_T Tooooo bad! *sniff* <br />
VIPotato #4
@POISONWORDS yup, that's why i look up to people who can juggle so many fics at a time (like you :P) it's like, how do they do that? *__* see you (hopefully) :3
SAD. But your choice. I have the same experience as you because I juggle 6 fanfics at one go.Totally tiring but updating my story and letting my readers read has been very satisfying to me. See you next time !^____^
VIPotato #6
@LuvZhuLing thank you~ ^ ^<br />
@Choi_Minju-Nikka thank you for understanding T_T my un is 'potatoispotato' XD i'll add you! :)<br />
@xadrimusicx yup, stupid school :( thank you for understanding~
Awwww booo.. Weill it's okay... I blame school too.. Soo noo worries..:)
:( it's alright.<br />
oh hey, livejournal?<br />
what's your username?<br />
mine's choi_minju. :)