Chapter 26: Planning

It's You (daragon) [REVISING]

Jiyong's POV


"let her take her medicine, twice a day. make sure she'll take it properly, okay?" the nurse said it to me and i nodded.


We're in the hospital right now. i don't want her to bring in the school clinic. like duh 




"okay thank you." i said, she went out of the room. leaving me and dara.



dara is still asleep.. for.......5 hours? i think.



The nurse even said that something bad happened to her, like she got hit or something but not literally



i mean, she got hit by what she heard or maybe she skipped her meals? idk.


I've been waiting.... and waiting... and waiting.



and atlast! she's awaaaaake. wide awake.



"DARA!" i said, and hugged her tightly.


"jjj-ji.." she said, stammering.




"Im sorry if the date is cancelled just because of me." she said. 


"its okay. as long as you are safe."


She smiled and held my hand, "be with me this night please.... dont leave me."


"i will."


But wait, there's one question that popped in my mind.


"whats with kiko,yoona and donghae?" I asked her.


her eyes went big and said " oh its nothing, i just heard them...........talking" she said. 







"okay." i said, even tho im not satisfied.



"ji.. please......... don't betray me." she said 


"I wont and I will never do that." 



She smiled happily, I hugged her tight and kissed her in the lips, sweetly



"saranghae." i said, trying to make her sleep. 



and she did, she fell asleep. in my arms.






I woke up at 10am, still, dara is asleep.. she's sleeping peacefully.. I tried to remove my arms around her.



I kissed her forehead and stood up.  I went to the sofa, near her bed and the TV.



I'm trying to find some gooooooood news.



When I went to a channel that describes a simple but yet romantic date, I immediately remembered out cancelled date.



RIGHT. I gotta find some stuffs and prepare.. Because later, I'll bring her out here in the hospital.



Sandara's POV



I woke up by not seeing Jiyong beside me.




I tried to find my phone, but I found a note saying


Dara-yaaah. I'll be out in a few minutes... I'll just buy something, okay? don't ever ever step out of the door. stay there okay and wait for me


Oh. so he bought something? sweeeet.



An hour later, someone knocked at the door. I opened it seeing jiyong with some stuffs.



"what's that?"


"uhmmm foods?" 


"Oh i see."



"are you hungry?" he asked.


"nope." i said.






"uhm dara.." he said........ blushing?





"come with me later, will you? :)" he said, smiling



"yeah sure. anywhere."



"That's it." 



He went near me and kissed me gently.


damn. that was sweeeeet



"and oh, if i'll know who the fck did that to you, i swear, i'll make their lifes horrible." he said.










"YEAH. SERIOUSLY." he said. 



"ohkay .______."



Jiyong, you shouldn't know who did this to me.



because im pretty sure that i didn't just passed out. But......... :(



its not the right time to tell this to him........








I know Someday, someday jiyong. someday, you'll understand me.




because, I do know that you believe in me. 









You do trust me. I know that. it's just.... not the right time....



"jiyong." I said





"dont ever leave me. because if you'll leave me, i cant take it."



He smiled and said. "I wont leave you."



"Promise that. please."



"promise. dara. I promise."



I smiled. Atleast he promised, right? 






ayo guys


sorry for not updating.. :(


im so busssssssy in school :(((((((((((((((((((



anyways..  this update might be short and to tell you, im really sorry about that.



okay bye lol




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I think i should revise this story.. seriously


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Chapter 5: Pinoy ako. Kaka-move ko lang dito sa states, so medyo nalulungkot pa kayalagi nalang akong nagbabasa ng mga daragon fanfiction pampalipas homesick. Kaya natutuwa ako dito sa story mo. Ang ganda!
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Chapter 29: Quadruple date! this new!
Chapter 29: Kyyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Wat is Jiyong planning?! Very excited 4 the next chapter(^.^)
Chapter 28: Jiyong and Dara just get married!!! U two are really perfect 4 each other(^.^)
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Chapter 27: I'm very curious why Dara don't tell 2 Jiyong wat really happen?! And wat she's talking about?!
Chapter 26: O-M-G!!! Wat happen 2 Dara and wat did Donghae, fish and Yoona did?! I'm freaking curious!!!
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Chapter 25: Is dat Yoona? I'm very curious!!! Yaah!!! Why u cut here?!
I'm Happy 2 know dat Minzy is not the one who betraying them.

Thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ fighting (^-^)/
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Chapter 24: Still manageable (>^ω^<)