Jiyool-ah, Tell Umma, Appa is Sorry.


“Omona! Young master, you’re here.”

Butler Lee greet them in shock as soon as he saw Jaejoong stood infront of the main door with Jiyool in his arms.

“Hello, Ahjushii.” Jaejoong smiled. “Where’s everybody?”

“Jaejoong? Is that you, son?” A voice from his father in law make Jaejoong and Butler Lee smile together.

“Yes, Appa. Its me.” Jaejoong answered then he walk into the living room.

“Oh, Jaejoong.” Mr.Jung says in excited tone. “Come here, son. Aigoo…” He paused as he saw Jiyool already sleep in Jaejoong’s arms. “Is she sleep? Go put her in your room, oh you can use the guest room too.”

Jaejoong smile. “I’ll put her in Yunho’s room, Appa. Excuse me for a while.” Says Jaejoong before he walk to the second floor.

The room, located in the end of the corridor is Yunho old room before they got married. Jaejoong always love to spent his time in that room because its full with Yunho scent and also full with Yunho’s childhood, teenager until his husband college memories. He just love it.

“Sleep well, Jiyool-ah.” Jaejoong kiss his daughter’s forehead. He smiled as he looking around. Nothing changed. Yunho’s room always neat and clean. Then, his eyes caught something. Their wedding photo in Yunho’s study desk. He smiled again. That day, in their wedding day, Jaejoong decided to wear a beautiful white dress. No one forced him. Its purely his own decision.



“Yunho-ah?” Jaejoong calls his fiancé who was busy grab something in the kitchen. They were in Jaejoong’s apartement.

“Yes, love? What’s wrong?” Yunho smile then he lift Jaejoong to the kitchen counter, so now the beauty sat in the kitchen counter, as tall as him.

Jaejoong hung his head low.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Yunho lift Jaejoong’s chin, give the smaller man a warm smile. “You know you can tell me everything, right Jae?”

Jaejoong nod. “Yunho-ah, about the wedding…”

Yunho gaps. He is really afraid right now, he was afraid that Jaejoong will cancel their wedding. “Hm, what wrong about the wedding, baby?” Ask Yunho calmly.

“Can I have a request?” says Jaejoong softly.

Yunho nod. “Sure. I’ll try my best to granted your wish, baby. What do you want hmm?”

Jaejoong bit his lower lip as he stare at Yunho. “Promise?”

Yunho smile and nod his head. “I’m promise, baby. Well as long as its not about to cancel the wedding.”

“Yah!” Jaejoong hit Yunho’s chest playfully. “Of course not, bear.”

“Then what is it, baby?”

“You promise, right?” Jaejoong ask again.

Yunho laugh. “Yes.” He give a peck in Jaejoong’s forehead. “Yes.” Now he give peck in Jaejoong’s pointy nose, “And yes, baby.” Yunho give the last peck in Jaejoong pink lips.

Jaejoong grin happily. “I want to wear a beautiful white dress in our wedding day, Yunnie.”

“What? I mean, Are you sure, Jae?”

Jaejoong nod cutely. “Yes, Yunnie. The beautiful one.”

“But, You… I mean, no, are you sure?” Yunho stutter. He still in shock.

Jaejoong pout. “Of course. But its okay if you’re not agree.” Jaejoong hung his head low. “I’ll wear that white tuxedo.”

“No, baby, its not what I mean, yes, no…” Yunho still can’t find the right word. “Duh.” He ruffle his own hair.

“No, its okay, Yun. I know.” Jaejoong smile. The fake one. Then he jump from the kitchen counter, leaving the tanned man in guilty.

“Jae, baby?” Calls Yunho when they were in the bedroom. Ready to sleep.

“Hmmm?” Jaejoong humming in answer with his back facing Yunho.

The taller man hug him from behind. Bring Jaejoong closer to him; kissing the beauty’s nape. “I’m sorry.” He murmur.

“Naah, its okay.”

Yunho shook his head. “No, baby. Its not okay. I’m really sorry. I just couldn’t find the right word for describe my happy yet shocking feeling.”

“No, Yunho-ah. I know. Its okay. I’ll wear that white tuxedo. Its beautiful too.” Jaejoong said in low tone.

“No, baby. Look at me.” Yunho lift Jaejoong, so the smaller man is now in his top. “I’m really sorry, okay? I just too shocked when you ask me unbelievable question like that. You know why? Because we never talked about this matter before and I don’t care if you wear that tuxedo, or even you want to wear a jeans and kets in our wedding day, baby.” Yunho cup Jaejoong’s face with both his hands. “Because as long as I know, I want to marry you, baby. I want marry the beautiful Kim Jaejoong not marry the clothes that you wear.” He kiss Jaejoong’s tip nose. “For me, the clothes is just bonus.”

“So?” Jaejoong ask with teary and red eyes. “Its okay if a guy like me wear a beautiful dress, Yunho-ah? You’re not ashamed?”

Yunho smile. “Of course not baby. Why I should ashamed? My soon to be wife is the prettiest creature I ever met and I’m really proud to have him.”


Yunho smile again. “Yes, yes, yes. And I bet everyone who come to our wedding ceremony will envy with me. Why? because I have the most beautiful wife in the world.”

“Cheesy, Jung.” Jaejoong smile but he hid his face in Yunho’s neck.

“Only for you, baby.” They laughed. “Now, lets sleep okay?” Yunho hug Jaejoong tight.

End flashback;

Jaejoong smile weakly. Suddenly, he miss his husband. Even though sometimes, Yunho could become such a husband with his almighty but Jaejoong still love him no matters what. But when he remembered what his husband done to him this afternoon, his missing feeling was gone right away. “Stupid Jung Yunho.” He cursed softly; put the photo then walk away to the living room.


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smurfa #1
How i wish this family is real. :)
hymeki #2
Chapter 3: I am really enjoy this story, thx author-ssi..
Really cute family,,
waiting for your next story about this family,, kekeke
Chapter 3: so the more yunjae fight the more rounds they do it.
DaisyRose #4
what a cute family. nice storyline ^^
Chapter 3: cute,,
full of yunjaeness
Hosta202 #6
Chapter 3: Hi! I love this fiction. Can I have your permission to translate into Vietnamese? I'll link to your original fiction.
Chapter 3: Awww so sweet
Love it ><
Chapter 3: it's sweet.. light... it'll just bright up my day :)
Chapter 3: I enjoyed it so muchhhhh!!!!!!!!! this is just supeeer cute family! love it
mar1adyve5sa #10
Chapter 3: awwww so sweet and cute..hehehe
yunjae never fail to make my day..