Jiyool-ah, Tell Umma, Appa is Sorry.


“Umma, are we going to somewhere?”

Ask Jiyool when her mother finished give her a shower.

Jaejoong nod. “Yes, baby, we will visit your Grandma.”

“Yey!” Jiyool claps happily. “But… Why Appa still in his study room, Umma? He will not going with us? Is he busy, Umma?”

“Yes, Jiyool, your Appa is busy right now, so we will visit Grandma without him.” Jaejoong says while give Jiyool a peck in her forehead. “Wait Umma for a while, ne?”

“Yes, Umma~”

Honestly, Jaejoong didn’t know is his husband was busy or not. They were fought over the small matters since an hour ago.



“I’ll be sleepover in Umma’s house tonight. She said that she felt unwell since last night. So, She wants me to sleepover.” Jaejoong said as he snuggled closer to his husband. They just finished their routine activity. Yes, in the middle of sunday afternoon.

“Sleepover? You? Then how about me and Jiyool? You will leave us alone?” Yunho complain. “No, Jae. You can’t do that. If you want to sleepover, me and Jiyool will sleepover too.”

Jaejoong pout. “But, Yunho-ah, tomorrow is monday. You have to work and Jiyool also have to school. I’m promise, I’ll back before you wake up, baby.” Jaejoong says softly, he rubbing Yunho’s bare chest.

Yunho sighed. “I’m not allowed you to sleepover and this is a command from me, as your husband.” He said in his serious tone. “I’ve morning meeting tomorrow and you should prepare my outfit and my usual breakfast, Jae.”

“I know that. You told me last night. But I’m promise, I’ll be home before you wake up. I could manage to prepare your meeting outfit and your usual breakfast.” Jaejoong argue.

“I said no, Jae. Just call Umma and tell her that you can’t sleepover.” Yunho still using his serious tone.

Jaejoong let out his long sighed. “And I refused to do that, Yunho-ah.”

“Fine, then just go. I don’t care.” Yunho says coldly. He stand up and rush into bathroom, leaving his wife alone in bed. His typical when he is mad.

“Stupid Jung Yunho!” Jaejoong curse under his breathe. His eyes getting teary. Still with the pain in his lower body, Jaejoong put his clothes back then walk out  from their room.

End flashback;


“Lets go, baby.” Jaejoong ask her to hand in hand.

“But, Umma~”

“Yes, baby?”

Jiyool pout. “Can I give appa a goodbye kiss?”

Jaejoong nod. “Sure, baby. Umma will wait you in here.”

Jiyool nod happily, her clumsy feet walks toward her father’s study room. “Appaaa!” Jiyool shout and knocking the door clumsily. Well she cannot reach the knob door. “Appaaa!” she shouted again.

No respond. “Appaaaa??” Jiyool shout and knock the door again. Her big-doe eyes getting wet.

“Ummaa~” She calls and run to her mother. “Ap.. Appa is gone.” She says between her sob. Now the young girl is crying.

“Eh? What’s wrong, Jiyool-ah?” Jaejoong crouches down then lift Jiyool into his arms.

“Where is Appa? He is gone, Umma.” She mutter between her sob.

“Sst, baby, its okay. Lets we check him first, okay?” Jaejoong cooed his daughter. “Don’t cry, Jiyool-ah. Appa is inside.” Jaejoong open the wooden door, but as soon as they walk into the study room, they saw the taller man was sleeping soundly in the white couch. “See? You’re Appa is just sleeping, baby. He’s not going anywhere.” Jaejoong wipe Jiyool’s tears in her chubby cheeks.

“Appa.” Jiyool smiled happily. Feeling relief as soon as she saw her father.

Jaejoong bending over to release the excited baby girl onto the floor. “Don’t disturb him, Jiyool-ah. Let him sleep.” Jaejoong warn his baby girl.

“But Umma~” Jiyool whined.

Jaejoong shook his head. “No, baby.”

Jiyool pout. “But I want give him a goodbye kiss.”

Jaejoong sighed. “Just give him a light kiss, okay?” Jiyool nod and smiled.

“Yes, Umma.” She running toward the white couch. “Jiyool and Umma loves Appa.” She’s whisper before she give her favorite daddy bear a light kiss in his forehead.

“Lets go, Umma. Jiyool wants to meet Typoong.” The young pretty girl grab her mother hand then they walk out from the room. Leaving the sleeping man in peace.


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smurfa #1
How i wish this family is real. :)
hymeki #2
Chapter 3: I am really enjoy this story, thx author-ssi..
Really cute family,,
waiting for your next story about this family,, kekeke
Chapter 3: so the more yunjae fight the more rounds they do it.
DaisyRose #4
what a cute family. nice storyline ^^
Chapter 3: cute,,
full of yunjaeness
Hosta202 #6
Chapter 3: Hi! I love this fiction. Can I have your permission to translate into Vietnamese? I'll link to your original fiction.
Chapter 3: Awww so sweet
Love it ><
Chapter 3: it's sweet.. light... it'll just bright up my day :)
Chapter 3: I enjoyed it so muchhhhh!!!!!!!!! this is just supeeer cute family! love it
mar1adyve5sa #10
Chapter 3: awwww so sweet and cute..hehehe
yunjae never fail to make my day..