Jiyool-ah, Tell Umma, Appa is Sorry.


Jung Residence; Dinner time

“You’ll sleepover right, Jaejoongie?” Mrs.Jung ask as she watch Jaejoong’s movement in her kitchen. Her son in law was busy preparing dinner.

“I’m sorry, Umma. But I can’t make it. Yunho have a morning meeting tomorrow and Jiyool have go to school too.” Jaejoong felt guilty with his mother in law.

“Eyy, its okay, Jaejoongie.” Mrs.Jung smiled. “At least you came, not like my own, aigoo, he is always busy with those papers.” Mrs.Jung complained. “Just like your father.” She added softly.

Jaejoong laughed. “Like a father like a son, right Umma?” They laughed together. Jaejoong glad his mother in law is much better.

“Dinner is ready. Jiyool-ah, Appaa~” Mrs.Jung calls them as soon as Jaejoong finished his cook.

They eat happily while sharing the old stories, teasing their grandchild, and chit-chat about everything. Its really opposite situation with…


Meanwhile in Jung Mansion;

Yunho just woke up when he realize his house is really quite. There’s no noise from her daughter’s laughing or giggling. There’s no angelic voice from his wife who always nagging over the little things. Even their dog, Jiyunie is quiet too. Heck, his house is like a grave. And the only sound is… Growl. His stomach make some noise. “Oh, I know you’re hungry but you’re mommy is not at home right now. So, you better shut up.” Yunho said to himself. When suddenly he remembered what he done this afternoon. “You’re such a stupid , Yunho-ah.” And once again he said to himself. “You just made your wife sad.” He murmur. “Jaejoongie, I’m sorry!!!” He shout out. Okay, he’s like a stupid and mad person.


Jung Residence; after dinner

The elder Jung with their beautiful grandchild, Jiyool, was playing a puzzle in the living room. Meanwhile the beauty was busy washing the dishes in the kitchen.


Someone is calling the Jung residence. “Jung Residence, may I help you?” ask Butler Lee who received the calls. “Ah, Young master. Yes, they were here. Jiyool? Of course, please wait a minute.”

Butler Lee walks toward the elder Jung and Jiyool. “Excuse me, Master. Young master Yunho is calling and he said, he want to talk with Jiyool.”

“Jiyool-ah, your Appa is calling. Go talk with him.” Mr.Jung says to his grandchildren. He still busy playing puzzle with his wife.

“Appa?” Jiyool eyes widen. Then she run to Butler Lee and grab the white parallel telephone; running away from them. “Appa, its Jiyool. What’s wrong?” Jiyool ask her father. Then she giggled cutely. Enjoying her conversation with her father. “Araso, Appa. Jiyool loves Appa too. Eung, eung…” Jiyool nodding her head. Then she giggled again. “Bye, Appa. Jiyool will see you soon at home. Nee~” After that, she give the telephone back to Butler Lee then running too her mother.

“Umma?” Jiyool calls him.

Jaejoong “Yes, Jiyool-ah?” crouches down. He still doing his dishes.

Jiyool smile and hugging her mother. Whispering something to the beauty’s ear; then she giggling softly before she run away to her grandparents again. Leaving her mother in blushing. The young girl just said, “Appa said, Jiyool-ah, tell Umma, Appa is sowy and Appa loves him a lot.”


Jung Mansion; 9PM

Its been 20 minutes since Jaejoong start rolling around in bed; trying to find the right position to sleep but he fail. Yes! He couldn’t sleep before his husband give him a goodnight kiss and hug him tight; he always snuggle in Yunho’s board chest before sleep. In fact, he can’t sleep without his husband beside him.

“Okay, I don’t need that stupid bear. I just need a warm milk.” Jaejoong mumble to himself as he walk down to the kitchen.

And viola! Unfortunately his husband is in the kitchen too. He was trying to make some instant noodles.

“I thought you’re slept already.” Yunho says without looking at his wife. No comment from his wife. “You want to make a glass of warm milk, don’t you?” Yunho ask to Jaejoong. Still without looking at him. “Or you want to eat ramen?” Yunho ask to Jaejoong again. Yes, still no comment or responds from the beauty.

Jaejoong just stood still near the dining table. He hung his head low. Yunho chuckled softly because his wife unwilling to respond his question. Suddenly, “You can used the kitchen first.” Said Yunho while turning off the stove; then he walked away from the kitchen. Leaving the beauty alone.

“You don’t mean it, don’t you?” Jaejoong speak in his lower voice. His voice is quivering, he try to hold his tears.

“About what?” ask Yunho in his cold tone. His back still facing his wife.

Jaejoong sob. “When you said to Jiyool this evening.”

“Oh that, of course I mean it. Besides, everyone loves you.”

“I DON’T WANT EVERYONE TO LOVE ME!” Jaejoong shout out to his husband. “I JUST WANTED TO BE LOVE BY YOU, JUNG YUNHO!” He shout again. He is crying now. “But I was wrong.” He murmur softly. “You didn’t even mean it your own word.” Jaejoong sobbed.

“Jaejoongie, baby.” Yunho turned to towards his wife and hugged him as soon as he hearing his wife’s words. He knows, this time, he is already outrageous. He makes his beautiful wife cry again. “I’m sorry, okay?” Yunho hug him tight. “I know, I’ve become such a stupid today. And I’m really sorry about that, baby. I made you cry again.”

“I hate you!” Jaejoong says between his sob. He hit Yunho’s chest. “I hate you! I hate you!” says him still hitting his husband’s chest.

Yunho wipe his wife tears. “Don’t cry, baby-ah. You know, Jaejoongie is not pretty if Jaejoongie crying.”

“Don’t baby me! I’m not Jiyool.” Jaejoong pout.

Yunho smiling. He give a peck to that pouty lips. “Yes, you’re not Jiyool but you still my baby Jaejoongie.”

“I’m sorry, Yunho-ah.”

Jaejoong whispering softly. He still hid his face in Yunho’s chest.

“Why you’re sorry?” Ask Yunho still his wife’s back.

Jaejoong shook his head. “Because I denied your words this afternoon. I’ve become a stubborn wife for you. I’m really sorry, Yunho-ah.”

“Naah, its okay, baby. I’m sorry too, because I left you alone in bed this afternoon, in fact we just made out and Gosh, its made me feel like an .”

Jaejoong shook his head again. “No, you are not . You’re my handsome husband and you’re favorite daddy bear for Jiyool.” He says softly. “And you know, bear… our stupid fight like this makes me realize that we still have to learn to respect each other’s opinions.”

Yunho nodded. “Yes, you’re right, baby. And I just realize that I really need you to stay beside me.”


Yunho nodded again. “Yup. Don’t you realized, baby?”


“We really need each other presence. Because…”

“You’re my other half.” Jaejoong cut his words. Then he tiptoe and kiss his beloved husband.

“Thankyou, baby.” Yunho kissed him back. A caring kiss become turned into a hot and passionate kiss. “Lets sleep, baby. I still need to wake up early tomorrow.” Yunho stop his kiss. “I have morning meeting.” He peck Jaejoong lips.

“Without any make up ?” Jaejoong ask cutely yet seductively.

“Should we try a few arounds, baby?” Yunho winked and begin to kiss his wife again. Hopefully, they didn’t get up late tomorrow morning. Jiyool need go to school, guys!




How’s guys? Another Yunjae short (?) story. Hope you guys enjoy it. Sorry for the grammatical error. Thank you. ^^


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smurfa #1
How i wish this family is real. :)
hymeki #2
Chapter 3: I am really enjoy this story, thx author-ssi..
Really cute family,,
waiting for your next story about this family,, kekeke
Chapter 3: so the more yunjae fight the more rounds they do it.
DaisyRose #4
what a cute family. nice storyline ^^
Chapter 3: cute,,
full of yunjaeness
Hosta202 #6
Chapter 3: Hi! I love this fiction. Can I have your permission to translate into Vietnamese? I'll link to your original fiction.
Chapter 3: Awww so sweet
Love it ><
Chapter 3: it's sweet.. light... it'll just bright up my day :)
Chapter 3: I enjoyed it so muchhhhh!!!!!!!!! this is just supeeer cute family! love it
mar1adyve5sa #10
Chapter 3: awwww so sweet and cute..hehehe
yunjae never fail to make my day..