Until Forever Ends

Until Forever Ends


2:56 am. It was 2:56 am when his phone rang. He answered it straight after the first ring, it's not like he was asleep anyway. 
When he picked up, the caller did not great him nor ask how he was. They simply said 'you need to get here now. ' 
He hung up straight away and practically ran out of the door, grabbing his car keys on the way. 
Key. He had to get to Key. 
His heart hammered against his chest and he tried to control his breathing as he raced down the deserted roads. 
Within 20 minutes he arrived at the hospital and headed straight for the room, he had visited so often he could walk the short route with his eyes closed. 
When he reached the corridor which led to the room, he could see two figures sitting in the hallway, one resting their head on the others shoulder. As soon as they heard his feet tapping on the shiny floor they looked up, both of them bearing an expression of pure sorrow. 
But at that moment, his mind was set on Key. 
 He tried to enter the room but was stopped by one of the figures who had stood up. He didn't even notice the sleep deprived lines etched onto Minho's skin or Taemin's tear stained face looking up to him from the ground. 
Neither of  them said anything. They just look at each other in the eye, having a silent conversation. As if answering a question, Minho shook his head and diverted his eyes. 
Jonghyun drew in a shaky breath and closed his eyes. Minho rubbed his arm gently and then joined Taemin once again. 
Taemin gripped onto Minho's arm like he was going to float away into the warm summers night. 
Jonghyun opened his eyes once again and knocked lightly on the door before entering. He barely acknowledged Onew who rose from the small plastic chair next to the bed. 
Onew cast one last look at the figure in the bed before walking slowly over to the doorway were Jonghyun was standing.
This was when Jonghyun  saw through his clouded vision and noticed one thing about Onew - he wasn't smiling, and Onew was always smiling.
 Even when he had a broken arm he was still found with a beaming smile and said that 'everything was ok' to Taemin when he started crying. 
If Onew wasn't smiling, it was the equivalent of the world being of all happiness. 
Onew cast his eyes over at Jonghyun and said nothing, but his eyes where full of apology. Which Jonghyun thought was ridiculous as it wasn't his fault. It wasn't Onew's fault that Key ran out of the house. It wasn't Onew's fault that he had a fight with Key which made him run out the house and into the road. 
Onew walked past Jonghyun and into the corridor, the door shutting softly behind him.  Jonghyun slowly approached the bed. 
His heart hitched when he saw the figure. He glanced down at the figures skim wrist and stared at the name printed on the label around it 'Kim Kibum' 
It seemed unreal, that Key was lying there in that bed, his life being sustained by the machines that where beeping beside him. 
Jonghyun sat quietly into the chair, as if trying not to wake him, which was stupid because the only thing Jonghyun wanted was for Key to wake up. 
For him to open his beautiful eyes and smile up at him, but such a thing could not happen. 
When Key was brought into the hospital he had obtained a severe head injury and multiple others from where the car had hit him. For a while, it looked like things where going to get better, that Key would walk out of this ok. But after a while he started fading. 
He spent more time asleep than awake, and then one day, he just didn't wake up. A coma had taken over his body and kept him submerged in unconsciousness whilst others could only watch. 
To Jonghyun, it had seemed like years since the accident happened but yet he could remember it so clearly. At the time he felt complete and utter rage toward the driver. But as the weeks progressed he realised that even someone with reflexes like a cat could not have stopped in time to not hit the boy that ran blindly across the road. 
He slowly raised his hand and gently brushed his fingers against Key's cheek. Part of him expected Key to stir and moan to let him sleep like he had done so often (to which Jonghyun would reply with a laugh and continue , prodding and poking him until Key would hit him). 
But of course he did not. He remained completely still. 
There was a knock at the door and he glanced up to see Minho standing with a doctor in the doorway. 
Jonghyun looked at the doctor and then at Key, and nodded stiffly. 
The doctor quietly entered the room and started preparing a syringe full of clear liquid. 
Jonghyun reached out and held Key's hand, still getting the small rush of joy he got when he first held his hand only to be quickly damped by the reality of the situation. 
The doctor gave a small cough and Jonghyun looked up again. 
'Give them a minute' Minho said from the doorway, Jonghyun glanced at Minho, sending a silent thanks. 
The doctor nodded and murmured something about returning shortly. 
After he had left, Minho approached Jonghyun and rubbed his shoulder. 
'Remember, this is what he wanted' he said, forcing a smile. 
Jonghyun nodded again but could not bring himself to look at Minho in the eye. 
Minho lingered for a moment before also leaving the room. 
When Key had be slipping into the coma he had spells of consciousness and in one he said to them that 'if I have no chance of waking up, please do me a favour and let me die. Because if I cannot walk, dance, talk and laugh, I see no point of living on this earth.'
When he had said those words, Jonghyun was certain that they would never have to go through with them. However, there they were. A syringe opposite him which would end the life of the man whom he had fallen for and wished to grow old with. The man who he had married and had thanked whatever higher power for letting them meet. 
The door cracked open slightly revealing Taemin's face, the artificial light making his face seem ghostly pale. Jonghyun lifted his head and saw Minho and Onew standing behind him. Jonghyun nodded slightly and they shuffled into the room. Onew was followed by the doctor who closed the door behind him with a soft 'clunk'. 
Jonghyun looked back at Key's form, and then at the doctor who was now standing opposite the bed.
'Are you sure?' The doctor asked. Jonghyun wanted to scream 'No' but knowing he was speaking for Key, he said 'Yes' his voice cracking. 
Suddenly, reality came crashing down on him, like a rock just had just fallen from the sky and landed on his shoulders. Tears flowed from his eyes and sobs racked through his chest. Onew  quickly went over to him, crouched, and pulled him into a tight hug. Jonghyun gratefully hugged him back. 
After the sobs calmed slightly he pulled away and wiped his eyes and looked at the doctor again ,who was wearing an expression of extreme concern, and nodded. 
The doctor reluctantly lifted the syringe and and injected the liquid into the drip which was attached to Key's arm.
Jonghyun watched in despair as the overdose entered Keys body. Minho and Taemin were now also standing behind him, Minho with one hand on Jonghyuns shoulder, the other holding Taemin's hand. 
They could have been standing there for days but Jonghyun felt that time had sped up to a ridiculous speed, as far to soon, Keys life support machine began beeping in alarm, but no one came rushing in to fix him. 
The machine kept beeping, the heart monitor showing the rate of his heart beat had slowed below safety levels. 
Jonghyun squeezed Keys hand like he used to do whenever Key was scared or upset. 
Tears sprang to Jonghyuns eyes as he watched the life slowly leave Key. 
Finally the heart monitor let out a last beep, and then nothing. 
His heart had stopped. 
He was gone. 
Jonghyun felt numb. His whole body felt without purpose and cold. Minho, Onew and Taemin had stayed with him. All of them silent as they just looked at the now empty body still lying on the bed. 
One by one each of them left the room, leaving only Jonghyun. Minho and the doctor left together talking under their breaths. Before they left the room they both looked at Jonghyun, and then departed. 
Jonghyuns head was wheeling. Guilt and self hate coarsed through his veins, it still felt like a awful nightmare. Jonghyun wished dearly he could wake up, and find himself in his bed, sleeping next to Key , who's eyes would be flickering under his eyelids as he dreamed. Jonghyun would smile and brush the hair off his face and press a kiss against his forehead before hugging him closer and fall into slumber again, his fears chased away by the beautiful angel before him. 
But that was not the case. Jonghyun was very much awake. He would no longer seen keys eyes flicker, nor hear his boisterous laugh. He would not see him dance or see him smile as he did whenever Jonghyun sang for him. 
He was gone. 
After a while the doctor came back in and handed Jonghyun a envelope, who looked blankly at it. 
'He wrote this before he slipped into the coma' they said. Jonghyuns eyes widened. 'He wanted to have something to give you if something like this happened.'
Jonghyun went to thank them but the words got caught in his throat. The doctor nodded, understanding he was grateful and walked towards the door. Before leaving they turned to him  and said 'I am so sorry that we couldn't help. He truly loved you. He talked about you all the time on the ward'.
Jonghyun gave them a genuine smile and the doctor left the room. 
He looked at the envelope he was handed. It was completely plain except for his name written in Keys unmistakable handwriting. Slowly he opened the envelope and pulled out the folded pieces of paper. It was a letter. 
Jonghyun opened them out and began to read. 
The more he read, the more tears sprang into his eyes, a number of times he had to stop to wipe them. 
When he finished, he read it again and again and again. His eyes following every flick and curl of keys handwriting. 
His chest swelled  and the sadness once again grasped him and tore at his heart. He rose from his chair and cast one final look at Key, memorising every thing about him. He lent forward and planted a kiss onto his ice cold cheek, a tear falling from his face onto keys. 
He then slowly walked to he door, and with one final fleeting look at Key, left the room. 
If you are reading this, it means I am no longer alive, for which I am truly sorry that my blasted body couldn't cope with the damage it got. 
And I know right now you are feeling guilty (because you've always been stupid like that) but Jonghyun please do not feel like this was your fault, if its anyone's fault it's mine. 
I will not have you blaming yourself for this. 
Also, please do not pity me for leaving life so young, I have always said how I wanted to travel  the stars, and now I am among them. 
You are also probably thinking that we are the unluckiest people in the world, but you would be mistaken. For I feel like the luckiest person ever, because I met you. I got to be the lucky bastard who got to say 'I do.' And hey, you got meet me which is a privilege on its own. 
You thought that you would spend your whole life with me and I am sorry that I could not make this possible. But at least I got to spend the rest of my life with you. 
I cannot fathom the words to express what I feel but I will try my best. Jonghyun, thank you so much for existing and for loving me when the whole world seemed to hate me. 
Oh how I wish i could just write forever, for there are some many things i wish I had time to say. 
But my mind and body are tired and I can no longer think straight. 
But because you are never going to hear me say this again; I love you. 
God, I love you Jjong. I love your bright smile and how you act like a little puppy whenever you are excited. I love everything about you and I am so glad that you exist
 But please, do not dwell  on me. Meet other people, you are young and beautiful and it would be such a waste if you just mourned for me all your life. 
And now before I go, I have to say how incredibly proud I am of us. 
Because we kept our promise. 
The promise which bound us together. 
'Till death do us part'
Thank you for reading (*^_^*)
Sorry for any stupid mistakes etc. 
Comments are appreciated and made of happiness ^ ^
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UKISSKissMe1313 #1
Chapter 1: I just reread this, and I'm sobbing again...
eskulapka #2
Chapter 1: Heartbreaking...
UKISSKissMe1313 #3
Chapter 1: TT_TT Sobbing right now.... now words but how miraculously written this is. Thank you so much. <3 *sobs*
oppa_m_key #4