The tale of the Prince and the Invisible boy.


Lee Taemin is a quiet, slightly awkward kid. Not really speaking much in class. But when  he falls for the 'Prince' of the school Choi Minho, he decides that he should say something, but never does.
That is until he hears that Minho is leaving....

Pure fluff and stuff~~~ 2min pairing~~~~~ 


This is a lot longer that originally planned XD

And also the story plot changed dramatically. AH WELL~~~~~

There is actually no swearing in this (which is pretty impressive seeing as I have a potty mouth) 


(ps first fic EVER so...remember I am learning! ) ^^


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Chapter 1: Haha ahhh minho i love your plan i was laughing XD but hey at least it work and taemin confessed!!
2min~~ so sweet
natseon #2
Chapter 1: Awwww sweet 2min!! Naughty minoooo xD
Chapter 1: It was great! Completely great!!
sujing #4
Chapter 1: Minho is so nice. Yay for 2min!
Chapter 1: awwww~~~ i'm glad taemin have the guts to confess~~~ =)
Chapter 1: Cute story! Yaayyy~ 2min together!! <3
Chapter 1: lovely story :)
boondoks1 #8
Chapter 1: omg,this was so sweet,,kekeke and when minho said that he tricked taemin,,i was like,,minho,,you naughty boy but it did work,,,kekeke lovely 2min indeed,,kekeke