This Isnt The Fairytale I was Thinking of......

I Just Wanted to Live!

Onew P.O.V

I had caught Mi Young in my arms as she fainted. 'Well this went well.' I sighed as I put her back in the chair the right way.

"Yah! Weren't you a little too blunt onew!?" Sooyoung had ran to the left side of the chair and looked at me. "Didn't you think we should ease her into this. I mean look at her should could be dead!!!" Sooyoung was always the one to over react.

"Stupid, that couldn't kill her. God Sooyoung how stupid could you be." Jonghyun had stood up and crossed his arms, looking at Sooyoung with a dumb expression. I looked at Sooyoung and saw her slowly get upand make her way to Jonghyun. 'Jonghyun you silly boy' I thought and continued to watch the scene in front of me.

"Me stupid. Oh my little puppy i'll show you what this STUPID girl can do!" She was about to pounce on him if it wasn't for Minho who was holding her back.

"Calm down, calm down this dog isn't worth it." He said to her. You can see her start to calm down. Minho was always the one to calm her down, they had a brother and sister relationship.

"Stop calling me a dog! Damn it!" Jonghyun was clearly upset with the whole 'Dog situation'.

"I'll call you whatever I want...DOG!"

"Well I guess to be fair I should call you Kitty cat!" It's true those too always fought like cats and dogs. I couldn't take it anymore, we have a girl that just fainted sitting in front of me.

"Hyung is she going to be okay?" I looked up to see Taemin looking at Mi Young scared. He was diffrent from the Taemin on stage, this one was a cute and calm boy, not this seducing devil.

"Yes she will be okay, just needs some rest." I stood up to ruffle his hair. I looked around the room. Minho still had a hold on Sooyoung and key was infront of Jonghyun trying to make him not kill her. "Guys why don't you go downstairs. I want to talk to Mi Young alone when she wakes up." Everyone had stopped and looked at me.

"But shes my best friend! I cant not be here for her when she wakes up." Sooyoung said as she finally got out of minho's hold.

'I know but i don't want to overwhelm her. Just go down there. I bet the crowd would love to see you boys again" The boys nodded and left. Sooyoung was about to leave "Sooyoung, your on next. Show them what girls can do." I said while smiling to her. She just smiled back and ran downstairs. But i could here her yelling "Yah Key dance girl group dances with me!!"

I just shook my head. I Have known them all my life. I looked at Mi Young and decided to wake her up.

"Mi Young-ah" I shook her a little but got nothing. "Mi Young it's time to wake up." Still nothing. 'Hmmm how can I wake her up.' I thought for a while until i remembered something.

'Onew if you ever have to wake her up just sing the song.' I remember her dad telling me that before he left. So i started to sing the song she started to stir. I stopped and called her name. Her eyes opened and looked at me.

"Wow angel's here sure are beautiful." She reached her hand and touched my face. I smiled and grabbed her hand that was on my face. 'Might as well have fun with this.'

"Mi young-ah. You really think I'm that pretty." I said while going closer to her face, I was a few centimeters from her face. I could feel her breath on my lips.

"Your the most pretty angel I have ever seen."

I moved to her ear and whispered "Too bad I'm a bad angel. Now wake up Mi Young." I Pulled away to see her shake her head and stare at me.

"I was hoping that it was all a dream." She said as she stood up.

"Sorry to disappoint you but its not a dream."

Mi Young P.O.V

Damn i thought it was all a dream and that I would wake up in my cute apartment. But sadly it wasn't. But a plus was having Onew so close to me.

"So im guessing you have questions." I looked up at onew and saw him sitting on the edge of the desk.

"Yea can you explain the whole story to me? Im so confused."

"Okay lets go sit some where more comfy." He pointed to the couch that had been previously taken by everyone else.

"Where did everyone go?"

"There downstairs entertain the rest of the club." My mouth formed an 'O' shape. "So you want me to start from the very beginning?"

"Yeah it would help."

"Okay. Well this all started with your great grandmother. She was the prettiest girl in the village, they say. Many men would stop what they were doing just to gaze at her beauty. She wasn't a self centered person. In fact she was one of the nicest people you would ever meet. She never took her beauty for granted. She had only a few people that were close to her. One was named So hee, She was your great grandmothers best friend. that was also her only friend that was a girl. She had 5 protectors. Each one of them had a special ability. One was the mood maker, one was her little brother of no relation,one was her fan maker, one was her best friend and the last one was her noble protector. The five of them were always with her. But one day she had a meeting with her parents. They had arranged a marriage for her with a noblemen son. But in her heart it was filled with someone else. No one knew who it was. some said it was the protector and some said it was her non female best friend. They day had come when she had to meet and marry the noble's son. But when he went to her room they had found that her best friend and her 5 protectors had left. In a fit of rage the noblemen's son had told everyone that she was a bad angel, and that her looks were not human. Then they started to say "Her whisper is the Lucifer". But a famous poet made the whole story into a poem. Word spread across the land about her. When she and her friends heard what was going on all they could do was laugh. But your great grandmother wasn't a fool. She used that story to her advantage. She had made her friends teach her and So Hee how to fight. They girls learned well and soon became deadly. She said "Lets go back to the source of the story shall we." Your great grandmother was the same nice her friends, but to everyone else she was what the story said she was. When they reached the Noblemen's village everyone was shocked."


"Mi Young! Why-what are you doing here?!" The nobles son said with big eyes. Mi Young just smirked and looked at her nails.

"It seems you have figured out my secret.....Yunho." She looked at him.

"What so its true?"

"You got that right. Now that you told the whole world there is only one thing left to do." She cracked her knuckles.

"Your going to kill me?" He let out an evil chuckle. "My guards will stop you before that can even happen." Just then a battered guard ran in.

"Sir the have taken all our men out. what-" He couldn't finish his sentence as one of her friends hit him in his pressure point making him pass out.

"Everything is taken care of mistress."

"Thank you Jinki. Now what were you saying Mr. Jung." She had never once looked away from Yunhos face. "Well how about i make this easy for you. You give me your estate, land, and money. And I will let you live how does that sound?" He just nodded his head. "Good now," She pulled his collar and pulled him close to her face. "Get.Off.My.Land." and with that she pushed him away making him fall. He looked at her then ran. But as he ran she had heard him say "I will get revenge this means war."


"And Yunho was right. He got revenge. Every time a knew Mi young was born his family would kill the eldest in the family. Nobody knows where that family lives now but we know they are out there." He finished the story.

"So your saying that I will die once I have my child?" Great i can see it know. "Mi Young here is your beautiful daughter" Then boom I'm dead.

"No.You are supposed to be the one that ends it all. You are supposed to find them and with our help stop this madness." I Looked at him as if he was crazy.


"What do you mean no? You have to do this."

"I just turned 18. Im still a teen. I should be going out and causing mayhem on the world!"

"well i mean if you-"

"And don't say this is the same!" I was getting really upset know. Not only do I have a gang, I have to save my future family.

"This is insane!" I said, now I was losing my patience.

"How about I let you think this over the weekend. And you give me an answer in school on monday." I guess he could tell that I was almost ready to hit something, cause he was now on the other side of the couch.

"Fine that works." I got up and was about to leave until I felt something pull on my wrist. I Looked to see onew pulling me. "Anything else?'

"Just watch this if youwant, it will help you." He handed me a DVD that said "Mi Young". He let go of my wrist and opened the door. We walked down the steps only to be met with an angry Sooyoung and an equally angry Jonghyun.

"What happened now?" Onew said while standing in the middle of the both of them.

"He said I did SNSD's genie leg wrong!"

"Cause you did you fat cat!"

"FAT?! Thats it you old dog you are dead!"

"STOP!" I was shocked to hear onew yell. He was so sweet and gentle and for him to yell was like seeing me yell. "Key your the master of all these dances, tell me who was right."

"Sooyoung sir."

"See Jonghyun you were wrong. Now say sorry to Sooyoung."

"Im Sorry Sooyoung," Wow he actually- "That you have FAT legs You FAT CAT!" I guess I spoke too soon.

"Ugh just shut up. Sooyoung take Mi Young home. And then come back home so I can have a talk with you and Jonghyun about public behavior."

"Yes sir. Lets go Mi." Sooyoung grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the club. The car ride home was a quite one. We finally reached my home.

"Mi-ah. Im sorry for not telling you." Sooyoung said while looking at her hands.

"Sooyoung-ah, as long as your friendship with me is real then I have no problem with it." I gave her a smile and she smiled right back."I'll see you on monday."

"Okay bye~" I got of the car and she drove away.


I sat on my couch with my laptop opened and on my lap. I kept flipping the DVD in my hands. 'Should I do it?' And without me thinking i put it in. When it finally loaded my screen went blank. 'Huh?' I had a full battery so there was no reason for it to shut down. Then the screen came back but it was a diffrent screen. It had a logo of a giant 'L'.

"Welcome mistress." I female voice came out of it. Then all of a sudden a women came on to the screen.

"So grand daughter it is your eighteenth birthday. The time has finally come to put this silly war to death. You my dear are the chosen one. I know it may all be scary now but you will have help. I would like you to meet someone." My grandmother pulled someone into the screen. She was beautiful, she looked like me. "This is your mother she hasn't had you yet but she will. She knows that I will be leaving soon. The Jung's are already on the move. So with my last breath i am sending you this message. You will meet 6 people in your life. The 2 best friends, the younger brother, the wise one, the funny one and the protector. They will help you with this journey. So please except them." I started to feel my eyes water.

"Mi Young-ah, my beautiful daughter. I will go to and you wont remember me. But I'm hoping you look like me and not your father" Then in the background i heard a voice shout "YAH!" Im guessing it was my father. " Listen to me, you have the strength to beat them. All of the Mi Youngs are behind you."

"Yeah thats right no daughter of mine will be pushed around!" I laughed when my father came onto the screen. 'Mi-ah You will meet my best friends son. He will protect you and guide you, you can trust him." The there was a huge bang making the camera shake.

"Ah seems my time is up. You two, go hide. Mi Young please follow your destiny. Don't end up like us." And then the screen went blank.

"So Mistress what will your answer be?"


Wow thanks so much for commenting guys. I hope im doing a good job >< Keep reading and commenting.

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teddiebears #1
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
Fangirlforlife #3
Chapter 6: Please update soon
Update soon ^^
aundrea #6
yay you updated! i love this story so much cant wait for the training to start its going to be funny
Woah! Lols onew and chicken xD I so love the plot and how they all relate to her and their past lives so cool! Lols so that means jonghyun is the bestfriend right? Hm lols
I'm loving this stories plot so far!!! :) are you going to make sooyoung have a "thing" for one of the guys, if so I think jonghyun would be so cute :D hhahahha onew's shirt got chicken kekeke XD
aundrea #9
AWW! I cant wait to see who the fathers bestfriends son. I think its onew and i love sooyoung she is so funny
ahhh, I'm REALLY into it!!!^ _____________ ^<br />