Mi is forever

I Just Wanted to Live!

I want to say thanks to maileekou and aundrea for becoming the first fans of my story! Makes me excited.

{Listening to: Scream my name-LMFAO}


{Thinking-SHINee <3}


Unknown P.O.V

            "Hyung is that her?" I looked to see where he was pointing. There in the middle of the dance floor, two girls were dancing together. I just smirked when I saw the girl in a very y white dress wave her hands in the air.

"Yeah that’s her alright." Today was her eighteenth birthday,the day her world had to come crashing down.

"YAH! Were on in a few lets go downstairs." I looked at the door and saw one of my friends rushing everyone out of the room. I took one last glance at her before I touched the glass, which made it look like my hand was caressing her body.

"Tonight will make you into a lady, Mi Young."

Mi Young’s P.O.V

"Sooyoung I need a drink come with me!" We had been dancing for along time now. With all the dancing and the fact that it was like a hundred degresse in here didn’t help one bit.

"Okay lets go before it starts!" Sooyoung grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bar.

"Before what starts?" I was puzzled. What could ‘Start’ at a club, except for a fight?

"Can I have two cokes please," she ordered our drinks and turned back to me with that evil smile that I didn’t trust.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, nothing don’t worry about it." That just made me worry it about it even more. Our drinks came and we just sat at the bar watching the people on the dance floor. All of them were hot and sweaty but all had a dance partner. These damn couples! I’m telling you they are all over, I’m starting to think that me and sooyoung were the only single people in thie world. Just then the lights lite up on the stage….’There was a stage there!?"

"Ladies and Gentelmen! It is now time for the show! Please welcome the boys!" Everyone in the crowd screamed, except for me. ‘What the hell is going on?’

The DJ continued and started to call out names. "First the cute but deadly seductive Lee Taemin!" On the stage a very cute but hot boy was shown in the spot light. He had shoulder length hair. His face was amazing sight to look at, he stared at the audience with this twinkle in his eye that said ‘I’ll make you fall for me noona’ He wore red skinny jeans, boots and a black tank top and over it was a black vest. When all the girls started to scream he let out a smirk. "Next is the diva-licious Key!" Then next to Taemin another boy appeared. He looked even more seductive then Taemin, if that was even possible. He had long bangs but had different color strikes in it. He wore Silver skinny jeans, silver boots a white tank top and a silver vest. He took his left hand and slowly swiped it under his bottom lip and ‘shot’ it to all the screaming girls…and some boys…..’ now that’s just awkward.’

"And we cant forget the y model like boy, CHOI MINHO!" Oh dear lord was the DJ not kidding when he said model like. This guy had to be at least six foot or more. He had short hair but put in such a stylist way. You can tell when her walked on stage that he had so much charisma. I bet if her walked into a room he would have the ‘Prince effect’. He wore white boots, white pants and a black jacket. He didn’t do any y skimming of the lip or a smirk he just looked around the room and that caused the girls to go insane.

"And the iest beast you will ever meet. Now ladies I suggest you take out your inhalers cause here’s Kim Jonghyun!" The guy had just taken every breath from every girl in this club. If you looked up the definition of y in the dictionary you will defiantly find him. He had such sharp features. His lips were so plump and pink. I felt my self blush as I was looking at him. He wore A gold shirt white pants and gold boots. He looked left then right before he smirked and winked. And sure enough many girls had taken out there inhalers and all took puffs.

"And last but not least the hottest leader around the one the only Lee Onew!" I Looked at the stage shocked, it was the same Onew from school. But this time he was drop dead y. His hair on one side was pinned to the side but his bangs covered his left eye. He wore black skinny jeans, black boots, but what topped it all off was his black tank top that had shown off his amazing arms. I just stared the Onew in school looked like a honest charming boy but the one in front of me looked like a real bad boy and a y one at that. He looked around as if he was looking for someone. He stopped when he found my eyes. He saw that I had gasped at the pure shock of his gaze. It was like I couldn’t look away. He smirked and mouthed something. ‘y’. Did he just say y to me? OMO!

"And together these boys are SHINee!!!!!" The crowed screamed with "I want to marry all of you!" "Please have my children!!!" "Don’t work here noona has money!!!"

"Please please. We would like to welcome you all to the club on it grand opening. So as a gift we would like to perform for you." Onew said as he finally broke the eye-lock we were in. ’What the hell was that?’ Just then a pulsating beat came threw the speakers. Onew started and showed a manly side to him.

"Even if I try to avoid you, I can’t find a place to hide
I’m trapped by you, who I can’t even deny"

Then Jonghyun started, his voice was amazing.

"If it was love, if you really loved me, don’t do this to me
Her whisper is the Lucifer"

"If you tie me down and trap me
Then the love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can’t grow anymore
Freely empty yourself and look at me
I’ll fill you only, I’ll completely fill you only"

I felt like I knew this song as if I had heard it before, a long time ago. Just then a memory flashed in my mind. "Mi-ah you will know what you have to do when the time comes." I shook out of my trance and blinked….’That was my father.’


"Your undeniable spell is the Lucifer
Your undeniable magic is the Lucifer
When I approach you
With your angelic face
Say the reason you live is for me
Say it

When I first saw you, I stopped for a short time
As if someone was tightly seizing my heart, not letting it go (Still)
You took all, all, all, all, all, all of my heart just like that
You make my heart burn out when you’re not here"

What the hell why do I feel like I can sing the next part of this song. ‘Mi- ah they will come for you and when they do get ready.’ Now it was my mom.

"If you tie me down and trap me
Then the love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can’t grow anymore
Freely empty yourself and look at me
I’ll fill you only, I’ll completely fill you only

Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic"

Then I saw another flash back.

-Flash Back-

"Hyunseong what will happen to her?" My mother had a look of concern in her eyes as she looked at my father.

"Don’t worry. The boys will take care of her. All we have to do is spend our last days with her." He took her by the shoulders and pulled her into a tight embrace. "our daughter will grow up strong. Emotionally but the boys will have to help her."


"If you tie me down and trap me
Then love is also tied down
The future is also tied down
It can’t grow anymore
Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic
Your undeniable spell is the Lucifer"

I snapped out of it in time to see the boys end the song.

"There must be something in this drink." I pushed the glass away from me.

"Did everyone like it!" I heard key scream into the mic making everyone shout "YES!"

"Well we welcome you to our club and hope you have an amazing time….you know what I mean ladies." Jonghyun said with a smirk. "There are condoms in the men bathroom boys! Think of it as a present." All the guys rushed to the bathroom and for the first time there was a line for the men’s bathroom. The boys bowed and left the stage, but not before I caught Onew looking at Sooyoung and nodding. ‘What’s that about?’

"Okay Mi, its time for your present." Sooyoung"s grabbed my hand and ran to this door that said ‘Employees only’.

"Sooyoung we cant go in there. We don’t work here." Something was up. Instead of a cheerful smile on her face, Sooyoung had this look in her eyes that looked cold.

"Just follow me." She pulled me through the door and up some stairs. We were meet with another door. On it, it said ‘SHINee only’.

"Why are we breaking into these guys room. You just want us to die don’t you." She let out a chuckle and looked at me with those cold eyes.

"I know them so it will be fine." She knocked three times. Someone on the other side knocked back once. "She’s here." was what Sooyoung said before the door opened. When it was open I was met with a sight that would make any girl die. There in front of me stood SHINee in all there hot glory.

"Ah so she has arrived. God Sooyoung how much slower can you be!" I looked to see that key was speaking to her. ‘HUH?!?!?!’

‘Ah shut up diva! There is a lot of people downstairs. And its not easy when you have a whole bunch of guys with condoms in there hands trying to get some. Right Mi." She looked at me but she was back to her cheerful self.

"Okay what the hell is going on!?" I was so confused. "Listen I’m not having a good night. I’m getting flashbacks of my parents and that dammed song is still in my head!" Its true that song, that beat was all in my head as if it was burned in to my head.

"See I knew we shouldn’t have sung that song first." Jonghyun punched Onew in the arm.

"Its not my fault!"

"Actually it is hyung. You said ‘We should just get it over with.’ those were your word hyung." Taemin said. His whole ‘ I will seduce you’ act was completely gone and was replaced by a cute image.

"He’s right. You even told me that on the phone before. I told you it would be a bad idea." Sooyoung crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks.

"Okay know that we all know whose fault it is. Can we all sit down and can someone tell me WHAT THE FREAK IS GOING ON?!" I shouted. Wait I just shouted, I never shout….ever. I quickly covered my mouth. And like I told them to do they all sat down on this couch that had been in front of a desk.

"Mi please sit in the chair behind the desk." Sooyoung pointed to the chair. It was a massive wooden chair almost like a thrown. I walked over to it eyeing it, it felt like it was calling to me. I sat down in the chair.

"Mi young." I looked up to see Onew looking at me. " Your name Mi young means something. Mi was every women’s name in your family and Young means forever." He said. His voice was serious and so was his eyes.

"Okay so my name means something. Everyone has that."

"No yours is special it has a hidden meaning. You see, in your family they never have a male child. Its all been daughters. Which is why ‘Mi young’ is forever. Your mother married a man named-"

"Hyunseong." I said I remember hearing that name in my flashback.

"Yes. But all the women were heiresses to something." He got up and used the muscles in his arms to turn the chair to him. He knelt down so that he was eye level with me. "Mi young-ah. What I’m about to say next may freak you out." I just looked at him. Know I was scared. "You are an heiress to a gang. You are to become the leader of the gang. And we," he looked at everyone else " are members of the gang."






I just looked at them and then looked at Onew. "Well happy birthday to me." And the last thing I remember was falling into Onew’s arms.



Was it good, did you like it? Comment~ please~ to clear up the whole "Mi Young" name thing.

Mi was every women’s first name in the family and young means forever. So MI is Forever. XD

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teddiebears #1
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
Fangirlforlife #3
Chapter 6: Please update soon
Update soon ^^
aundrea #6
yay you updated! i love this story so much cant wait for the training to start its going to be funny
Woah! Lols onew and chicken xD I so love the plot and how they all relate to her and their past lives so cool! Lols so that means jonghyun is the bestfriend right? Hm lols
I'm loving this stories plot so far!!! :) are you going to make sooyoung have a "thing" for one of the guys, if so I think jonghyun would be so cute :D hhahahha onew's shirt got chicken kekeke XD
aundrea #9
AWW! I cant wait to see who the fathers bestfriends son. I think its onew and i love sooyoung she is so funny
ahhh, I'm REALLY into it!!!^ _____________ ^<br />