
Because I'm Officially Missing You...

A/N: Omfg. I feel like I'm going to die. I almost finished and then I pressed the backspace on accident and then it went to the previous page I was on and erased EVERYTHING. Fml. Okay, and sorry for the late update. I'm on vacation right now, and I've been traveling a lot, since school is coming up again, I'm trying to get a lot done before I have to start focusing on studying and everything.


(Joshua's POV)

As soon as I entered the front door Hansol yelled, "Everyone! Hyungs! Dongsaengs! The new member has arrived."

Then before I knew it, there were a bunch of boys surrounding me asking me questions like, "You're the new member?" "Where are you from?" "How old are you?" and some saying, "Hi!" "Hello!" "Nice to meet you." Until there was this guy with bed hair from the hallway, coming out of one of the bedrooms I'm guessing yelling, "Keep it down! I'm trying to sleep! Don't you know that we barely have any free time because of training and school that unlike you guys, I'd like to sleep instead of going crazy."

"But hyung... the new member is here! We should greet him and make him feel welcome," a little boy said. I'm guessing he was Samuel. Or Dongjin. It's hard to remember because I can't really remember faces and names, plus the quality of their stream on my macbook doesn't help that much. But before I could say that it was fine with me if he went back to sleep, his eyes automatically shot up and looked at me and he smiled a hearty smile.

"Hi I'm Seungcheol, sorry I just woke up from a nap. I've been sorting out things for our next Seventeen Show and it's kind of tiring. Anyways, I hope the other members haven't bothered you that much. And I'm still half-asleep, sorry about that. Oh and I'm the oldest member here, so far, since I was born in August '95. How about you?"

"Nice to meet you Seungcheol, I was born in December '95." I said with a smile. Then a guy with a bubbly smile came up to me, "Hi I'm Doyoon. Nice to meet you, I hope we can become great friends! And I was born in '95 too. '95 liners!"

But before I could respond another member reached his hand out for a handshake, "Hi I'm Seunggwan, I heard that you sing. We should sing together sometime! I bet it'll sound great." Then he let go of our handshake with a smile on his face.

"Hi hyung! I'm Samuel. You're from Los Angeles right? That's so cool! So am I. LA is amazing huh? I keep telling hyungs about it, but they keep pushing me away and telling me to talk to other members..." a kid said ending in a small voice, which me chuckle at how much he loved rubbing that fact that he was from Los Angeles and not from Korea in the other members' faces.

"Hello, I'm Dongjin. I'm also your dongsaeng. Hopefully you'll treat me well," another kid said with a shy smile. Aw, what a cute dongsaeng.

Suddenly another group of boys came up to me to introduce themselves, "Hi, I'm Wonwoo. This is Mingyu, Seokmin, and Soonyoung. Welcome to 17!"

Then suddenly a door from another bed room in the hallway opened with another group of boys laughing, until they saw everyone glaring at them. "Hey! The new member is here and you guys don't even notice? Come and greet him now! Tsk, tsk, tsk. What bad members," Seungcheol shouted at them.

"Yeah, sorry hyung. We didn't hear anything..." I think the youngest one out of the three boys said that. "Hi, sorry we didn't hear anything. We were listening to music pretty loudly and playing around. Anyways, I'm Chan. This is Jihoon and that is Junghan. Nice to meet you," and they all bowed politely.

As I smiled because of how nice they were, I started counting them all. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13... Aren't there two missing still? Urg.. why am I still nervous, they all seem so nice. "It's alright Chan, Jihoon, Junghan. I'm pleased to meet you all. How many members are in 17 so far?"

When I asked the question, Doyoon stood out from the group of boys I was facing and counted. "1, 2,...10, 11, 12, 13..What? We're missing two... The Chinese boys! Where are they?"

And on que as if they heard us talking about them, they exited out of another bed room speaking Chinese to each other. Oh that's right, they have two Chinese members. I remember reading that on the chat, someone talking about how they ship the China line. Ha ha, if I were a fangirl right now, I'd probably ship them too, seeing how close they are.

"Hey China boys. Get over here and come introduce yourselves! You guys are later than Junghan, Chan, and Jihoon! And they were pretty late. Hurry up," Seungcheol scolded them as they passed him by and came up to me.

"Hello, sorry we were talking about some stuff in China and got caught up in our conversation. We didn't hear anything going on. I'm Mingming and this is Junhui. We are very happy to have another new member joining us," Mingming then smiled, showing he had braces. Wow, I didn't know he had braces? That's not common in the Kpop industry.

"It's alright. Now before I introduce myself, is there any other members that might have a surprise entrance? I don't want to die from embarressment. Heh," oh jeez. If another member comes out, I might lose my cool and choke on my own spit or something. I'm still so nervous.

Then all the boys infront of him started chuckling and smiling, "No more surprise members, we promise." Okay, what a relief.

"Okay, well my name is Joshua Hong. But you guys may call me Jisoo, my Korean name. And as Samuel said before, I am from Los Angeles, or LA, in the states. I was born in December '95. And as I told Hansol, I like to sing, play guitar, sleep, read, and eat food..."

I guess that when I said "eat food" everyone was amused by it since most members are laughing hard and the ones who weren't laughing were smiling and trying to not laugh. They all seem so friendly and nice. I guess being in 17 won't be that bad after all... I wonder how school's going to be like though. I guess since Seungcheol, Doyoon, and I think I heard Junghan was a '95 liner too, are all my age, we should be going to the same school and hopefully we have the same classes.

(3rd POV)

"Aye, yo Joshua. Get your bags and bring them over to the closet, we cleared a spot for your stuff since we heard from our manager that you were coming today," Hansol yelled from across the dorm. 

"Hansol, where should my guitar go? I don't think it'll fit in there with all my other stuff." 

"Just put your guitar next to the door so we can bring it to the training room tomorrow for 17TV. You've seen it right? When we go on just be normal. OH, and you know how you've never seen Junghan on there? Yeah, we're hiding him until after the Seventeen Show, in season 3, we're going to introduce him. He's not completely caught up to us training-wise," Hansol explained as he helped grab Joshua's stuff when he went to set his guitar down.

"Oh alright Hansol, thanks."

As soon as Joshua got his phone out of his bag he looked at the time showing that it was 7:48PM and then saw that he had two missed calls and four texts messages.

"My mom and dad was probably worrying over me knowing how long the flight was and how I haven't called them back, but why do they have to try to get a hold of me so much...Oh well, I'll check the messages later, I'll just call them back right now" Joshua's mumbled to himself.


A/N: So yeah... Sorry if it was short or not and sorry if it was slow. I just wanted to introduce all the members before I started the real plot. I'm also basing this story on some of the real things that happen on 17tv, if you guys have watched it. So yup. c:

Thanks for reading. If your a SM17E, comment/suscribe! If you're not a SM17E still comment/suscribe and be one! ^^ Okay. Remember, we're all FAM17Y~

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KpopForever171 #1
Chapter 1: Ohh haha I get itt....
FAM17Y thats pretty creative I haven't seen that yet:P
Chapter 1: uuh can't wait for 2nd chap.
please update soon author-nim ^^