
Because I'm Officially Missing You...

Joshua's POV

As my plane landed, I barely woke up from a nap I took when my plane left its stop in Japan. Finally, I'm in Seoul. I started gazing around and admiring all the foreign things I never thought I'd be able to see in America, until my eyes stopped on one thing. A person. Haven't I seen that person before...? I recognize him from... He must be my ride to Pledis! So I should go over and introduce myself now.

"Annyeonghaseyo, choneun Joshua-ibnida." 

Hmm, he seems like a really familiar guy... Oh he's introducing himself, I should listen now.

"It's alright, you don't have to speak Korean if you're not used to it yet, I can speak English too. Hi, my name is Aron, from Nu'est. And like you, I'm from Los Angeles."

Oh! So that's how I know him, he's from Nu'est. No wonder. Before I auditioned for Pledis Entertainment, I had to know about all the groups from that entertainment just incase. And hey! He's from LA, just like me. What a coincidence.

"So Joshua, how was LA? I kind of miss it there. It was pretty nice. But being a kpop idol has its perks too. Ha ha. Oh shoot, we need to go. It's almost 4 and you need to meet your managers and group members."

So... I have 15 members I need meet and get along with... Great. Just my luck. What if they're all conceited or worse, man-. Oh well, just going to have to hope for the best!

Ashley's POV

So.. It's been a couple hours since he left. Why do I miss him so much already? I should text him huh? But what if I sound desperate. I don't want to sound desperate. How about if I text him, but when he replies tell him the text was an accident and meant for someone else... But that's so stupid! Ugh. Why Joshua?! Why do you hate me. Even though you told me you liked me yesterday night. You are so confusing! Okay. I'm going to text him.

WAIT. The time zones are different! Oh my god. I'm going to be a total idiot if I text him when he's asleep or something. Nevermind, he's not stupid. He'll remember the time difference thing. Okay, time to text him... Hopefully he replies.

To: Chocolate Man

Hehe.. I remember he changed his name in my phone to Chocolate Man... Oh you silly boy, you. UGH. If you don't reply, I'm going to be mad at you. Hehe

    Hey dude, what's up? :]

Wait.. Is that too much? .

        Hey dude.

What am I doing? That is too simple. .

        What's up? :]

Oh my gosh. I need to make up my mind, this is going to take me all night. What the hell are you doing to me Joshua! Stop making me crazy. You're crazy. Why do I even love you.

    Hey, what's up?

Okay. This is fine. It's been like an hour now, I need to hurry up. It's almost 3AM in the morning. So.. it should be about 7PM in Korea. Alright, clicking send...sending....sent! Now just time to wait for a...*Ring Ring Ring*.. He replied already?! He's so.. what the heck. It's my mom? . Let's see what she said.

To: Daughter

    HEY! Did you take the trash out yet? Tomorrow is when the garbage truck comes around the block. Hurry up and do it before it gets too late!

From: Mommy

Oh no, I forgot. Wait, what the heck? "before it gets too late!"??? It's already 3 in the ing morning! Too late my ! It's too early now, stupid. I am so not going out there... I'll just do it in the morning. Time to sleep, good night world. Joshua, reply soon... Please.

And with that thought in her mind, she soon fell asleep...

Joshua's POV

Now we're heading to the dance studio... Woooooow! So many buildings and people, just like LA. Whoa! Dude, that statue is amazing. What the hell? Those stores look so cool. Aw man. I wonder what's going to happen at the studio...What if the managers are strict? What if the members don't like me? I watched 17tv before and it seemed like they were all so nice... But some of them are actors so, what if they're just really good actors? Oh my god, I am going to die on the first day. What if I mispronounce some words? What will they say? What if they make fun of me? What about the fans that watch? What are they going to do? Oh and Music Friends too! I forgot. What team am I going to be on? What if the girls are y? What if they're annoying? What will I do? Hopefully I get help from someone. Ugh, so many worries and problems. How am I ever going to live through this? No. I can't think like that, I'm going to continue on with my dream, and 17 will be the group that I will stay in and I will work hard to improve on everything. But I have to learn how to dance... I have two left feet though! So many problems. Help? "So Aron-hyung, how's Seoul like? Is it big? Is it confusing? How about school? Is it hard? How's practice? Is it tiring? Is dancing fun? Is it easy? How about the classes we have to take? How's the recording studio? Is it nice? Aron-hyung, when you first-"

"OH MY GOSH, Joshua. Calm down. Are you nervous? Ha ha. Everything will be alright, the members of 17 will love you unconditionally. The English speakers, I'm sure you've kept up with them, will get you through it, since they have more things in common with you, like how Hansol is from America, and Samuel's from LA just like us. Everything will be fine, don't worry. You'll just go through the motions everyday and it'll become easier. Then when you guys debut, don't forget to mention me in your speech when you guys win Best 2013 Debut Group or something like that. Hahaha."

Oh thank goooood Aron can be all smiley like that. It'll help me calm down. How long have we been talking? Are we there ye- whoa. The building looks huge! I wonder where the dorm is... hm. Well time to meet everyone hopefully they're all alright.

"Hey Joshua, well I'm just here to drop you off, I can't come with you since I have practice and everything. Bye now!"

"No, wai-" He just left. He left me. All by myself. Oh thanks hyung. Really supportive. "Everything will be alright." yeah right liar, liar pants on fire. Whatever, I guess I should head in now... Oh so this is where the dorms are and I'm guessing Seventeen's is the one with the cabinet full of shoes of all sizes. *Knock knock* Hopefully someone who speaks English too opens the door so I- Oh look it's uh.. I forgot his name.

"Oh hi, you must be the new trainee! My name is Hansol Choi. Nice to meet you, and I heard you were from LA. So I'm the main English speaker here, and I've been on guard incase you might arrive and might not be able to speak a lot of Korean. Well anyways, I'm from New York but I moved here when I was 5. My mom's white, so at home we only speak English. Haha. Yeah, enough about me. How about you?"

Wow. He's super friendly. I guess we do have an instant connection since he's from America as well... and instead of just standing here infront of their dorm, staring at his face unconciously, I should probably answer and walk in as well.

"H-hi. My name is Joshua Hong, but my korean name is Jisoo. Ha ha. Yeah I'm from LA and I play the guitar, sing, read, and eat food," why did I say food? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Now it makes me look like a total fatty. Wait, he's laughing. I guess that's a good sign. "And so that's why your English is really good! Okay, it makes sense now. I started watching 17tv ever since I found out I passed the audition, since that was probably where they were going to place me."

"Alrighty Joshua, come on in. Don't just stand there, we don't bite. Except for maybe Samuel... Or Seungcheol.. he can be such a kid sometimes!"

Isn't Seungcheol the oldest.....? I see. So they really aren't that bad I guess. Well let us go meet the other members!





   Sorry for the slow story and sorry if it's short too... lol just trying to think of the way this story will go, I think I kind of went all over the place with it... And I'm still trying to introduce all the characters so it'll probably be slow for the next couple of chapters as well. Also this is my first fanfic, so sorry if it's a fail. -.-' which it probably is, lol. Alrighty. Thanks for reading it, hope you enjoyed the first chapter, and uh. Suscribe/Comment? I'll love you guys 5ever, even if you aren't a SM17E. 

If you are a SM17E, suscribe/comment because we are FAM17Y! Hahah, thanks again~^^


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KpopForever171 #1
Chapter 1: Ohh haha I get itt....
FAM17Y thats pretty creative I haven't seen that yet:P
Chapter 1: uuh can't wait for 2nd chap.
please update soon author-nim ^^