Chapter 2

You + Me = Together

Dara's POV



" Baby .. I think tonight is the end of us " my baby Hyorin said to me , she's crying . I cupped her face and wiped her tears with both of my thumbs .

" Hyo ... what are you talking about ? we'll be together , FOREVER . " I said to her .

" I'm sorry baby , but I must tell you something .. " she said .

" what ?... just tell me baby " I said and kiss her cheek .

'' my parents ... they want me to get married with a guy , not a girl . Like you . Like both of us . They don't want us to be together " she said and then she cried even harder .

I was shocked . " w-w-w...what ? " i said . " they want you to get married with a guy , because they're againts us ? " I asked with angry tone .

" ye-yeah ... I'm so sorry Dara ... I have to agree with them " she said . Hyorin hugged me but then I pushed her away .

" Dara.. baby .. why ? " She asked with a worried tone .

" we're totally OVER " I said . I stood up as well as Hyorin , then I kissed her passionately for about 5 minutes , and said , " this is our last kiss " " Go on with your family request .. I let you go because I love you , i don't want your family to get hurt just because we're still together " I said .

" Dara .... " she hugged me tightly and I patted her back . " Don't worry .. you'll stay in my heart forever even we're officially broke up , because you're my first love " I said .


" Dara yah ! , can I come in ? " asked Bom . She's  my unnie .

" Dara !! yah ! Do you hear me !?? " she said , without I'm saying anything , she walked into my room .

" Omo omo omo !! What happen to you !?? look ! your eyes are swollen .. you cried last night huh ? wae ? "

" It's over .. unnie ' I said to her , weakly . I haven't eat anything since I came back from meeting with Hyorin last night .

" wait a sec ! you broke up with Hyorin ? wae !!? I like her ! I want her to be my sister-in-law .. I want her to be together with you " she said .

" Unnie .... let me  told you the real story about this " I said , while sobbing .


" ah .. so that's it .. well , her parents are the worst parents ever I think " she said .

" unnie..just stop it .." I told her .

suddenly my unnie smacked my head .

" Ouch !! waeyo unnie ?? " I touched my head .

" yah ! the breakfast is ready .. kekeke , take a bath quickly ! so we can eat breakfast together . I'm waiting for you " . said Bom .

" Okay ~~ " I said to her .


" Dara yah .. " suddenly my unnie asked .

" yupp ? " I said .

" look , don't you want to find Hyo's replacement ? I mean , yeah .. she's probably getting married with that guy I think .. you should forget her .. "Bom said .

" humm ... well , I want to .. but I'm not sure yet .. and I promised her already that she'll forever stay in my heart " .. " by the way , why are you asking me that question ? " 

" yaaa .. I want you to be happy .. i don't want my little sister here to be sad everyday , crying everynight .. you know that I care about you right ? " she said .

" yeah .. and that's why i love .............. my unnie here !!!! " I said while tickling her tummy .

My unnie is so cute when she laughed . I love her . Kekeke


How's my second chapter ? Is it bad ? or good ? feel free to comment / subscribe :) 

by the way , I love Kang Seung Yoon's new single " WILD AND YOUNG " kekeke



next chapter ~ coming soon ^^

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keiko05 #1
Chapter 4: wow thank you for this update. waiting for more
alixliguori374 #2
Chapter 4: good job cant wait to see what happens next :)
Chapter 1: I thought Bom is the one who loves corn. It's pretty weird when someone calls Minzy unnie. well if that is the character here, it's okay then.

You are doing a good job as a new Chaera writer here! We need more Chaera writers and fics!! I was craving for some Chaera moments... omg... ^^ *thumbs up*