What A Jerk!

Dating A Kingka?!?!


Mi Yung stepped out of the limousine, still stunned from hearing the news. She closed the door behind her, slowly walking to the school gates. 

"UNNIE!!!" Su Min yelled. Mi Yung stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around seeing her little sister's head peeking out of the window.

"Please, please, PLEASE get an autograph from Kris for me!" Su Min asked with puppy dog eyes. Mi Yung hated it when she did that.

"What if I don't wa-" Mi Yung was cut off by her sister handing her a photo of Kris. "Su Min, why do you have this? I mean a picture of Kris with you?" 

"DON'T ASK QUESTIONS JUST GO!" Su Min yelled while rolling up the window quickly before Mi Yung could say anymore. "Let's go!" Su Min said cheerfully to the limousine driver before they drove away, leaving Mi Yung there dumbfounded.

What just happened!?!?  Mi Yung thought.


"Ahh! Why do I have to do this?! What am I supposed to say? Do I just go up to him? What if he thinks I'm weird? Will he sign it?" I asked all these questions to myself, but I didn't realized that I said everything out loud and that someone from behind was trying get my attention. I turned around and bowed. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were there!" I said, really embarrassed. I looked up and ruffled my hair. Then I saw how pretty the girl in front of me was. She looked older than me because of the height difference. 

"Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Hyo Rin! Nice to meet you!" She bowed 90 degrees and came back up with a bright smile on her face.


"Oh my god! Did you see that girl come out of the limo?" "She is wearing a junior's uniform but, she looks so young!" "She's pretty! We should make her our friend!" "Is she new? I haven't seen her before!" "She looks really rich!" All of the girls were blabbing away. I looked around to see what all the commotion was about.

There was a girl that had stepped out of a really luxurious looking limousine. She had brownish reddish hair and very fair skin, like she never worked a day in her life. I decided to walk up to her after the limousine drove off.

When I came up to her she looked troubled. She was talking to herself.

"Hello there?" I asked tapping her shoulder. I tried several more attempts when she finally turned around. She bowed and said sorry several times. I introduced myself and then bowed. Then I gave her my brightest smile.

She is so cute! She looks so young but she's wearing the same uniform as me. Could she have skipped a grade or two? I thought to myself...


Mi Yung and Hyo Rin started walking towards the school gates together. 

"So...It looks like your a junior...you know, since you have the same uniform as me! How old are you? I'm 17." Hyo Rin asked Mi Yung.

"Yes I am a junior! And I'm 15...I skipped two grades." Mi Yung replied. Hyo Rin was shocked.

"Wow two grades! You must be really smart!" Hyo Rin commented.

"Yeah I guess I am." Mi Yung said while scratching the back of her neck in embarrassment. There was a slight moment of silence.

"What classes do you have? You might have some with me!" Hyo Rin said breaking the ice between them. Mi Yung handed her schedule to her. Hyo Rin examined it when she gasped.

"We have every class together!" Hyo Rin said excitedly. Mi Yung was glad that she had already made a friend and had every class with her. 

"So did you hear about the group, EXO enrolling here?" Hyo Rin asked.

"Yeah I did...My little sister wants me to get an autograph from Kris." Mi Yung sighed in annoyance while holding her forehead.

"It looks like you don't like them! Well we are on the same boat." 

Mi Yung giggled at Hyo Rin's comment. 

"Speaking of EXO..." Hyo Rin voice was muted by all the screaming girls by the school gate when 12 boys walked past them smiling and waving. Mi Yung rolled her eyes in disgust and walked away with Hyo Rin. 

"I hate Kingka's..." Mi Yung muttered. Hyo Rin heard Mi Yung's mutter and chuckled.

"Then that makes the two of us!" Hyo Rin nudged Mi Yung. They both laughed while they entered the school.

"Can you help me find my locker Hyo?" Mi Yung showed Hyo Rin the map of the where the schools lockers were located and where her locker was at. 

"Wow you have a locker at the best spot you could get it!" Hyo Rin exclaimed.

"Really?" Mi Yung said surprised.

"Yeah! All of your classes are really close! So you don't have to worry about running around all the time!" 

"Guess I'm lucky!" Mi Yung exclaimed, while her and Hyo Rin walked to her locker. 

"So this is it! Your first period is English! It's right there!" Hyo Rin pointed right behind Mi Yung's locker. " I will meet you up there when class starts!" Hyo Rin said walking away and waving behind her. Mi Yung waved back, smiling.


I grabbed all my things I needed for first and second period. I needed to use the restroom. While I headed there, I stared down at the ground so no one saw me.


I bumped into someone which resulted with both of us on the ground. 

A bunch of people around us started to whisper. There was also a bunch of girls who looked at me in disgust. I ignored them.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to bump into you!" I apologized, gathering up my things. The person I bumped into stood up and dusted themselves off. I looked up and gasped.

I bumped into Luhan. Our eyes met. The two of us just kept staring at each other, silently. Then he walked away. He didn't even help me up! 

What the heck was that!?! He just walked away and didn't help me up! I thought in frustration. I realized that everyone was staring at me. They were laughing and pointing at me. My face turned red from embarrassment as I stood up dusted myself off and then ran to class, forgetting about using the restroom.

That guy Luhan is such a jerk!!! If I ever see him again it will be way too soon!!!  I said to myself.


Okay readers! That was the chapter! I hope you liked! It took me an hour to write >.< Was it short? I hope not! Maybe later today I will do a double update since I have nothing better to do! Subscribe to read more! 



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xbgirlkuaix #1
Chapter 3: Why don't you update?
Chapter 2: BOOOOO!!!!!!




Chocochip-Ari #3
Chapter 1: I liked your first chapter, keep it up! But, you do have some grammar errors but it's perfectly fine though ;D
Chocochip-Ari #4
Sounds like a great story, but honestly, you have some spelling errors, but that's okay ^^
Do you want me to help you request for a poster & background for your story? C: