Chapter 17

A Sorta Fairytale

A/N: I quite enjoyed writing this chapter... so much that I could've gone on for another 5+ pages. Enjoy!


The car ride across the city was quiet; too quiet, in fact, for Siwon’s comfort. He would have preferred making some sort of small talk, but he guessed that his companion would rather enjoy the journey in silence.

Soo-Kyung had not said a word since they left the hospital, save for a simple “Thanks” as he opened the car door for her. Her gaze was directed outside, at the passing cars and the myriad of city lights, but Siwon doubted that she was paying any attention to the sights.

Turning onto a familiar small road, Siwon brought the vehicle to a stop and gunned the engine. Soo-Kyung noticed, and she sat up straight, suddenly aware of her surroundings. “We’re here?” she asked.

“Yes,” Siwon opened his door and got out, oblivious to the stares of the pedestrians on the sidewalk who had stopped to gawk at him and his car. He was used to the attention, and he was equally adept at ignoring it whenever he wanted to.

A valet was already waiting with a smile on his face. “Good evening, Mr. Choi. It’s nice to see you again.”

Siwon flashed him a distracted smile before dropping his keys onto the outstretched palm. But the valet’s attention was no longer on him. It was focused instead on Soo-Kyung, who was getting out of the car, assisted by the doorman.  

“Good evening, Miss…” the valet trailed off as Soo-Kyung turned to him. There was a flash of unconcealed horror in her eyes, but it disappeared quickly. The valet looked from Siwon to Soo-Kyung, suddenly looking unsure.

Soo-Kyung suddenly smiled, but even in the dark, Siwon knew the expression was forced. “Good evening to you too.”

Siwon walked to her and took her hand. He felt Soo-Kyung jerk, surprised at his gesture, but he only increased the pressure. “Come,” he said, leading her up the steps into the restaurant.

The Dalgaebi was one of the finest restaurants in Seoul. Constantly featured on “Top Restaurants of Seoul” lists, it attracted a venerable list of patrons, most of whom were the Who’s Who of the country. It was one of Siwon’s favorite restaurants; it was owned by one of his business associates, an American named Daniel Bradshaw, but the food was every bit Korean.

Standing on the topmost step, Soo-Kyung bit her lower lip as she tugged on Siwon’s hand, forcing him to halt. “Why did you bring me here?”

Siwon furrowed his brow. “I said I would take you to dinner, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but why the Dalgaebi, of all places?”

“Why not?”

Why not indeed, Soo-Kyung wondered. The restaurant was legendary, and every guest who ever passed through its doors were either rich or famous, or both.

She studied the façade of the restaurant, covered in white square lights. It had a modern, classy exterior, and she couldn’t help but feel underdressed. Glancing back at Siwon, she wondered what surprises would be in store for her if she entered the restaurant with him.   

At that moment, the maître’d opened the main door, delighted to see Siwon. “Mr. Choi! What a wonderful surprise! Would you like your usual-” he broke off, as Soo-Kyung suddenly came into view, initially hidden behind Siwon’s back.

“Ah! Miss-” he began, his smile getting wider. His expression faltered as Soo-Kyung merely gave him a blank look.

“I think you have confused her with someone else,” Siwon told him. “This is Miss Park. She’ll be dining with me tonight.”

The congenial smile reappeared. “Of course, Miss Park. My apologies. If you will both follow me?” The maître’d bowed low, extending his arm to show them the way.

“Kamsahamnida, Jeong-min-sshi,” Soo-Kyung uttered softly as she filed past him in Siwon’s wake.  

Siwon said nothing as they approached their private table in a secluded corner of the restaurant. This was his favorite spot in the restaurant; it offered a full window view of the outside, but it was apart from the others such that any conversation could not be overhead.

He shook his head slightly at the waiter who had moved forward to assist Soo-Kyung with her chair, opting instead to seat her himself. He was rewarded with a dazzling smile as Soo-Kyung thanked him.

As the waiters left them to privately ponder the menu, Siwon spoke up. “How did you know the maître’d’s name?”

Soo-Kyung gave him an odd look. “It was on his nametag?”

Siwon frowned. He had never noticed if Jeong-min ever wore a nametag. “You’re observant.”

His companion shrugged. “I pay attention to details.”

“Part of your job?”

Soo-Kyung smiled. “Unfortunately. But let’s not talk about work. What’s good here?”

“Everything!” Siwon grinned back at her, and Soo-Kyung was struck by the two dimples that appeared on either cheek. It made him seem younger and less harsh; Siwon was handsome, with or without smiling, but he looked more approachable when he did.

“Are you going to pick your dish, or just sit there staring at me all night long?” Siwon teased. Soo-Kyung blushed and quickly focused her attention on the menu, embarrassed to have been caught staring.

“You didn’t actually answer my question,” she told him.

“I did!” Siwon protested, laughing.

“Everything is not a satisfactory answer,” Soo-Kyung told him solemnly. “Considering that I can’t eat all of it.”

“What if I helped you?”

“Do you have a secret desire to look like a hippopotamus tomorrow?”

Siwon chuckled. This woman sometimes said the most outrageous things. “If it means you’ll enjoy the food tonight…” he trailed off.

“I always enjoy food,” Soo-Kyung said earnestly. “I live to eat.”

Siwon eyed her skeptically. “Doesn’t look like it at all.”

“The power of a good tailor,” Soo-Kyung announced good-naturedly. “You don’t know how much body fat I’m hiding under these clothes.”

Siwon swallowed at the suggestion of what was underneath her clothes – Don’t think about that now! He mentally berated himself.

Her cheerful demeanor vanished as the waiter approached their table again. “Are you ready to place your order, sir?”

Siwon glanced at Soo-Kyung, who was gazing at him expectantly. “I’ll go with what you’re having,” she told him.

“Two duck confits then,” Siwon told the waiter, handing him both menus. Across the table, Soo-Kyung started, as did the waiter.

“Is there a problem?” Siwon asked, seeing Soo-Kyung’s pondering look.

“Er, I don’t eat duck,” she told him, a little sheepishly.

“How about fish?” Siwon asked, opening the menu again.

“That’s fine,” Soo-Kyung replied flippantly. Without looking at the menu, she addressed the waiter. “The grilled salmon would be great.”

“I thought you said you hadn’t been here before,” Siwon accused, as the waiter bowed and walked away.

Soo-Kyung stared at him, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. “I looked at the menu earlier,” she said.

“So you’d already planned what you want to eat?”

She looked a little guilty. “Kinda.”

Siwon reached for her hand, which was resting on the table. “Soo-Kyung, you don’t have to be shy with me. Just order whatever you like in future, okay? I don’t mind.”

She merely nodded at his words, but her heart was racing. In future? Was he already thinking of a second date when we’ve barely even had a first one?

Suddenly realizing what he said, Siwon cleared his throat. “Er, what I meant was…”

“It’s okay,” Soo-Kyung reassured him. “I know what you mean.”

Afraid that she would get the wrong idea, Siwon tightened his grip on her hand. “Soo-Kyung, I didn’t mean it that way.”

She gave him a quizzical look. “Mean what, in what way?”

“I didn’t mean that I don’t want to see you again.”

“Siwon, we’ve barely had dinner. I think it’s far too soon to talk about seeing each other again.”

“But I do want to see you again,” Siwon said firmly.

“Are you sure?” Soo-Kyung asked. “You don’t know how boring I can be when there’s food in front of me.”

Siwon realized she had been teasing him all along. “Yah! Are you saying you’ll ignore me if there’s food?”

Soo-Kyung gave him a haughty look, and Siwon noticed how much she looked like his mother, when she wanted to intimidate someone. “Food is my first love,” she replied. “All others are second to it.”

He was saved from answering by the arrival of their appetizers, and Siwon reluctantly let go of Soo-Kyung’s hand. He didn’t realize how much he liked holding her hand, until the loss of its warmth left him feeling bereft.

“Fresh oysters,” the waiter announced.

“An aphrodisiac,” Soo-Kyung commented offhandedly. She raised an eyebrow at Siwon’s sly smirk. “Trying to get lucky, mister?”

He shrugged. “Always prepared.”

“What a boy scout,” she rebutted, earning a mock glare from Siwon.

They ate in companionable silence, each slurping their respective oysters and relishing the cool taste of the meat sliding down their throats. Soo-Kyung was about to remark on the dish when she was interrupted.


Siwon looked up from his meal, then inwardly cursed. Kim Hae-Na was one of his mother’s friends, and also one of society’s biggest gossips. Rigidly, he stood and bowed politely, as protocol dictated.

“Hae-Na ahjumoni,” he greeted, his voice devoid of emotion. He wasn’t happy to see her, much less to have him interrupt his dinner, and she knew it.

“And who is this?” Hae-Na fairly screeched, turning her attention to Soo-Kyung. In an exact mirror of Siwon’s earlier actions, Soo-Kyung stood up and bowed. But she said nothing, knowing she had not been introduced to the other woman.

“This is Kim Hae-Na,” Siwon told her. “A friend of my mother’s.”

Soo-Kyung smiled and said hello, but remained silent otherwise. Hae-Na’s speculative eyes roamed over her, checking her out from head to toe. Giving Soo-Kyung one final glance-over, Hae-Na clucked her tongue and turned back to Siwon. “Where did you two meet?”

Ahjumoni, are you here to spy on me?” Siwon avoided the question, fervently wishing she would go away. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Soo-Kyung’s stricken expression and knew she didn’t like the way Hae-Na had checked her out.

“Spy on you? Of course not!” Hae-Na waved her hand in the air dramatically. “I was having dinner with the mayor,” she announced loudly, making sure everyone within earshot knew that fact, Soo-Kyung included.

She peered closely at Soo-Kyung, who flinched under her direct gaze. “Your face looks familiar,” she said.

“You have probably confused me with someone else, ma’am,” Soo-Kyung replied politely.

Hae-Na waved her hand dismissively. “You’re right, I probably have. I don’t think any one I know has such a plain face.”

Soo-Kyung felt as if she had been slapped. Siwon felt his blood boil. How dare she insult his dinner date in that manner?

Ahjumoni, I think the mayor is looking for you,” he grit the words out, wanting more than to tell Hae-Na off for her rude words.

Hae-Na looked towards the front of the restaurant, where the mayor had been lounging against a chair. “Oh yes, I should go to him. After all, can’t keep an important man like him waiting.”

She gave Soo-Kyung another pointed look. “By the way, girl. There is a dress code in restaurants like these. You might want to learn to adhere to it before you think of dining here.”

Ahjumoni!” Siwon was close to losing his temper with her. He didn’t care if she was his mother’s friend or not, she was going too far.

Hae-Na gave him an innocent look. “What? Jin Ah was right, if you can’t dress appropriately, you shouldn’t be showing up at places you don’t belong to.”

Ahjumoni!” Siwon fairly roared at her, earning the curious gazes of fellow patrons. Seeing the confrontation that was about to happen, the maître’d quickly hurried over.

“Ma’am, the mayor is waiting for you,” he told Hae-Na, bowing politely. A smile was plastered on his face, but anyone could see that there was no sincerity behind it.

Hae-Na straightened up, then looked down her nose at Soo-Kyung. “Remember my words, young lady. You’d best heed them.”

Before anyone could say anything else, she swept away, leaving a stunned Soo-Kyung and a furious Siwon in her wake. They stared, aghast, as she placed a hand on the mayor’s forearm and gave him a flirtatious smile, before the pair walked out of the restaurant where their car awaited.

Soo-Kyung quietly returned to her seat, judging correctly that her companion was in a terrible mood. Siwon sat down with a huff, still at an angry loss for words.


“I can’t-“

They both began, then stopped. There was a pregnant pause, then both broke out in small smiles.

“It’s okay,” Soo-Kyung told him, knowing that he was furious on her behalf.

“I just can’t believe she had the nerve to say that in public,” Siwon ranted, shaking his head. “She has no sense of decency.”

Soo-Kyung merely smiled.

“And Jin Ah! That little witch must have gone home to complain to all who would hear her out,” Siwon said.

“Let it go,” Soo-Kyung urged. “If you continue talking about her, my appetite will be spoiled.”

“Mine already is,” Siwon complained. He looked up, and saw the sadness in Soo-Kyung’s expression. He had been feeling so angry at Hae-Na’s words that he hadn’t realized how hurt Soo-Kyung must be. And, it was partly his fault that she felt this way, because he was the one who had brought her here.

“Soo-Kyung,” he began, reaching for her hand again. But instead of letting him hold it, this time Soo-Kyung quickly pulled away as their fingers grazed. “Soo-Kyung,” Siwon sighed. “I’m sorry.”

She lifted her gaze to his, and he saw the unshed tears in them. “This was a mistake.”

“What?” Siwon furrowed his brows, not understanding what exactly she was talking about.

“This,” Soo-Kyung gestured around them. “Coming to dinner with you.”

“Soo-Kyung,” Siwon pleaded. “I’m sorry for what she said. But don’t let her ruin what was initially a great night, okay?”

Soo-Kyung offered a tentative smile in response. “I guess.”

“You guess? I’m insulted,” Siwon told her. “It’s a great night ‘cos you’re having dinner with me!” He puffed out his chest.               

Soo-Kyung rolled her eyes at him. “You’re insufferable.”

“Honey, I am many things, but insufferable is definitely not one of them,” Siwon said, serious.

“Honey, you are many things, and insufferable is definitely one of them,” Soo-Kyung deadpanned, mimicking his serious expression.

They glanced at each other, then both burst out laughing.

“Feel better?” Siwon asked, as they both caught their breaths.

Soo-Kyung nodded. “What is it about you that always makes me feel like laughing?”

“I should be offended by that question, right?”

“Up to you,” Soo-Kyung shrugged.

“Okay then. I’m offended. What are you going to do about it?” Siwon asked.

“Er, nothing?” Soo-Kyung smirked. “If you’re offended, that’s your problem.”

“That’s it woman, you’ll be paying for that remark,” Siwon warned.

Soo-Kyung accepted the challenge readily. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?”

Siwon pondered for a while. “Actually, I don’t know.”

“Ha!” Soo-Kyung burst into giggles, just as their dessert arrived. They’d finished their main course and the dishes had been cleared, all without either of them noticing because they were too busy teasing each other.

“Strawberry ice cream, my favorite!” Soo-Kyung clapped her hands, clearly delighted. Siwon smiled at her childishness. The smallest things easily pleased her, and Siwon found that he liked that about her. Soo-Kyung wasn’t complicated, she didn’t demand for expensive things. She stuck to the simple things, and she found joy in the most common of objects.

“Is it because it comes with ice cream, or do you like everything strawberry in general?” He asked.

“Everything strawberry in general!” Soo-Kyung gushed happily. He mentally filed away the knowledge of her love for strawberries, already plotting how next to surprise her.

Siwon was glad to see her happy mood. He’d been afraid that Hae-Na’s presence would cast a pall over their dinner, but thankfully it was not the case. He would have to have a word with Jin Ah and his mother’s friend, but for now, he was just contented to soak in Soo-Kyung’s joy.

They focused on their ice cream, with Siwon refraining from saying anything because he knew Soo-Kyung was enjoying the treat and didn’t want to be distracted. She finished her portion before he was even halfway done with his. Lifting his eyebrows in an unspoken question, he offered his bowl to her.

Soo-Kyung seemed to contemplate the offer, then she reached for the bowl. “I’m going to be a food baby after this!” She complained.

“I’ll have my ice cream back then, thanks.” Siwon replied, reaching for the bowl. Soo-Kyung swatted his hand away, laughing. “Not a chance, mister!”

She polished off the second bowl in record time too, and Siwon was amazed. For a woman who inhaled ice cream like Soo-Kyung did, she didn’t seem to have any inch of fat on her. When he asked her about it, Soo-Kyung merely shrugged. “Good genes, I guess.”

“You sure you’re not a model?” Siwon asked casually.

Soo-Kyung paused with her spoon in mid-air, surprised at his question. “What did you say?”

Siwon wondered at her surprise. “Usually only models say things like that. Eating a lot and never growing fat.”

She shook her head, but the movement was careful. “I’m not a model.”

“I know that,” Siwon said. “You’re a medical social worker. I heard you the first time.”

“You did?” Soo-Kyung was pleasantly surprised. Siwon hadn’t seemed very happy to see her when they first met in the hospital.

“Of course I did,” he assured her. “I notice all the pretty girls and remember everything they say to me.”

“So Ye Rin was right… you are a playboy.”

“You and Ye Rin talked about me?” Siwon leaned forward, eager to hear what she had discussed about him.

“Correction: Ye Rin talked about you, I merely listened.”

A wave of slight disappointment washed over him. “You didn’t add anything?”

“What’s there to add? I barely know you!”

“Not anymore,” Siwon said.

Once again, Soo-Kyung gave him a look that he couldn’t comprehend. She lowered her voice. “We barely know each other, Siwon. One dinner doesn’t change that.”

“So we’ll get to know each other even better in the car,” Siwon suggested.

Soo-Kyung looked affronted at his suggestion. “No!” Siwon protested, “I didn’t mean that. Let me send you home.”

Before he finished his sentence, Soo-Kyung was already shaking her head. “I can find my own way home.”

“I don’t let women who come to dinner with me find their own way home,” Siwon told her seriously.

“You should know that I’m not like your other women,” Soo-Kyung replied softly.

“That, you are not,” Siwon agreed. “But I’m still sending you home.”

“It’s alright, Siwon,” Soo-Kyung countered. “I’m really not comfortable with you sending me home.”

Siwon mistook her reluctance. Did she think he would look down on her just because she didn’t live in an affluent part of town? Didn’t he already prove that he didn’t care for that? He took her out to dinner, didn’t he?

“I don’t care where you live, Soo-Kyung. You should know that.”

“That has got nothing to do with that,” Soo-Kyung told him. “I don’t think we know each other well enough yet.”

Siwon was annoyed. Why was this woman so damned stubborn? “Have it your way, then. Don’t call me if you can’t get a cab.”

“I won’t,” Soo-Kyung reassured him. He paid the bill, and they made their way to the front of the restaurant, where the valet already had Siwon’s car waiting. They were the last ones to leave; they’d been so caught up in their conversation that they didn’t realize how late it was and that all the other patrons had already left.  

The valet opened the door for Siwon, and he took another long look at Soo-Kyung before he got in. “Are you sure you don’t want a ride? Last chance to change your mind.”

“I won’t,” Soo-Kyung affirmed.

Siwon got into the car, and Soo-Kyung stood side-by-side with the maître’d until the car disappeared out of sight.

“Shall I call the car now, miss?” Jeong-min turned to her and asked.

“No need,” Soo-Kyung replied. A pair of headlights was already shining at them.

Jeong-min bowed low as Soo-Kyung got into the car. She gave him a little wave as the door closed, and he smiled back at her. “Thank you for coming, miss.”

Turning her attention to the driver as the car pulled out of the restaurant’s driveway, Soo-Kyung said: “Take me home, Jinki.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

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u_and_me #1
Chapter 19: thank u so much updating your story.. its not confusing but i'm a bit curious with soo kyung identity.
Chapter 19: Ohh my goshhh im so curious!!
u_and_me #3
jinki? who is jinki.. i really can't wait foryour next update.. kinda mysterious.. keep it up.
tallulahblue #4
Coralie_x_SHINee: Am gonna ignore your question on purpose... cliffhanger! ;D
Yeyyy finally they went ontheir date!! That lady is a though, calling out Sookyung in the middle of the restaurant!
Who's Jinki??
Haha noooo you can't! She and Siwon make the perfect couple :)
tallulahblue #7
u_and_me: Don't! :) Their date will be next.. I promise to stop teasing (well, not really!)

Coralie_x_SHINee: oops, sorry to tease again! I feel bad for Seung-heon too.. halfway writing that scene, I wanted Soo-Kyung to go date him instead, haha!
u_and_me #8
I'm going crazy........... Love your update. Ur really talented and good writer..
Wahhh their date is next!! I'm exciteddd~
I feel kinda bad for Seungheon though but not that much ;)
tallulahblue #10
SooWonLove: Thank you! xx And I LOVE your username! I know it's SooyoungxSiwon but it's so apt for the couple in my story too :)