Good Luck

Make it to the End. (Hiatus*)
Woohoo. Double Update. 
Well, that's new
I hope you guys enjoy!

When Chanyeol entered the bar, he spotted Baekhyun at the back corner choking down shots of soju. “Yah, stop hurting yourself.” Baekhyun just looked up at him before taking the soju bottle once again pouring it into his shot cup. 

Before the beverage hit his lips, Chanyeol took it from his hand and choked it down himself. “I said stop.” All of a sudden he broke down crying once again. “You don’t know how it feels Chanyeol-ah. It hurts, so much.” his voice was slurred by the alcohol and he was also crying which made it hard to comprehend. 
Chanyeol patted his back, trying to ensure him that he’ll be okay. But, like that was possible. “I tried so hard to forget her but when I almost did. She just had to come back w-with Luhan h-hyung.” Chanyeol didn’t say anything he just listened. It was what Baekhyun needed at the moment. 
“I don’t know what to do anymore.” Baekhyun looked up from his hand, staring at Chanyeol with pleading eyes. No one had ever saw him this way. Chanyeol had no idea on what to do. Of course, he is his best friend but this is a problem he can’t fix.
While at the apartment, Miyeon felt extremely awkward. Even though she may seem to not be. Once she had realized what situation she got in, her lungs tighten making it hard to breathe. Baekhyun never told her about his friends. He wanted the first impression to be at the wedding. They were never engaged but had thoughts of living together for the rest of their lives. 
Luhan noticed the blank expression on her face and nudged her to see what was wrong.
“Are you ok?” he asked her. She smiled and nodded. He smiled back at her and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Which caused an uproar at the dinner table.
“Yah, Hyung go get a room.” Sehun said with a slight of disgust. Luhan could only ruffle the young guy’s head. “So when did you guys meet eachother?” the curious Tao asked. Luhan looked at Miyeon. Miyeon looked at Luhan. It was like the no you tell them thing. In the end, Luhan lost so he had to tell them.
“Well, I was thirsty one afternoon and she happened to take my order for my bubble tea,” Luhan was about to finish when Sehun stood up, fist on the table. “You went to get bubble tea, without me?” his voice was slightly raised and he was also breathing heavily. “You were at university.” Luhan replied to him coolly. 
“Still, you could’ve pulled me out.” he retorted, sitting back down again from the look of Suho. Everyone shifted their gaze back to Luhan, telling him to finish. “I went there every now and then and she’d always be the one to take my order. I grew attracted to her and then I had the courage to ask her out one day. We went out a little bit more and then I popped the ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ question. So, it’s been a year now.” 
Everyone at the table looked flabbergasted. How could this guy go through all of that and not tell any single member. They were even more surprised how Sehun didn’t even know anything. 
“I only asked how you met, not your life story.” Tao stated. Luhan took a bite of his food and just shrugged. Lay, who had just finished washing the remaining dirty pans, suddenly had a thought. “Guys, have you guys seen Chanyeol and Baekhyun, anywhere?” 
All eyes were on him, huh, how can they ever forget them two? Baekhyun was alright but the loud Chanyeol? That was something new. “It’s almost 11 PM, I’m getting worried.” Lay paced around frantically, while Kris tried to calm him down Suho whipped out his phone to dial.
Just as when he was about to press call, the door opened. All of them rushed to the door, including Miyeon. Everyone gasped at the scene. There stood a collapsed Baekhyun with swollen eyes and a bleeding fist. “What the hell, happened?” the overprotective leader Suho said. 
Most of the people in the room was startled. They never heard him curse. Or rather it was a rare occasion he’d do so. “Baek here, texted me to come to the bar with him and when I found him there he was sober and crying his eyes out. Then some drunk dude tried to pick a fight with him. Since he’d been crying, his eyesight wasn’t well, so therefore he punched the wall. I pulled him out of there before anymore damaged was done.” Chanyeol said all that in one go. 
Considering that it was fast, it was still comprehendible. “Take him to his room, I’ll be there with the bandages.” Suho ordered calmly. Chanyeol obeyed and gently dragged him into their room. Not a second later, D.O arrived. “Suho is kind of on overdrive right now, so it wouldn’t be a good idea for him to bandage.” He kneeled down by the bed, carefully wiping the remaining blood off before applying the bandages. 
“Jagiya, why don’t you go help? You’re a nurse major right?” Luhan nudged Miyeon.
She looked at him with a slightly surprised look before sighing, giving him a you win look.
“D.O, I’m a nurse I can do this. You guys can go get a rest. I’ll be fine.” Miyeon took the bandages from D.O and kneeled in his place. Adding the remaining bandages. They guys looked at her in awe. Probably thinking, How did Luhan of all people get a girl like her? Honestly, Luhan didn’t even know himself. 
After a minute of staring, the members in the room slowly declined. In the end leaving Miyeon, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. This was an awkward position to be in at the moment but she didn’t really mind. It was her job to take care of people. 
“Longtime no see, Miyeon-ah.” her breathed hitched as she heard the deep voice. “You too, Chanyeol-ssi.” she replied not looking at him. “So it’s -ssi now, not oppa anymore?” Chanyeol was completely shocked. She would always call him oppa, why did it change now?
Miyeon, had nothing to say. She kept her eyes on Baekhyun’s injury. As for Chanyeol, he was sitting on his bed, waiting patiently for an answer. “I’m sorry Chanyeol o-oppa.” she sputtered. “You don’t have to force yourself.” he sighed. Her eyes still never looked up at him. 
“Why can’t you look at me? Did I do something wrong?” She was asking herself the same question. Why couldn’t she do it? What was the reason? Was it because of Baekhyun? 
She slowly whipped her head around to face Chanyeol. He got up from his bed and kneeled down in front of her. “That’s more like it.” he said patting her head. He got up and went out the room, knowing Baekhyun was awake, unsubconciously. 
Miyeon felt a slight of relief when Chanyeol left the room. She didn’t know why, of course. She was looking at Baekhyun’s hand for a little, before having the courage to look at his face. She used her fingers to brush his fringe away. She had always admired how great his skin looked. Soft but yet manly, if that made any sense. 
“Since you’re asleep, I might as well tell you this before I can’t handle it anymore.” she left out a sigh before grabbing his hand. “I wanted to let you know that I forgive you. We were young back then and made mistakes. I knew you didn’t mean it. I’m sorry for overreacting. I shouldn’t have yelled at you so please don’t take the blame on yourself. I don’t like seeing you like this. I have some fault too you know. We are humans, we make mistakes and we learn from them. To grow to a stronger person. I did it and you can too. I want the happy Baekhyun back. I miss him.” 
Unknowingly to her, Baekhyun heard all of that. Tears streamed down his face. He wanted to get up to tell her not to leave him but he couldn’t. He didn’t want a new future with someone different. He wanted to have her. 
He heard soft sobs coming from her, once again he wanted to get up to comfort her in his arms. Telling her that there can’t be an existence of happy Baekhyun without her. He was mentally slapping himself. Trying to move anything. 
Miyeon was about to let go of Baekhyun’s hand when he suddenly squeezed it. She looked up at him to see dry tears on his cheeks. She then stared at his lips. He was mouthing something or atleast trying to. 
“S-Stay.....W-with......M-me.” he breathed. That only made her cry more. She couldn’t even though she might’ve still had feelings for him she couldn’t. She was with Luhan now and he took care of her. He loved her and she loved him. 
Unknowingly, behind the door was a certain someone listening. It was no one other than maknae Sehun. “Baekhyun Hyung and Miyeon? So that was the girlfriend he had 3 years ago.” he said to himself. Dammit, this is a big problem. 
Walking away from the door, he tried to erase the thoughts in his head. He wanted the best for his hyung but he couldn’t see the other get hurt. This was going to be impossible. Both guys love her dearly and she at the end would have to choose. No matter how hard or easy.
He entered his room, stopping by Luhan’s bed to look at him. “Good Luck, hyung.” he breathed. Walking to his bed, he slipped into the covers hoping the best for both.

In the next few chapters, more drama would appear.

Just a pre-warning for anybody that has uh....issues

Well, it's 11:47PM and I am tired. Sitting this chair for a total of 6 hours makes a numb you know.

Good Night! ~Keep Turning the Page~


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boyfriendlove #1
so good! update soon :)
tears omfg ;______;.