Did you think of me?

Make it to the End. (Hiatus*)

Hello, you guys!

I'm sorry for the delay but chapter 3 just had finish! *cheers*

Please, Enjoy.

P.S. This is more like a filler chapter but is quite important.

The morning came in just a blink of an eye. Miyeon collapsed into slumber after a long sobbing session. Baekhyun fell asleep after she did. Chanyeol didn’t return to the room last night, knowing they needed to talk. 
As the sun’s rays peeked through the blinds, Miyeon’s eyes started to flutter. She picked her head up and rubbed her eye for a bit, to adjust to the lighting. She noticed a blanket over her and was laying on a bed. 
Her head etched to the side, making a confused look. How did I get here? Then she looked over to the bed across from her. There lie a peaceful Baekhyun, asleep. 
She got up from her bed to go look at him. His eyes looked less swollen. She sighed in relief, and began to take the bandages on his hand off, replacing them with new ones. 
She was about to finish the last wrapping when a knock on the door was heard. “Good Morning, Miyeon-ah, Breakfast is almost served.” she looked over her shoulder to see her wonderful boyfriend, Luhan.
“How did you know I was in here?"
"Chanyeol told me."
"I'll be out, Let me just finish wrapping these and then......” before she could finish Luhan placed a sweet kiss on her lips. “I’ll do it, go and have breakfast. I’ll wake Baekhyun up to. And don’t worry, it was fine for you to stay here.”
Her eyes blinked at him a couple of times before replying, “Are you sure? I stayed in a room with a boy.” He just smiled at her and took her hand. “Yes, as long as he didn’t do anything to you, I’m fine. He didn’t, didn’t he?” She shook her head and gave a him a kiss on the cheek. 
She left the room, letting out a sigh. How did she get a person like him? “Good Morning Everyone.” Miyeon walked into the dining room, to see no one but Suho. 
“Good Morning, How was your sleep?” Suho asked sending a wave for hello. “Uh, it was good. Yours?” she answered, walking towards the kitchen, eyes still on him. “Same.” she gave him a nod.
"Where's all the others?" Miyeon asked Suho curiously. "Oh, they're just occupying themselves before breakfast gets served." he answered. "Oh, anyways I'll go see if there's any help in the kitchen." Suho nodded with a smile.
“Hey, Do you guys need any.....,” she was stunned at how many foods were already done, that she couldn’t finish. “help.” Lay and D.O turned from their stations to look at Miyeon. “We’re good, it’s almost done. Just take these to the tables. If it isn’t a problem.” Lay smiled. “Not at all, I’ll be glad to.” she returned Lay’s smile and picked up the plates heading to the tables.
She repeated this for two more times, before Lay and D.O came out with the last dishes. “Breakfast is served.” Suho yelled out. Members that had occupied themselves ran into the dining room, quickly getting into their seats. 
When Luhan finished putting on the bandages for Baekhyun, he was going to call him up but then he started whimpering, “M-Miyeon-ah.”  Luhan looked hopelessly confused. Miyeon told him that nothing had happened.
“I’m sorry, please come back.”
Luhan still stood there, wide-eyed at the situation. Before anything could get worse, he shook Baekhyun awake. “Yah, Uri Baekhyun wake up!” It didn’t take Baekhyun long to get up. He blinked his eyes a couple of times, before sitting up. 
“What time is it?” he asked. “Time for breakfast, c’mon.” Luhan grabbed his arm and dragged him out of bed. “But wash up first.” Luhan said, shoving Baekhyun into the bathroom. 
 By the time Luhan got into the dining room, almost half of the food was devoured. “Luhannie, Come eat, I saved you some.” he looked across the room to see his girlfriend pointing to the plate next to her. He gave her a smile, and took the seat next to her. 
The dining room was full of chatting and laughter, it was a very fun atmosphere. It was quite a morning if you ask. 
“Oh, Uri Baekhyun, I saved you some food. Come eat!” Chanyeol yelled out, gesturing to the chair next to him which was right next to Miyeon. Baekhyun looked at the seat hesitantly before lowering himself down. “Good Morning, Baekhyun, You seemed to have gotten better.” Chen said, patting the guy on the back. 
Baekhyun just nodded, while eating his food. He wanted to say Good Morning to Miyeon but everytime he tried to look at her, his heart hurt. Miyeon on the other hand took small glances at the guy next her, which was Baekhyun of course. She tried not to, but it was just something about him that couldn’t keep her eyes away.
Luhan, being quite oblivious noticed nothing, and still made happy conversation with her. Making her laugh, telling her embarrassing stories in a quiet tone so no one could hear. 
A few minutes later, everyone left to do their things, running some errands, going to work just the usual. Luhan asked for a day off at work, so he could accompany Miyeon. She had some errands to run but he insisted that they do them together. 
Baekhyun never gotten a job, he had applied to some places but always made the atmosphere gloomy so they always dropped him. But it wasn’t like he wanted a job, he just wanted to help out with their apartment bills. He hated feeling like a burden.
“Baekhyun, I can’t stay today, my boss told me I’m needed. It’s urgent.” Chanyeol called out, taking his keys. Baekhyun came running out his room wide-eyed. “No, you can’t. You can’t leave me here with them. Take me with you.” he only said loud enough for them two to hear. 
“I’m sorry but I can’t. Hyung look, it’s not going to be easy but please try to let go. Luhan hyung loves her and she feels the same. I can’t tell you what to do because it’s your decision. But please, choose the right one.” Chanyeol said to him. 
After a few moments of silence, Chanyeol sighed and left, closing the door softly. Honestly, no boss called him. He just wanted the best for his hyung. For actually the both of his hyung. He had regretted not telling this to the members but he felt he made the right decision when Luhan and Miyeon stepped in. 
Baekhyun just stood there still, even when Chanyeol had already left. He kept staring into space, thinking about the possibilities of surviving this day. Nope, not a chance. He was about to go to his room, when Luhan walked out. 
“Hey, Why the long face?” Luhan asked, opening the fridge to get some drinks for him and Miyeon. “It’s nothing.” Baekhyun sighed, trying not to look him. Luhan closed the fridge and looked at Baekhyun. He sighed. 
Walking over to Baekhyun, he set down a bottle of water in front of him. “Thanks.” he said eyeing the bottle for awhile and then picking it up to get a sip. “Don’t say it’s nothing. It’s been like that for years.” Luhan stated, taking a sip from his own bottle. Baekhyun was silent. Out of all people, he had to get this conversation with Luhan. 
“If you’re still thinking about her, I think it’s time to let it all go. Maybe that girl was too blind to see the goodness in you. Baekhyun you’re better without her. Make her believe that.” Luhan lectured. All the members know that Luhan cannot be a pep talker or a person to seek advice from except for Sehun. 
Baekhyun looked finally took the courage to look at him. “Hyung, if you only knew.” it was supposed to be a thought in his head but it sort of went out of his mouth unexpectedly. With realization hitting him, he covered his mouth. He didn’t know what was bad about saying that. Like Luhan knows anything, but he’s a guy full of curiosity.
Luhan etched his head to one side making a face of confusion. He was going to ask for an explanation when Miyeon walked out. “Luhannie, What’s........,” The scene in front of her was quite awkward, which made her had a loss of words. If you were standing in front of your lover and your ex-lover, wouldn’t it make you uncomfortable?
“Taking so long?” she finally finished her sentence. The two guys were both looking at her. Which made her extremely uncomfortable. Luhan decided to break the silence, straightening his back he walked towards Miyeon. “Sorry, I was caught up with a conversation with Baekhyun.” he grabbed her hand. 
In reality, Miyeon had no emotions on her face. On the inside, she was blushing red like a tomato. Even though they’ve been going out for a year already, she wasn’t used to skinship yet. 
On the other hand, Baekhyun couldn’t bear to look at the image in front of him. It hurt like walking on glass. To avoid the tears, he quickly went into his room. 
The rest of the day was quite pleasant, no one bothered anyone else, only minding their own businesses. The last person to come home was Lay and it was already dinnertime. Miyeon insisted on going home because they’ve done so much for her. Luhan insisted she stay just for dinner because he knew how stubborn she was. 
“Hey Miyeon? Can you go fetch Baekhyun?” Suho asked, peeking his head out from the kitchen. She was hesitant at first but obliged to the request anyways.
She stopped in front of the door, she took a long sigh before bringing her hand up to knock. “Come in.” Baekhyun called out. She turned the knob and walked. Baekhyun was looking at something on his laptop. His brows were furrowed, two fingers running across his lips. At that, Miyeon knew he was thinking. 
Whenever he furrowed his brows or touched his lips he was concentrating really hard on something. But put the two together, and you just got world’s mad dog. “What did you need?” Baekhyun turned his head, revealing a girl standing in front of him.
“Oh, Miyeon.” he pushed himself off from his seat and made his way to her. Miyeon actually wanted to back away but she felt stiff as a tree. 
“Suho, asked me to get you for dinner. You uh, should come out.” she told him, turning to exit the room. 
At the last minute, before she could walk out, she felt a hand in her’s. “Did...you ever....think of.. me?”

Was it too short? It looked longer in microsoft but uh, that's life right.

Anyways, Please Comment & Subcribe if you like. 

Catch ya'll later!

~Keep Turning the Pages~


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boyfriendlove #1
so good! update soon :)
tears omfg ;______;.