part 2

Player Girlfriend

Yunho back after being a coward for 1 year by hiding himself abroad. He still has not changed despite he stepped in Korea already. His heart was still the same as when he decided to go with a full rage because of being hurt.

Yunho chasing his lover.  He pulled Kibum when he saw the girl would to leave the house where himself and his hyung lived.

Kibum paused as someone pulled her hands. Her eyes glanced over shouder then she got Yunho was nearby.

Kibum could look so calm even though he knew very well if Yunho hates what she has done. Visited another man when she had a relationship with another man, it was really disappointing. - Both their eyes met, there was no little nervousness for Kibum to not in gaze with Yunho.

Yunho was annoyed and upset, he gripped her hand and pulled Kibum rude enough to leave his hyung's home.


Yunho took Kibum somewhere. After the car stopped and two together out of the car, yet no one talks out of their mouths. Kibum and Yunho still silent and just sat side by side at the front of Yunho car.

Kibum could heard clearly when Yunho threw the heavy breathing. But Kibum wasn't slight to see, she just lowered his head then looked up again.

"I had thought to tell you before you got me."

Yunho who just heard Kibum said, being focused on his yeojachingu instantly. While Kibum didn't want to stare into Yunho, she remain to continue something that she should to say, "I'm feel hard to get him. But it would be difficult for me if I still-"

"So you accepted me that you would to be close with him?" as soon Yunho cut.

Kibum started to stare at him. She deepen into Yunho.

Yunho did not get any answer from Kibum that time. But as long Kibum stared on him, has confirmed all things of his question.

His eyes felt so dry that he rolled his eyelids once to lubricate the eyes. The wind outside has been already several times filled the empty space of his car. Yunho was accidentally opened the right side of the window ne
xt him so that he could felt a bit relax after a tiring journey.

Yunho pressed the gas pedal deeper, the car rushed faster on an empty street. Winds blew stronger and messed his strand hair, but he was not bothered by it.


Some people seemed to run toward the long row of wooden chairs that encircled the vast field. A pair eyes that watched was getting curios, he recently went down of his car after he was around the place in few minutes passed.

Yunho broke his steps in front of his car, only wanted to see the whole of riding court before. Yunho later could to conclude by his ownself on what he saw at the time, maybe soon there will be a horse race.

His eyes took around. He stunned to two men exchanged their own small papers. His desire suddenly appeared to step further into new place he was found.

It's been a long time he was not riding with his hyung, watched a horse races seemed to be treating her longing.

Yunho closer to the riding court,  he was too focused and disregarded the surroundings. He was not aware if anyone noticed since he got out of the car within a few feet of his place.

A man grinned when Yunho walked over to the bleachers. That man got idea to come to Yunho.

"Do you want to bet your luck day?" Yunho turned around to see the man who greeted him.

"You want to try it?" Asked the man who stood in front of Yunho. He handed a small paper on Yunho but Yunho has not slight to flinch.

Yunho looked at what the man offered. Again, the man grinned when Yunho saw a number on small paper.

"Maybe today you're lucky. But you'll never know if you never try it. " wording the seller tried to convince the costumer.

Yunho raised his face, eyed to the seller.

The man faced at Yunho, raised his half eyebrow.  "...?" as he asked whether Yunho would to buy or not what offered at him.

Yunho got his smile after the horse race numbers was drawn. The seller had closer to Yunho then leaned to whisper something to the potential customer.


"You're sure if this horse will win later?"

"I've been here long enough. I also know who will ride the horse. This horse is really great because in last week match, this horse became the winner. " said a man wished his horse race numbers would to be bought that girl.

Jaejoong paused at a small paper numbered 47 in her hands. Uneasy feelings slowly start to get assure. She has gained a little confidence in her heart. True, she would have won with her numbers.

Jaejoong squeezed her number of horse racing and put back inside her sweater pocket she worn. She switched to glance her belongs ne
xt her later.


"Not only rich people like you who will put up the stakes here."  his whispering made another man curved his eyebrow after heard it.

The seller pulled himself back, he looked around then got the two men were wearing black suit talking each other. "They will do anything to win this bet." told salesman, then someone nearby followed him to where he meant about his talks before.

"The right choice certainly decisive victory. Because a lot of people who believe in their good fortune but never got it here. " A man was selling his horse race numbers, observed the appearance of the purchaser. His eyes moved up then stopped to see another handsome man before him.

Yunho kept his eyes onto field, horse riders lined up behind the start line. He observed a horseman who sitting on the horse numbered 47. 'Is it true they will do anything to win?' He muttered in silence.

Yunho smirked at his words later.

"This house looks comfortable, hyung?"

Yunho words wasn't make his hyung divert his gaze of the housing magazine that being discussed.

Yunho watched his hyung face. Siwon realized it, he looked over Yunho and smiled faintly to his dongsaeng.

"What do you think?" Siwon asked as pointed one of the house in a magazine.

Yunho laughed while Siwon just responded with his dimples.

"Is it because the house has number 47 then you like to choose them?" Said Yunho

Siwon put his magazine on the table , he back switched at Yunho again, "I believe in luck at the two numbers of?"

"Whatever you say hyung. Are not we going to occupy it together. If you like it, I will like it too. "Yunho hyung stared with confidence.

Siwon stretched his smile widely, his face beamed after Yunho agreed.



Rows of horse riding started running to leave the starting line. They chased each other to gain a leading position.

Two people who watched the race began smiling as their horse leading in the race. They become eager to shout encouragingly.

"GO FASTER!" Jaejoong yelled, she could not keep her excitement to stand up from his seat.

"YA, PPALLI!" A shout behind Jaejoong was up, it slided her gaze of the track race. Her eyes caught a namja who stood while pointing his fist to the field.

Man stopped his acts because he realized Jaejoong noticed. Both their eyes met for a moment. But Yunho soon ended and took a look back to the field. "47!" He screamed aloud, used one hand to cover the corners of widenly opened when he shouting his horserace numbers.

Jaejoong turned herself wearily. She paused to think about what he had just heard. She took her horserace number of her sweater's pocket to be seen. That namja had the same number as her.

Jaejoong fell down onto her seat. She were going to share her prize with that namja if she won it later. Splited into two parts, it was so disturbing her brain's working to think. Jaejoong took a deep breath and threw slowly to calm herself. She tried to speak with herself if the amount to be received will still be excessive for her even though he had to share it with that namja.


Jaejoong looked over at her ears were so sensitive to catch.

"Come on 47!" Shouted someone to the field.

"I think the lucky has owned by number 47 and I'm sure if today is our time to win." a friend of man has shouted first tried to continue his friend talks.

Jaejoong grinded her teeth sadly to the two men with their happily faces, just as she done before she knew the thruth that there were some people who supported the same number with her.

'Why they're so manyyy ~ ~ " softly she said were going to drop a tears.

Up counting a lot of people was handing the same numbers as her has found and the amount didn't enough to do by both fingers of her hands, Jaejoong earnest limp. Maybe if she was standing when it then she will fainted then hit anything.

Somehow, with many of them whether he will get enough money as previously thought?


Something happened and distracted Jaejoong eyes, she bulging in maximum. His heart was punctured once in one sight.

OH, GOD!! - After letting she knew about how many people were betting on the same numbers with her. Then the whole frightened was being blown totally of Jaejoong immediately without trace.

"Aish, !" cursed someone, later left away after squeezing his horserace numbers and threw it to bottom's seat.


Still have many puzzles inside the story, please be patient to forward.


Chingu, feel free to comment, ne?



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Noonanomuyeopo #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^